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April 27, 2006 - Image 46

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-04-27

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Arts & Entertainment



Family Collaboration

Adapted by entertainer Carol Burnett
and her daughter Carrie Hamilton
(before the lattees death from cancer in
2002) from Burnett's 1986 memoir One
More Time, the production Hollywood
Arms focuses on the hopes, failures and
successes of three generations of women.
The bittersweet memory play takes its
name from the rundown hotel near the
Hollywood Hills where Burnett's alter
ego, , vouna Helen Melton, lives with her
mother and grandmother beginning in
Stagecrafters 2nd Stage mounts a pro-
duction of Arms April 28-May 7 at the
Baldwin Theatre in Royal Oak, directed
by Jay Kaplan of Oak Park. The original
Broadway production,
directed by Harold
Prince, starred Jewish
actress Linda Lavin as
Nanny, the character
based on Burnett's.
Tickets are $12. Call
(248) 541-6430.

e ws

All Keyed Up



Gail Zimmerman

Arts Editor

Brickman will be the featured perform- than 15 years from the Motor City, who
er in a fund-raiser for Macomb Center
"My mother is Jewish and my father
will showcase her talents in a one-night-
is Lutheran, so I was exposed to a lot
for the Performing Arts 8 p.m. Saturday,
only event at Music Hall Center for the
April 29, at the Clinton Township venue.
of faith-based music from all different
Performing Arts. Music Hall's fund-rais-
points of view:' says pianist
Ticket prices range from $55-$95. Pricing ing Fifth Annual Cars and Stars gala
Jim Brickman. "That's what the
for all main floor seats includes
takes place 7 p.m. Friday, June 9, at the
album Grace (2005) celebrates
a tax-deductible donation to the
Detroit venue.
— music of all faiths." On a
Macomb Center, while tickets
Incidentally, Minnelli helped boost the
lighter less spiritual note, the
within the Golden Circle include
career of at least one prominent Jewish
musician's most recent album,
a champagne afterglow and silent
musical artist. As reported by the Jewish
auction. (586) 286-2222 or
Jim Brickman: The Disney
Journal of Greater Los Angeles, the late
Songbook, pays tribute to the
www.MacombCenter.com .
Ira Gershwin introduced his then assis-
rich Disney musical repertoire- Jim Brick man
tant Michael Feinstein to Liza; the famed
Minnelli In Motown
with fresh interpretations of
lyricist had been best man at the wed-
"My mother should have been
beloved cinema songs.
ding of her parents, Garland and director
Known for his versatility and romance- Jewish. She could have taught a class
Vincente Minnelli. Liza, in turn,
on how to induce guilt," Lorna
laced compositions ("Valentine;' "The
made possible Feinstein's first big
Luft, younger daughter of Judy
Gift,"Destiny"), the Cleveland, Ohio,
club date at the Algonquin Hotel
native got his start as a Garland and her third — and
in New York in 1986, leading to
longest-lasting — husband, Sid
college student writing
Feinstein's high-powered enter-
Luft, once said. Sid Luft, who
commercial jingles. In
tainment career.
addition to his albums, died last year at age 90, was the
Tickets for Liza in Concert
son of Jewish immigrants and
PBS specials and col-
are $55-$85 and are available at
produced Garland's triumphant Liza Min nelli
laborations with other
all Ticketmaster locations, by
artists, he is the author film remake of A Star Is Born in
calling (248) 645-6666 or through
1954. Lorna, like her mother and
of two books of essays,
www.ticketmaster.com .yor the special
half-sister, Liza Minnelli, is
Simple Things and
gala package featuring preferred seating,
a versatile entertainer.
101 Lessons from the
cocktail party, dinner, dancing and auction,
And it's Liza, after an absence of more
call (313) 887-8510.

American release will be donated to
the Flight 93 National Memorial.
United 93 co-stars handsome-
actor David Alan Basche,
Fatal Flight
playspassenger Todd
Opening Friday, April 28, is United
was one of those who
93, a film about the flight hijacked by
the hijackers. .
terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001,
on. TV's
that ultimately crashed in
a a Pennsylvania field and
An important film charac-
diverted an attack on the
is Jeremy Glick, a real-
White House or U.S. Capitol.
Jewish passenger on the
There has been criticism
and a former national
over re-enacting the events
judo champion.
(in real time) so soon after
wife shortly
the disaster. However, all
David Ala
crashed, gave
of the victims' families
hijacking and
were contacted before the
to. partici-
film was made and gave their bless-
aisle to the
ings to the project. Ten percent of all
box-office revenue collected from the
first three days of the film's North


Nate Bloom
Special to the Jewish News


46 April 27 • 2006

Tiffany's Gefilte

summer. The jewelry is divided into
several categories —"including one
In 1996, architect Frank Gehry
inspired by fish.
became world famous when
The designer constan
his strikingly original and
: ,,..uses a fish motif in his
beautiful Guggenheim
architectural works. He once
Museum in Bilbao, Spain,
explained he was somewhat
opened. In 2003, he became
inspired by the live fish his
a Hollywood icon when the
grandmother kept in the
equally original Walt Disney
family bathtub until they
Concert Hall, which he also
went- into her gefilte-fish
designed, opened in Los
Frank Gehry
recipe. -
Angeles. So it's not surprising
By the way, a recent rrimi
that a bunch of Hollywood
profile of Gehry in Elle Decor
A-List celebs recently turned
magazine listed 12 things he can't live
out for the launch of a line of Gehry-
without. N6. 1 - on the list? Dutch Ian
designed jewelry for Tiffany.
scape painter Jacob van Ruisdael's
Gehry, 76, is the first artist in 26
The Jewish Cemetery, at the Detroit
years to be commissioned by Tiffany.
Institute of Arts. Li.
His baubl6 will be offered in all
Tiffany stores, and online, by this


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