Editor's Letter When you A Voice Of Conservatism Second of two parts W e can't expect non-Jews to respect and accept us as Jews as part of the pantheon of peoples if we don't show those feelings toward one another. Stifled somewhat by the horns of this dilemma, the Jewish community continues to grapple with its differences at the expense of what it shares as a culture and as a faith. Dr. Arnold Eisen, the new chancellor-desig- nate of the Conservative movement's New York seminary, puts this notion of pluralism among Jews and non-Jews high on his priority list. And that's the right thing to do. Friction between our streams, and our inter-stream indifference, will kill us as a people long before conflict with other religions does. For example, I'm appalled at the gross apathy among Jews toward the rising tide of anti-Zionism on university cam- puses. Eisen, chairman of the Department of Religious Studies at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif., is working in tandem with a transition team and Rabbi Ismar Schorsch, current chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Eisen will take over the JTS leadership reins on July 1, 2007, when Schorsch retires. In a striking moment when we talked in the Southfield offices of the IN on May 8, Eisen said: "We've got to be able to work with Jews whose blessing we can't get and to whom we can't give our blessing; it's an imperative of the Jewish people that we do this. It's also an imperative for the United States that we reach out across religious lines and express respect, tolefance and coopera- tion for non-Jews." _ Indeed, we must embrace dialogue on both of these fronts, even without firm agreement. The equation of Jewish identity becomes more complex as growth in the Reform and Orthodox communities compels the middle ground to re- define and re-calibrate what it is. Eisen realizes he'll encounter diversity at every turn as he travels the U.S: as titular head of the Conservative move- ment. And he's ready. "I do hope to achieve a sense of how we can all be a family of paths inside one movement despite the very real dis- agreements that we have,' he says. Dr. Arnold Eisen The movement bet- ter stand up and take notice. Issues range from integration of women into synagogue life to use of instruments on Shabbat to the lures of assimilation on campus. Divergence in thought on pressing issues of the day is the American way. It's also a sign of vibrancy within the Conservative move- . ment. What's hard is arriving at a decision without splinter- ing the movement's mini-communities be they synagogues, study teams or umbrella groups. That's why Eisen says the rabbinic and teaching arms of the movement will decide the white-hot issue of possible ordination of gays and lesbians, not he, even though he isn't opposed to it. "I'm going to try to convince everybody, insofar as it is in my power, that there are many more things that unite us as Conservative Jews than are going to divide us, including this issue he says. - "That's my fond hope." For the sake of the movement, I hope he's right. In terms of inter-religious outreach, there's good reason for Jews to encourage Muslim-Jewish dia- logue in America. If it can't take root here, where can it? Failure to do so would be ominous. As Eisen says: "The consequences for the Jewish people worldwide would be bad." In the pursuit of internal pluralism on the JTS campus, Eisen will engage the faculty in clarifying what it means to be a halachic movement. "I know there are going to be different options;' he says. Wherever that discussion leads, "we're not going to stop speaking the language of obligation:' he vows. He underscores that he would never support patrilineal descent in determining whether a child is Jewish. He favors conversion within interfaith families — a core Conservative belief. Eisen's new job is to strengthen JTS, but he understands his obligation within the Conservative movement and his obligation to Judaism. I applaud how he distills the essence Friction between our streams, and our inter- stream indifference, will kill us as a people long before conflict with other religions does. of his daunting role: "My obligation overwhelmingly is to Torah and the Jewish people — and to God." Here's the new ambassador of the Conservative movement declaring the importance of Jews remaining Jews first. Says Eisen: "I think we're all at the point where we're not going to quibble what kind of Jews they are." It's good to hear that he will purposefully reach out to Reform and Orthodox leaders to bridge the Jewish streams around our common heritage. "My job:' Eisen says, "is to make sure that we can strength- en the Jewish community as much as we can." He really gets it. ❑ include someone with a disability, you enrich a life. Yours. The hardest part about having a disability isn't the disability, ft's having your gifts and talents overlooked. It's being left out by those who don't know what you can bring to the party. So do something nice for yourself. Include someone with a disability in your life. Discover how much more we're alike than different. We can help you make that connection. Call JARC at 248-538-6610 ext. 349 or log onto jarc,org. What's your top idea for strengthening Conservative Judaism? Is there a blurring of the lines among the movements to the point of confusion? E-mail: Ietters@thejewishnews.com Helping People With Disabilities Be Included In Their Community - All Through Their Lives 1070660 May 25 • 2006 5