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May 25, 2006 - Image 95

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-05-25

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our NEW
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Garry Marshall, left, director Scott

Marshall, center, and Jeremy Piven on

the set of Keeping Up With the Steins

clad, along with his spaced-out blonde
girlfriend Sandy (Daryl Hannah),
whom he met on an Indian reservation,
where her name was Sacred Flower.
Irwin deserted his wife Rose (Doris
Roberts) and young family 26 years
ago, and Adam, who hasn't seen or
talked to his father since, has never
forgiven him.
Father-son relations go from bad
to worse when Irwin and Sandy go
skinny-dipping in the family pool (in
public view but backsides only), though
the old hippie has better luck bonding
with his grandson Benjamin.
The cast also includes Cheryl Hines
(Larry David's wife on Curb Your
Enthusiasm) as the party planner and
Richard Benjamin as the rabbi.

Honorary Jews
Garry Marshall, born 72 years ago
under the good Italian family name
of Marsciarelli, said that his son, the
director, picked him for the grandfa-
ther role as "his 10th choice:'
In truth, agreed Scott Marshall, 37,
he had first tried to cast Carl Reiner
and Mel Brooks, but both balked at
the skinny-dipping part. When he
approached his father, the latter asked
who would be his pool partner: Told

it would be Hannah, Garry quickly
During a joint interview at the
Marshall family-built and run
Falcon Theatre in Burbank, Calif.,
father and son noted their qualifi-
cations as honorary Jews.
Garry, whose credits as comedy
writer, producer, actor and direc-
tor stretch from TV's Dick Van
Dyke Show of the 1960s through
Mork and Mindy, to such films as
Pretty Woman and the recent The
Princess Diaries 2, pointed to his
Bronx boyhood and accent.
However, his real education came
as a decades-long comedy writer,
when he was thoroughly indoc-
trinated with Jewish and Yiddish
humor by his fellow scribes.
Scott, directing his first full-
length feature film, passed the eth-
nic test when he had to convince
Steins producer A.D. Oppenheim
that he could do justice to the
script by Mark Zakarin, even though
the budding director wasn't Jewish.
"I told the producer that I married a
Jewish woman, and therefore, in a way,
I have a Jewish mother:' said Scott.
"Luckily, that was close enough:'
He further strengthened his case
during the interview by referring to
"bubbie's latkes" and his education at
the private Oakwood School in North
"When I was in seventh grade, I
went to over-the-top bar mitzvahs all
the time:' Scott recalled. "At that age,
it was about the only place you could
meet girls and socialize:'
He met his future wife at the school.
After shooting three separate bar
mitzvah ceremonies or parties for the
movie, Scott Marshall said, "Through
this experience, I feel I have finally
become a man:'


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May 25 • 2006

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