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May 11, 2006 - Image 99

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-05-11

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•• •

Bloomfield; grandchildren, Ilana
and Ari Goldman; brothers and sis-
ters-in-law, Albert and Syvia Siegel
of Palo Alto, Calif., Dr. Sheldon and
Dr. Natalie Siegel of Indianapolis.
Interment at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Contributions may
be made to Brandeis University
National Women's Committee, P.O.
Box 549110 MS 132, Waltham, MA
02454 or Chamber Music Society
of Detroit, 31731 N.W Highway,
Suite #259W, Farmington Hills,
MI 48334. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

of Southfield, died May 7, 2006. She
was a life member of Jewish Women
Mrs. Kellerman is survived by her
son and daughter-in-law, Frank and
Eva Kellerman of Seekonk, Mass.;
daughter and son-in-law, Janet and -
Jan Gubkin of Southfield; brother
and sister-in-law, Samuel M. and
Elinor Rice of California; grandchil-
dren, Josh Gubkin, Liora Gubkin
and Richard Malicdem, Brooklyn
Kellerman, Grant Kellerman. She
was the beloved wife of the late
Walter Kellerman
Contributions may be made to
Jewish Women International, 2868
Woodbine Drive, Waterford, MI
48328; Alzheimer's Association,
20300 Civic Center Drive, #100,
Southfield, MI 48076; or to a char-
ity of one's choice. Interment at
Beth El Memorial Park Cemetery.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

Valdosta, Ga., formerly of Detroit,
died May 2, 2006. She lived in
Charlotte, N.C., from 1957 to 2005
and was active in Charlotte with
Temple Israel, its sisterhood and also
Mrs. Litwak is survived by a
daughter and son-
in-law, Susan and
Louis Schmier of
Valdosta; son and
Lawrence Litwak
and Debby Faber
of Newton, Mass.;
son-in-law and
law, Michael Mixer and Kathryn
Marunick; nine grandchildren, three
great-grandchildren; brother and
sister-in-law, Sam and Ginny Faber.

Obituaries on page 100

As the sole Jewish agency in
Ypsilanti, Eastern Michigan
University (EMU) Hillel is
the only Jewish organiza-
tion many of the 1,000
- Jewish students at EMU
will be in contact with
during their college years.
The students' demand for
programming haS increased
to include social action,
religious, cultural, social,
educational, athletic, and
Israel-related activities.
EMU Hillel works to edu-
cate the broader campus
community as well. Since
EMU graduates more teach-
ers than other school in
Michigan, they place an
emphasis on ensuring that
they have experience with,
and an understanding
of, Judaism.

On-Line Donations

Now you can make donations to the charity of your choice on-line!
No stamps, envelopes or checks needed.
Our on line link will let you donate to many charities locally and abroad.
It's safe, easy and secure.
A beautiful acknowledgement card will be sent
by mail to the recipient. Just log on to:
Jewish.com or
and click on the Donations link.


Alyn Hospital

Eastern Michigan
University Hillel

Alzheimer's Associa-
tion — Greater Michigan

Fresh Air Society and
Tamarack Camps

ARMDI — American Red
Magen David for Israel

Greater Detroit Chapter
of Hadassah

Barbara Ann
Karmanos Cancer Institute

Hillel Foundation of
Metropolitan Detroit

•B'nai B'rith
Great Lakes Region

Hospice of Michigan

Huron Valley —
Sinai Hospital

B'nai B'rith Youth
Organization -
Michigan Chapter

The Jerusalem

•Congregation B'nai Moshe

•Detroit Friends of
Bar—Ilan University

Jewish Community

Jewish A

Jewish rariwy, 714.•rl,!:
Metro • Deuce'

The Jewish
Metropolitan Detroit

Jewish Historical Society

Jewish Home & Aging

Jewish Hospice &
Chaplaincy Network

JNF Trees for Israel

Michigan State University


National Council
of Jewish Women

OneFainily -
The Israel Emergency
Solidarity Fund

Temple Shir Shalom

Women's American ORT
Michigan Region

University of Michigan

Yad Sarah



Mt) ://www.irakaufman


Bringing Together Family, Faith & Community

18325 West Nine Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075
248-569-0020 • Facsimile 248-569-2502

We Get Questions

Q : I need a certified copy of my father's

death certificate. He died in Florida 16
years ago. Can you assist me?

A : Absolutely. Call and let me know


where your father died. I will call a
colleague in Florida to send you as many
copies as you need.

National Council of Jewish Women
presents "Captivating Kitchens,"
7 pm, Mon, May 15, 2006 and
11 am, 'Dues, May 16, 2006. Patron
event to be held at Specialties
Showroom, 2800 W. Eleven Mile
Road, Berkley

Event to benefit Meals on Wheels,
and other community service groups.
May 15 "first course" patron event
includes fabulous food from
local chefs, caterers and The Food
Network's Michelle Bommarito.
Silent auction merchandise
from local retailers.

"Second course" kitchen tour
on May 16 showcases most
luxurious kitchens of area homes.
Call for tour location information.

Patron tickets: $125/ person,
includes tour ticket.
Tour only $35.

For more information,
or to make reservations,
call 248.355.3300.

(h t ki rf_'11 •

• tradition



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O ne-on-One.

No matter what time you call Co rep ort a death, or
ask about a shiva or a memorial contribution, you deserve to
of Our family, not an answering service.

May 11 4 2006


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