Editor's Letter A Promising Voice I about spurring camaraderie and mutual respect even where differences exist. He had the courage to say, "To whatever degree there has been a sense of disenfranchisement or sense that certain viewpoints have not been listened to or respected, we're going to make sure that those viewpoints are, in fact, given an opportunity to be heard. And that will mean perhaps some new mechanism for doing so." He vowed to work with President Wendy Wagenheim to assure that the Council not only invites public comment within the parameters of the new policy, but also inspires frank board debate so the community feels its diversity is getting a fair hearing. "That doesn't mean that the outcome is going to be signifi- cantly different than from what it has been:' Cohen said, "because there's an area of consensus the. Jewish community already has out there." True, but just to some extent. The Jewish community pro- file is less defined than we may think; debate rages on every- thing from school vouchers to gay rights to territorial disen- gagement. Building consensus has become harder as out Robert Cohen spoke earnestly about building bridges through the echoes of dissent — and about ••••••••••••• • 40*•0 JARC serves children of any age, with any disability, including those on the autism spectrum, with developmental delays, and with learning disabilities. %.'>030000.00000-000000, 00, spurring camaraderie and mutual respect even where differences exist. spectrum has widened and the penchant for corn- promise has weakened. Robert Cohen seems sincere and savvy. He comes across as wise to the challenges ahead. We owe him the opportunity to act on his ideas for positive change and growth. At the same time, we must stand vigilant to assure that the Council's metamorphosis is best for the Jewish community. ❑ JARC's specially-trained professional .staff provides • In-home care and - community skill building • Comprehensive school inclusion services • Financial grants for therapy and equipment POIN TS TO PONDE R like what I heard when I met the new executive director of the Jewish Community Council, Detroit Jewry's public affairs voice and a source of controversy over how it rep- resents the public's affairs. As we sat in my Southfield office at the Detroit Jewish News on Dec. 9, Robert Cohen laid out his strategy for rising above the fray: respecting what the public doesn't like about Council policy while maintaining the Council's right to debate and ponder in pursuit of consen- sus. He pledged a fundamental review of Council structure, function and out- reach. He has a special interest in inter- faith relations, as do I. Consensus, of course, is a relative Robert A. Sklar state. No one can speak fully for the Editor Jewish community. Jews don't see the world through one lens: There might be a majority view on some issues, but certainly not others. So there was common ground when Cohen, a Jewish com- munal veteran and former TV news director, described the search for consensus as a moving target depending on the issue. "On some issues, you're going to require a higher level of agree- ment to get a sense of if the com- munity stands behind it," he said. "Other times, it may not be that important to have a really hard number. It's our responsibility to be addressing that on an ongoing basis." While he said he believes the Council has been doing that over the years, I contend that it could do better. That is why I'm glad to hear Cohen say his arrival will focus closely on how decisions are made and publicized. I'm bothered when the Council says Robert Cohen its decisions are unconditionally on behalf of the community; they no longer result from a delegate assembly but rather a board of directors. I appreciate that the Council is an umbrella for 200 member organizations, but ultimately, the board chooses what it wants to consider with limited public input: That will change some with the Council's new, less-restrictive public comment policy; I trust that, over time, the policy will become even more engaging. The policy must expand if the Council truly hopes to feel comfortable articulating both what it stands for and to what degree it represents the Jewish community. Board members can't possibly poll the organiza- tions they represent for every Council vote. Cohen sees the Council role as three tiers that I think do interconnect: the interface between the Jewish and secular worlds, the promoter of Jewish values in and outside our community, the creator of texture in a Jewish community becoming increasingly more diverse. As we talked, I found Cohen eager to learn what I thought. On the job just three weeks, he came across wanting feed- back, insight and dialogue, not barriers. He spoke earnestly about building bridges through the echoes of dissent — and • Advocacy to obtain public services and benefits Do you know what the Jewish Community Council is? • Preparation for community living Is making a public comment something you now might do at a JCCouncil meet- ing? Send letters to: letters@thejewishnews.com . Contact us. We can help. 248.538.6610, x 332 www.jarc.org 1050220 December 22 2005 5