TORAH PORTION INTERIORS FAMILY 01110E0 RHO OPERATED FOR OVER 30 ?ERRS WOOD FLOORS Be Like Nachshon! Shabbat Beshalach: Exodus 13:17-17:16; Judges 4:4-5:31. his belief in the efficacy of prayer, n 1991, the sports drink compa- but also shows that he understands iiy Gatorade launched a multi- the primary necessity for action. It million dollar advertising cam- paign featuring basketball superstar was only when Nachshon acted out of faith that God divided the walls of Michael Jordan. The ad's slogan was the sea for the rest of the nation to "Be Like Mike." - cross to safety. Try as I might, I was never able to For his courage to take action and take off from the free throw line be the first one to cross the headed for the basket, with raging sea, Judah, my legs, arms and tongue Nachshon's tribe, was great- extended, to then complete ly rewarded throughout a perfect ballerina-like Jewish history, obtaining slam dunk in mid-air. I am royal dominion in Israel. sure I was not the only one In life, it is much simpler unable to fulfill this "Be to be a follower. It takes less Like Mike" charge. courage to wait until some- In Judaism, we have our its one else has taken that first own paradigm to emulate, step to determine the out- Ra bbi and it is more attainable come. It is the one who has Miller Jason than trying to be like faith and is willing to take to the Special Michael Jordan. In this Jewish News risks who is truly emulating week's Torah portion, we Nachshon. see our ancestors cross the It is common today in Israel to Sea of Reeds in the exodus from hear the adjective nachshoni, Egyptian slavery. As the fleeing describing one who is acting with nation is cornered into a difficult great faith and conviction and is not decision on the shores of the sea afraid of initiating. While being the before it is divided, a significant pioneer is often risky and requires moment of faith in God takes place. great faith, it is a virtuous character- Our ancestors are trapped between istic. So, while trying to be like the waters of the sea and the pursu- Michael Jordan is an unattainable ing Egyptian army. fantasy for most of us, we do have A midrash has Moses standing the potential to be like Nachshon and praying during this pivotal ben Aminaday. He took the leap of instant; the Holy One chastises him, faith that changed the destiny of our "My beloved are on the verge of people. Be like Nachshon! TI drowning in the sea, and you spin out lengthy prayers before Me?" Moses was uncertain what his action Rabbi Jason Miller is associate director of the University of Michigan Hillel should have been at this time. God explains, "Speak unto the Children of Foundation in Ann Arbor. He is a con- sultant to Congregation Belt Kodesh in Israel and tell them to go forward!' It was at this point, Rabbi Yehudah Livonia and. director of the SYNergy pro- gram at Adat Shalom Synagogue in explains to Rabbi Meir (Tractate Farmington Hills. Sotah 37a), that the leader of the tribe of Judah, Nachshon ben Aminadav, leaped forward and descended into the sea first. Conversations Nachshon had faith in God. He had Have there been times you have the courage and conviction to act followed the example of first. Nachshon? Are there times Our tradition teaches that once when it would not be prudent or Nachshon entered the sea and the safe to act like Nachshon? water was up to his neck, he began to pray to God. This demonstrates Expertly Installed u Quality Refinishing u Exotic Species Extensive Selection of: Carpet • Area Rugs Marble • Ceramic Laminate • Vinyl 3022 Orchard Lake Rd. Keego Harbor I Golnick Pediatric Dental Associates Jason M. Golnick DDS, MS Arnold L. Golnick DDS, MS Michelle Tiberia DDS, MS The Pediatricians of Dentistry Golnick Pediatric Dental Associates treat the dental needs of infants, children, adolescents. BAR1BAT MITRIIIII SPECIAL FREE CLEANING* *Within 2 weeks of your child's B'nai Mitlyah • Positive and friendly staff • Emergencies seen promptly • Most insurances accepted • Nitrous oxide and sedation available • Open daily Lakes Medical Center 2300 Haggerty Road Suite 4180 February 9 • 2006 27