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March 16, 2006 - Image 23

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-03-16

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Location. Luxury. Lifestyle.

Ruach Casino Night

The Ruach Group of the Greater
Detroit Chapter of Hadassah will hold
its fifth annual Casino Night and Silent
Auction at 8-10:30 p.m. Saturday, April
1, at the Sarah and Ralph Davidson
Hadassah House in West Bloomfield.
Proceeds support the Hadassah
Medical Organization in Israel.
Games will include Texas Hold 'Em
poker, blackjack, craps and bingo.
Tickets are $25 each by March 21 and
$30 after that date and at the door.
The ticket price includes $100 in chips,
plus hors d' oeuvres, pizza and dessert.
Ruach fund-raising co-vice presi-
dent Tricia Schoenbaum said prizes
will be awarded to the top three chip
holders at the end of the evening.
Guests can also buy bingo cards to
play for prizes.
Attendees can bid on luxury items in
the silent auction, including fine jewel-
ry, photography sittings from local stu-
dios, a private tour of WDIV-TV with
the opportunity to watch a live news
broadcast, Detroit Symphony Orchestra
tickets, and a package for a party at


For college age through 30-some-
thing. Send information to


March 16 Thursday, 5-7p.m. HMD
happy hour at Lily's Seafood, 410
S. Washington, Royal Oak. RSVP to
Karen: hilleled@wayne.edu or (313)

March 24 Friday, 6:30 p.m. Shabbat
Dinner for the Mind, Body & Soul
at Oak Park JCC. Cost: $10. Relaxed
dinner in comfortable clothes, even
sweats or PJs. De-stress activities,
including massage. RSVP by Tuesday,
March 21, to Dina: hillelpd@wayne.
edu or (313) 577-3459.

EMU Hillel, Ypsilanti

March 19 Sunday, 1-3 p.m. First-
year students bagel brunch at Walton
Putnam Main Lounge. Free. RSVP to
Kourtney: kspauldi@emich.edu or
(734) 482-0456.

March 21 Tuesday, 7 p.m. Assemble
snack packs for children from low-
income families in Washtenaw County.
RSVP to Sarah: smills4@emich.edu or
(734) 482-0456.

Barnstormers with a $2,500 value.
"Last year's event sold our,' said
fund-raising co-vice president Beth
To RSVP, call Hadassah, (248) 683-
5030. Send checks, payable to Ruach
Hadassah, to Hadassah House, 5030
Orchard Lake Rd., West Bloomfield, MI
Committee chairs include: Cindy
Atler, Deborah Chasnick, Becky
Friedman, Annise Goodman, Beth
Kahn, Tricia Schoenbaum and Stacey
Welford. Ruach Hadassah is an orga-
nization for women in their 20s to 40s.
The event is open to the community.

Park Avenue
Woodward Avenue



Valet Parking

Dry Cleaning Service

Free Covered Guest Parking

CMU Speaker

Holocaust survivor David Kahan will
speak at Central Michigan University
7 p.m. Tuesday, March 28, at Plachta
The event is sponsored by the Hillel-
Jewish Student Organization. For
information, go to cmuhillel@yahoo.
com .

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for life

MSU HILLEL, E. Lansing

March 19 Sunday, 8 p.m. "One Arab.
One Jew. One Stage." An Evening
of non-political laughs at the
International Center. Free tickets
for students, $5 for others. RSVP to
Ariana: segalari@msu.edu .

Never Lower!

NEW 2006 S60 2.5 Turbo

March 24 Friday, Family Shabbat,
6 p.m. services, 7 p.m. complimen-
tary dinner for students and Parent
Leadership Circle members. RSVP
by March 20 to Becky: operations@
msuhillel.org .


per month

U M HILLEL, Ann Arbor


March 16 Thursday, 8-10 p.m.
Graduate and Professional bar night at
Rush Street, 314 S. Main.

March 20 8 p.m. Michigan Union.
American Movement for Israel will
hear Nolan Finley, editorial page edi-
tor for the Detroit News. For informa-
AMIinfo@umich.edu .

March 22 Wednesday. American
Movement for Israel bar night.
Information: agaba@umich.edu.

March 23 Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Volunteers In Action charity concert
and raffle at Good Time Charley's,
1140 S. University.



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March 16 2006

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