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April 13, 2006 - Image 90

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-04-13

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Bringing Together Family, Faith & Community

18325 West Nine Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075

248-569 - 0020 • Facsimile 248 -569 -2502

Q : My mother died very young 28 years

ago. My father told us he is donating his
body to Wayne State University's Medical
School when he dies. We are uncomfortable
with his decision, but more so that. our
mother died believing she would be next to
him upon his death: Any thoughts?


p rofiles



A : Signing documents to donate your body is

not complete assurance of the Medical SchooPs
acceptance. If your family chooses to honor
his wish, we could arrange with the School to
call us upon completion of its study, and we
could coordinate a private graveside service.

Israel Emergency .
Solidarity Fund

OneFamily Was created in
response to the ongoing trag-

edies affecting families and
children in Israel caused by

terrorism. The Fund pro"mbtes
the long-term physical and

emotional health, educational;
housing, income maintenance

and other needs of survivors
and their families. We are a

catalyst, knowledgeable grant
maker, and responsible guard-

ian. The impetus for IESF-

OneFamily came from twelve
year-old Michal. Belzberg of

Jerusalem. Michal cancelled
her Bat Mitzvah party to

contribute the funds to the

orphans, bereaved families,
and wounded victims.

90 April

13 2006

Federation's Alliance For
Jewish Education presents
J-Serve 2006 "Teens
Repairing the World...
One Day at a Time"
Sun, April 23, 2006,
Registration 10:30 am,
Temple Emanu-El
14450 W. 10 Mile Road
Oak Park

Teens from Detroit Jewish
community participate in
day of intergenerational service
and learning by improving
quality of life for elderly and
providing companionship and

other needed services.
Participants clean and repair
Teitel and Prentis buildings
and grounds.

Guest speakers include
Rabbi Josh Bennett of Temple
Israel, State Sen. Gilda Jacobs
(D-Huntington Woods) and
Maggie Gaines of spark: Heart


All welcome!
Participants receive t-shirt
and pizza.

For information, call
Judy Lewis at (248) 642-4260.

Now you can make donations to the charity of your choice on-line!
No stamps, envelopes or checks needed.
Our on-line link will let you donate to many charities locally and abroad.
Its safe, easy and secure.
A beautiful acknowledgement card will be sent
by mail to the recipient. Just log on to:
Jewish.com or
and click on the Donations link.

Participating Chariti es:

Alyn Hospital

Eastern Michigan
University Hillel

Alzheimer's Associa-
tion — Greater Michigan

Fresh Air Society and
Tamarack Camps

ARMDI — American Red
Magen David for Israel

Greater Detroit Chap
of Hadassali

Barbara Ann
Karmanos Cancer Institute

Hillel Foundation - of
Metropolitan Detroit

B'nai B'rith
Great Lakes Region

Hospice of Michigan

B'nai B'rith Youth
Organization ,
Michigan- Chapter

Congregation B'nai Moshe

Detroit Friends of
Bar—Ilan University

Huron Valley —
Sinai Hospital

The Jerusalem

Jewish Community

The Jewz,

Jewish Historical Society:

Jewish Home & Aging

Jewish Hospice &
Chaplaincy Network

JNF Trees for Israel

Michigan State University

Obituaries from page 89

82, of Las Vegas, formerly of West
Bloomfield, died April 2, 2006. He
was a retired budget analyst for the
U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force.
Mr. Singerman is survived by his
wife of 56 years, Shirley; daughter
and son-in-law, Susan and Marc
Andrews; son and daughter-in-
law, Lowell and Linda Singerman;
grandsons, Aaron Fleisher,
Alexander Singerman, Ryan
Andrews; sister, Evelyn Anchill;
sister-in-law Mary Singerman;
numerous nieces and nephews.
Contributions may be made to
the national Alzheimer's founda-
tion or national kidney foundation.

Farmington Hills, died April 9,
2006. She was an interior designer.
She was also a life member of
Congregation Shaarey Zedek and
a member of the Radomer Aid
Society Music Study Club.
Mrs. Weintraub is survived by
her son and daughter-in-law, Dr.
Gerald and Dr. Rosalyn Weintraub of
Farmington Hills; daughter, Joanne
Weintraub of Ann Arbor and partner,
Duane Rorabacher; grandchildren,
Jason and Elizabeth Weintraub, Dr.
Joshua and Dr. Christine Weintraub,
Adam and Mishi Weintraub, Michael
Adelson, Robert and Jacqueline
Adelson, Andrew and Mary Colman
Adelson, Beth and Goetz Veser;
great-grandchildren, Sarah, Joseph,
Rei, Maia and to Weintraub, Sophia,
Oliver and Emma Adelson, Felix and
Benjamin Veser; sister, Bertha Karch
of Traverse City; son-in-law, Dr. Irwin
Adelson. She was the beloved wife
of the late Joseph 'Weintraub; loving
mother of the late Joyce Adelson.
Interment at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Contributions may be
made to the Multiple Sclerosis
Society, David Hermelin Brain
Tumor Research at Henry Ford
Hospital or to a charity of one's
choice. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.


Solidarity Fund

Temple Shir Shalom

Women's American ORT
Michigan Region

University of Michigan

Yad Sarah

• The obituary for Amy Levin
Syrett (April 6) should have
indicated that contributions
may be made to Cedars Sinai
Medical Center, Amy Levin
Syrett Memorial Fund, P.O.
Box 48750, Room 2416, Los
Angeles, CA 90048. She was
the loving daughter of the late
Reubin Levin.

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