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April 27, 2006 - Image 67

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-04-27

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Mazel Toy!

Scout's Honor

Billy Whiting's

sash displays

his merit

Temple Beth El project helps
teen soar to Eagle rank.

Leonard Poger
Copy Editor


illy Whiting is a top
Scout in several ways.
He is the first Boy
Scout in the history of Temple
Beth El to earn Scouting's three
religious awards.
And he recently soared to the
Eagle rank, the highest in the
Boy Scout organization. Only
five percent of Scouts achieve
that rank.
Billy's role model is his
mother, MernaLyn, who has
served as Cub Scout pack lead-
er, assistant scoutmaster, and
merit badge counselor.
Billy, of Bloomfield Hills and
a fifth-generation member of
the temple, reached the Eagle

rank at the age of 14. Most who
achieve the rank are typically
17 and high school seniors.
He worked 231/2 hours last
year on his Eagle project. He
created Commemorative Hall,
a unique display of Temple
Beth El's milestone photos and
related memorabilia reflect-
ing its 150-year history. Billy
. rematted and reframed photos
in the temple's collection and
arranged them in chronological
Rabbi David Castiglione
of Temple Beth El said Billy's
efforts had the quality of a doc-
toral project.
Billy said he had a "niche for
Scouting" as a youngster, "and
always loYed to be active in
Scouting and the community."

April 13
Limor and Rick Hendricks of Southfield
are pleased to announce
the birth of their daugh-
ter, Charlotte Claire.
Grandparents are Dahlia
Berkovitz of Walled
Lake, Joshua Berkovitz
of West Bloomfield
and Pam and Kerry
Hendricks of Great Bend, Kan.

April 5
Nanci (Narens) and Rocky Levy of
Highland Park, Ill., are thrilled to
announce the birth of their daughter,
Ruby Hannah. She was welcomed home
by big sister Lexie Faye, 4, and big brother
Shale Aaron, 7. Sharing in their happiness
are grandparents Judie and Ed Narens
of Franklin and Gloria and Jerry Levy
of Deerfield, Ill., and great-grandmother
Harriet Konst of Skokie, Ill. Ruby is named
in loving memory of her great-grand-
mother Ruth Levy and great-grandfather
Harry Narens.

April 4
Rachel and Evan Albert of Southfield are
delighted to announce the birth of their
son, Simon Herschel
(Shimon Tzvi Hirsch).
Welcoming their future
playmate home are big
brother Yoni and big sis-
ter Dalia. Proud grand-
parents are Toby and Bill
Albert of Southfield and
Len and Sue Dubin of Skokie, Ill. Shimon


literature. Billy
.Earning the various awards
"feels great — it is a sense of • had to- demon-
strate his knowl-
accomplishment and achieve-
edge through
required writing
Billy, who turns 15 on May
17, has been in Scouting since
on key biblical
he was a first-grader. As a
sources, how to
member of Troop 1039, he
keep kashrut -
has held nearly all the leader-
while camping,
ship posts open to him as well
taking part in
as earning 36 merit badges.,
synagogue worship, writing
substantially more than the
a brief composition on how
required 21. The Eagle require-
the Ner Tamid program helps
ments were completed last
a Scout, 15 prominent Jewish
December with Billy offi-
personalities, accomplish-
cially receiving the award at a
ments of prominent American
February Court of Honor.
Jews, and details about Israel's
A four-page document
details the requirements for the history, geography and major
Ner Tamid religion award, cov-
He was also required to take
ering a comprehensive knowl-•
an active role in temple life and
edge of Jewish holidays and

Tzvi Hirsch is lovingly named in memory
of his paternal grandfather Harry (Tzvi
Hirsch) Albert.

April 1
Rebecca (Abel) and David Salama of
Huntington Woods are delighted to
announce the birth of
their son, Elliot Joseph
(Eli Zvi Yosef). Very
excited grandparents are
Barbara and Ernest Abel
of West Bloomfield and
Rita and Joseph Salama
of Farmington Hills.
Also sharing in their joy
are great-grandmothers Regina Salama
and Beatrice Sonders, both of Hallandale,
Fla. Elliot is named in loving memory of
his paternal great-grandfather Harold
Perlstein (Zvi) and his paternal grandfa-
ther (Joseph), per Sephardic custom.

March 15
Amy (Rothenberg) and Jon Milenthal of
West Bloomfield are thrilled to announce
the birth of their daughter, Rylan Grace
(Raina Tova). Welcoming Rylan home is
excited big sister Alana
Shae, 2 1/2. Sharing in
their joy are grandpar-
ents Ellen and David
Rothenberg of West
Bloomfield and Bonnie
and David Milenthal of
Columbus, Ohio. Proud
great-grandmothers are
Nettie Rothenberg and Bernice Milenthal.
Rylan Grace is named in loving memory

of her maternal great-grandmother
Gertrude Scheuer.

Dec. 10
Amy (Seiferheld) and Adam Lumberg
announce with love the birth of their son,
Harrison Lewis (Tzvi
Arya). Loving grand-
parents are Pam and
Gene Lumberg. He is
also the grandson of the
late Vivian and the late
Heinz Seiferheld. Also
sharing in the joy are
great-grandparents Howard and Marian
Guttman and Helen and Phil Sherman.
Harrison is named in memory of his
maternal grandfather Heinz Seiferheld
and paternal great-grandfather Louis

Oct. 4
Andrea (Rapp) Buman and Michael
Buman of New York City are proud to
announce the birth of
their son, Benjamin
Zusya (Ze'ev). Proud
grandparents are Caren
and Larry Rapp and
Galina and Arkady
Buman, all of Bloomfield
Hills. Sharing in their
joy are great-grand-
parents Rose and Yakov Buman of Israel.
Benjamin Zusya is named in loving mem-
ory of his maternal great-grandfather
Benjamin Rapp and his paternal great-
grandfather Zusya Rabinky.

complete several community
service duties, such as collect-
ing food and clothing for the
Billy, a freshman at Andover
High School, earned the first
of Scouting's three religious
awards at the age of 6 as a Cub

See related story, page 14.

Sept. 25
Wendy and Howard Himelhoch of Livonia
are thrilled to announce the birth of their
son, Wesley Julian (Zev). Proud grand-
parents are Marcy and Paul Himelhoch
of Beverly Hills.
Wesley is named in
loving memory of
his late great-uncle
William Nelson and
his late grandfather
Julian Hammer.
Alissa Nicole
Cohen, daughter
of Carolyn and
Jason Cohen and
sister of Alanna,
will read from the
Torah Friday, April 28, at Temple Israel.
She is the grandchild of Winnie and Aaron
Krieger, Elaine Cohen and Vera and Moshe
Cohen. She is also the great-grandchild
of the late Pearl Goldberg, the late Minna
Krieger, the late Frances Boxman and the
late Harry Cohen.
Alissa attends Orchard Lake Middle
school in West Bloomfield. One of her
most meaningful mitzvah projects was
assembling fleece blankets for Oakland
county children in foster care through a-
National Council of Jewish Women project
called Kuddles for Kids.

Ariel Nicole Feldman, daughter of
Denise Feldman and Dr. Robert Feldman,
will celebrate her bat mitzvah at Temple
Israel Saturday, April 29. She is the
sister of Daniel and the grandchild of
Loretta and Jack Gold and Irene and Yale

April 27 * 2006


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