(World With substance abuse rising, observant Jews find they're not immune. Orthodox young people, coupled with the community's traditional reluctance to air its dirty laundry, leads families and schools to cover up addic- tions. As a result, addicts often don't receive treatment until their addictions have reached crisis proportions. Those involved in treating these addicts say that, until recently, members of the Orthodox community received treatment on aver- age two years later than addicts in society at large — two years during which their dependencies have time to grow, worsen and become harder to beat. Solid numbers on addiction in the Orthodox community are hard to come by. In the past five to 10 years, the community has begun to more aggressively and publicly address the issue, but it still elicits silence and shame. Anecdotal evidence suggests the problem is getting worse, experts say. Lou Jacobs, executive director of the Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters League in Baltimore, which runs the city's Jewish Addiction Services, believes nearly half the case load comes from the Orthodox community. That's a "dramatic change" from just five years ago, he says, when Orthodox clients comprised 10- 15 percent of his clientele. Is the number of Orthodox addicts growing, or are a greater number of addicts seeking help? Experts say both might be true. "What has opened people's eyes is that, first of all, there's been much more talk about the problem," says Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, founder and Battle Chanan Tigay Jewish Telegraphic Agency Baltimore eter Gould had his last drink on Purim night, seven years ago — or, more accurately, his last drinks. "I drank more alcohol in a day than a human body can handle," he says. At the time, Gould — not his real name — had been a functioning alcoholic for years, and his body could tolerate a lot of booze. He lists the staggering litany of alcoholic beverages he consumed that Purim, a holiday some Jews mark by drinking to excess: • three bottles of amaretto • two bottles of wine • one bottle of champagne • a fifth of scotch • a fifth of bourbon "And then I drove home with my kids in the car:' he recalls. Gould may be an extreme example, but he isn't unique. Alcohol and drug addiction exist in every sector of American p Substance abuse isn't just for teenagers anymore. Indeed, experts say, drug and alcohol addiction among the Jewish eld- erly is on the rise. "Alcoholism and substance abuse in general is running ram- Jewry, but addiction and recovery specialists say Gould is part of a growing problem in the Orthodox community — a prob- lem that, because of the pres- sures and particularities of an observant Jewish lifestyle, has hit the Orthodox community in dif- ferent and sometimes more trou- bling ways than other segments of the Jewish community. "The Orthodox community really does have a need:' said Adrienne Bannon, executive director of Baltimore's Jewish Recovery Houses, two centers in suburban Baltimore that house recovering Jewish drug addicts and alcoholics. Some residents require kosher food and are placed with local families for Shabbat meals. Part of the problem, experts say, is that for years people couldn't and wouldn't believe that drugs had found their way into Orthodox groups. Experts say the emphasis in some fer- vently religious communities on finding marriage matches for pant in the Jewish senior citizen community," says Rabbi Joel Dinnerstein, founder and direc- tor of Ohr Ki Tov: Center for Growth and Transformation, which runs Florida's Jewish Alcoholism and Addiction Counseling Services. "They go largely undiagnosed because most rabbis and help- ing professionals are not trained sufficiently in addiction or sub- stance-abuse treatment." The problem once was thought largely to affect males, but that assumption is Chang- medical director emeritus of Gateway Rehabilitation Center, a nonprofit drug and alcohol treat- ment system in western Pennsylvania. "Unfortunately there have been several young deaths from overdoses, and these were not covered up and they raised the alert level of the com- munity." Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, an expert on chemical addiction in the Jewish community and author of Twelve Jewish Steps to Recovery: A Personal Guide to Turning from Alcoholism and Other Addictions, notes that the Orthodox aren't the only members of the Jewish community with addiction issues. "Alcohol and drug abuse is about an issue of individuals feeling an emptiness inside of themselves and they're self-med- icating, trying to fill that hole and get rid of the pain they feel:' says Rabbi Olitzky, who also is executive director of the Jewish Outreach Institute. "Alcohol and drug abuse he says,"for similar reasons, impact upon members of the Jewish community from one side of the spectrum to the other:' Recovery communities for Jews like those in Baltimore are few and far between, but many communities are making efforts to fight abuse by forming sup- port groups, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous societies, treatment centers and clearing houses for referral services. The religious streams also have made efforts to address the issue and inform their constituents about it. The number of Jewish addicts is proportionally similar to the rest of America, Rabbi Olitzky says, but Jews are overrepresented in Gamblers Anonymous, and many ing. And "as baby-boomer drug users cross into retirement age, we can expect to see more illicit drug use among Florida's elder- ly," a Florida strategy report says. "Boredom, change of social status, grief and loss, moving suffer from eating disorders. Insiders say the Orthodox lifestyle offers another gateway into and cover for addiction: the frequent availability and con- sumption of alcohol at religious life-cycle events. Habits devel- oped at these celebrations can eventually lead to alcoholism, observers say, and statistics show that individuals who abuse alco- hol are more likely to use drugs. A person can drink at a morn- ing circumcision ceremony, fol- lowed by an engagement party that evening. Later in the week there may be a wedding, followed by a sheva brachot ceremony fol- lowed on Shabbat by a bar mitz- vah — and alcohol often is avail- able at each event. Then there is the increasing popularity of so-called syna- gogue Kiddush clubs, which offer shul-goers schnapps, whiskey and other types of alcohol during and after services. "Substance abuse is masked by religious practice says Rabbi Joel Dinnerstein, founder and director of Ohr Ki Tov: Center for Growth and Transformation, which runs Florida's Jewish Alcoholism and Addiction Counseling Services. "See who goes for the herring and who goes for the schnapps — you don't have to be an expert to see right in front of you!' Observers say it has become increasingly easy for kids to obtain drugs, even Orthodox kids. "The problem in the yeshiv- ahs is the same problem as in the public schools:' says Daniel Vitow, headmaster of the North Shore Hebrew Academy High School on New York's Long Island. "Our kids live in the same society and the same culture as everyone else." ❑ from one community to another and not having the same social structure, and having a lot of expendable free time – those are the major reasons why sen- iors start to drink or start to use prescription medication without watching what they're doing," Rabbi Dinnerstein says. March 9 • 2006 27