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November 17, 2005 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2005-11-17

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To life


Yoga for one week
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We are not asking you to take a risk...
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Yoga is within your reach- Otis YOga is not conventional,.boring or
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Health Care Grants

Sinai Fund, the Southfield-based
foundation representing physi-
cians of the old Sinai Hospital of
Detroit, awarded nearly $184,000
in grants this year. The Sinai
Medical Staff Foundation carries
a $3.5 million endowment and
allocates about 5 percent yearly.
The eight-member board
makes grants primarily to organ-
izations involved in disseminat-
ing medical knowledge, medical
teaching, and development of
facilities or projects to advance
health care. Sinai Hospital was
sold to the Detroit Medical
Center in 1997 and closed shortly
Current grantees are:
• Alzheimer's Association, for
production of videos providing
educational information and
assistance for treatment of
Alzheimer's disease — $25,000.
• Sinai Grace Hospital, for
research on the relationship of
sleep complaints to academic
performance — $7,175.
• Karmanos Foundation (sec-
ond and final installment fund-
ing of Grand Rounds Seminar
Program) — $40,200.
• Council of Michigan
Foundations — $1,100.
• University of Michigan
Medical School (fourth and final
installment of a $120,000 grant
for scholarships) — $27,500.
•Wayne State University
Medical School (fourth and final
installment of a $120,000 grant
for scholarships) — $27,500.
• Michigan State University
College of Osteopathic Medicine
(fourth and final installment of a
$120,000 grant for scholarships)
— $27,500.
• Michigan State University
College of Human Medicine
(fourth and final installment of a
$120,000 grant for scholarships_
— $27,500.
The foundation has offices at
3000 Town Center, Suite 2150,
Southfield 48075. Call (248) 353-
0150 for grant applications.

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She's A Knockout


Hillel of Metro Detroit, an organi-
zation for Jewish college student
and young adults, will host the
"First Lady of Boxing:' Jackie

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"Be A Contender, One Woman's
Knockout Success Story" is spon-
sored by the Wayne State
University's Jewish Students
Organization (JSO) and Alpha Psi
Omega. The event will take place
Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. in the
Community Arts Auditorium at
Wayne State University, Detroit.
Admission is free.
A former journalist, TV host
and radio personality, originally
from Detroit, Kallen is a successful
motivational speaker who travels
the country addressing conven-
tions, women's health groups and
college audiences.
Hillel of Metro Detroit is also
holding an afterglow where guests
will have the opportunity to meet
Kallen. Reservations are required.
To confirm attendance and acquire
reserved seating, call Sheri Ginis,
(313) 577.3459 or e-mail

For Teen Girls

B'nai B'rith Girls hosts its Mind-
Body-Attitude program on Sun-
day, Nov. 20, at the Jewish
Community Center in West
Participants will explore yoga,
learn about healthy food, and par-
ticipate in an educational presen-
tation and discussion about eating
Guest speaker is Beverly Price, a
BBG alumna who is a registered
The program will be from 2 to 5
p.m. and is open to all Jewish teen-
age girls. The cost is $5 and pre-
registration is requested. Call the
BBYO Chapter Service Center,
(248) 788-0700.

Matching Funds

The Community Foundation for
Southeastern Michigan has
promised matching funds to four
Jewish organizations to help their
endowment programs.
JARC, Kadima, JVS and
Yeshivah Beth Yehudah can
receive up to $150,000 each
under the program. For new gifts
of $1,000 or more to the organi-
zations, the Community
Foundation will contribute 50
percent of the donation.
The four are among 41 groups
that CSFM has agreed to match
endowment funds.

1 5C.1

November 17 . 2005


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