• • I Opinion Editorials are posted and archived on JNOnline.com Editorial Solidifying Against Divestment he effort to push the idea of divesting from compa- nies doing business with Israel is not really about divest- ment at all. It is all about the pushing. And we must push back. We can take some comfort and pride that divestment efforts in most mainline churches and on most college campuses are most- ly going nowhere. At the University of Michigan, for example, the Muslim student-led divestment effort hit a wall last spring when the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) over- whelmingly rejected their call. This year, the student activity has lessened and the group's Web site is gone. Trying to fill the gap are some faculty members who have just postponed releasing the names of the endorsers of their pro-divestment letter until March 1, 2006, four months later than originally scheduled, and just six weeks before the end of the semester. Clearly, they are having problems, and we can only wish them more of the same. T But we must not miss the for- est for the trees. Theit pushing is having an impact. Raising questions about the legitimacy of Israel, incessantly comparing it to apartheid-era South Africa, and repeating the lie that Israel is the No. 1 violator of human rights prejudices any discussion before it even starts. And that's the idea. Divestment forces us to a debate on their terms. Just asking the question assumes Israel is guilty until proven innocent, and allows the actions of Israel's enemies to be considered irrelevant, if they are considered at all. The divestment effort must be exposed as being not just anti-Israel and anti-American, but, because a weakened Israel would have limited flexibility to act without putting its security at risk, as anti-peace. And in reasoned tones, we should explain that the effort to make the only Jewish state into a pariah nation is often anti- Semitic. It is great that pro-Israel stu- dents are active, organized and involved in all levels of campus life and student government, at least in Ann Arbor. They have shown us the uselessness of agonizing, and the importance of organizing. It's time to move beyond supporting the students to weighing in ourselves. Jewish, pro-Israel and pro- peace faculty, alumni, and organizations in Ann Arbor, Metro Detroit and throughout the state must speak up loudly for a strengthened American- Israel alliance at all levels of academia, government and society. We suspect that support for a pro-Israel letter at the U- M would far outnumber any- thing that the anti-Israel forces could muster. We must remember that the battle is not about resolutions or defeating the latest anti- Israel effort, but about framing the issue and winning the hearts and minds of students and community members. 0 Bo nes INDIAN COPYCATS INDIA IS NOW BUILDING A 2,500 MILE LONG SECURITY FENCE ON ITS BORDER! rANO DO YOU KNOW WHO'S TO BLAME?! DO YOU KNOW WHO? E-mail your opinion in a letter to the editor of no more than 250 words to: letters@thejewishnews.com . www.drybonesblog.blogspot.com Reality Cke.ck.. Homage To Fieger ow I've done it. Thanksgiving has come and gone and I entirely , forgot to mention what I am most thankful for. That, of course, would be Geoff Fieger, master attorney. He is a journalist's dream, a veritable viscount of vituperation whose every utterance is worth bracketing in quotation marks. Those who oppose him are not only mistaken. They are apes, vermin, liars and sinners. When his voice cracks as, over- come by emotion, he describes the sheer outrageous treachery of his legal and political foes, only someone with a heart of stone could not guffaw. This latest escapade with Michigan Attorney General Mike NI JR December 1 . 2005 Cox was simply delightful. Some would say it exposed the dirty underbelly of politics and the legal profession. I say, lighten up. Geoffrey is just too hip for the room. The cream of the jest was when he followed it all up by threatening to sue for defamation of character, which I had thought would be impossible. He was nurtured in political radicalism as he grew up in Oak Park and still fashions himself as a•champion of the underdog. I am sure that is of great comfort to him on chilly nights at his place in the Caribbean. My first exposure to the fabled Fieger charm came as a member of the Detroit News editorial board when he was making his business. It's right up run for governor. He there among the biggies knew, of course, that in the Ten given the political slant Commandments. I'm of the paper, he had sure that Geoff was about as much chance shocked — shocked! — of winning our to learn that such things endorsement as a snow- were going on in the ball in Anguilla. Still, highest levels of govern- George Cantor like the trouper he is, he ment in Lansing. Columnist came in to give it a shot. Cox's attempt to hnk "If you guys are so his outing with an investigation smart," he said, as he sat down, of Fieger for violating state elec- "why don't you make as much tion laws — a mere peccadillo by money as I do?" comparison — was outrageous. I I thought that was a brilliant just read that last sentence out opening line to a bunch of free loud and could barely keep my market conservatives, and a voice from cracking. point I have pondered ever since Besides, as one of Fieger's My only answer is that it beats attorneys argued, those election the hell out of me. laws violate his client's right of Obviously, the idea of a man free speech, as guaranteed in the cheating on his wife is serious Constitution of our beloved nation. This is a very subtle argu- imme- ment and one that diately be grasped by journalists who do not make as much money as Fieger. It strikes me, however, that Geoff must be innocent. Can any- • one really believe that if he had something vicious to say about a candidate he detests that he would hide behind a curtain of anonymity? That is so uncharac- teristic of Fieger that it beggars belief. But I eagerly await develop- ments. My pen is poised above my notebook. I can hardly wait to write it all down. George Cantor's e-mail address is gcantor614@aol.corm 55