Opinion Editorials are posted and archived on JNOnline.com Editorial Fighting Cultural Starvation t can reasonably be said that someone who is unfamiliar with the language and imagery of the Bible and Shakespeare cannot fully under- stand the literary, musical and artistic heritage of Western civi- lization. These works should be vital parts of the educational process. But they aren't. Teaching Shakespeare is no problem, except for those who refuse to grapple with Elizabethan English. But the Bible ... well, that's a whole differ- ent story. Attempts to bring the Bible into a public classroom run into First Amendment trouble as sure "as sparks fly upward" (Job 5:7). There are always objections that any course or textbook deal- ing with biblical subjects will impose a particular religious view on students. Jewish, Protestant and Catholic transla- tions into English also can vary significantly. But even the First Amendment Center, a watchdog over church- state issues, is applauding The Bible and Its Influence. This new textbook, published last month, was described as "the closest educators can get to a constitu- I tional and academic safe harbor for teaching about the Bible;' by the center's senior scholar, Charles C. Haynes. Marc Stern, general counsel of the American Jewish Congress, says, "Without question, it can serve as the basis for a constitu- tional course." Evangelical Christian educators, quoted in the Christian Science Monitor, call it an "undisputed triumph of scholarship and presentation." The book is the product of the Bible Literacy Project, a Virginia- based nonprofit group that spent five years developing it with input by reviewers from the major Jewish and Christian tra- ditions. "It does not promote reli- gion," says the project's founder, Chuck Stetson. The U.S. Supreme Court has never told public schools that teaching about the Bible was unconstitutional. In 1963, in Abington School District v. Schempp, it did strike down devotional readings in the class- room. But most school districts were hesitant about introducing any material relating to the Bible because the boundaries were unclear and they didn't want the expense of defending lawsuits. But awareness has developed that students fail to understand major points in history and the arts because they lack knowledge of the Bible: from the composi- tions of Handel and Leonard Bernstein, to the rhetoric of Abraham Lincoln, to the plotline of major novels by William Faulkner (Absalom, Absalom) and John Steinbeck (East of Eden). On a practical level, bibli- cal allusions permeate the litera- ture section of the advanced placement test given to high school seniors. One teacher pointed out that even the introduction to the TV hit Desperate Housewives con- tains a visual allusion to Eve tak- ing the forbidden apple. There is still a need for admin- istrators and parents to be vigi- lant over possible abuse of this teaching tool. But that seems a reasonable price for a textbook that can fill an important gap in the teaching of humanities and history to culturally starved stu- dents. Dry Bones A U.N. INVESTIGATION SAYS THAT SYRIAN OFFICIALS WERE INVOLVED IN THE ASSASSINATION OF LEBANESE PRIME MINISTER RAFIK UNBELIEVABLE! "UNBELIEVABLE" THAT SYRIA DID IT? UNBELIEVABLE THAT THE U.N. ACTUAGLY INVESTIGATED! ❑ E-mail your opinion in a letter to the editor of no more than 150 words to: letters@thejewishnews.com . http://drybonesblog.blogspotcom Reality Check Moments To Remember Japanese writer once sug- gested that heaven con- sisted of simply this. At the time of death your mind flashes back to the happiest moment of your life, and you then inhabit that moment for eternity. I've thought about that for many years. I once believed that moment may have occurred for me on a family trip to the Rockies, when my daughters were about 11 and 8. We had lunch in Taos, on the back patio of what was once a ranch house. A field of wildflowers stretched endlessly before us to the base of the mountains, and I remember feeling such a sense of perfec- tion, of happiness, of everything being in its place, that I could A tTIV November 3 2005 easily have spent eternity in that instant. Then I saw the face of Caryn Rachel, and I had to reconsider the matter. I had been told to expect an incredible rush of love when looking at my first grandchild for the first time. Friends who pre- ceded me into this realm of life said there was nothing like it. Still, no words can prepare you for the moment when it arrives. It wipes away much of what you once thought of as important and makes it seem inconsequen- tial. My son-in-law, Mike, took pic- tures of Sherry and me, and of his parents, Allan and Barbara Ben, as we kneeled beside the newborn. We all had the same had haunted her daffy smile on our face, a throughout school. No look of stunned bliss. one ever got it right. A For weeks before her few times she had been birth we had discussed, mistaken for an almost seriously, what Hispanic male, and we would want to be when that happened I called. Grandma. Zayde. encouraged her to Nana. Poppa. Georg e Cantor apply for a minority But at that moment scholarship and then Colu mnist my feeling was that try to fake it later on. "Hey, you" would be So she turned around and did perfectly fine if she so desired. the same thing to her daughter. My computer program insists Oh, well. A little unconventionali- upon underlining Caryn's name ty never hurt anybody. in red, telling me it doesn't agree Caryn was in something of a with the spelling. Just another rush, arriving two weeks early. reason to be annoyed with com- All that morning at the hospital, I puters. Like I needed another found myself humming a tune one. my subconscious had dredged up Our daughter, Jaime, always from somewhere. complained that the unconven- Mike, knowing my fondness tional spelling we gave her name for show tunes, and deploring it, asked me what its name was. That was the first time I was even aware that I had been hum- ming, and when I realized what the song was I refused to answer him for fear of being mocked. It was called Hurry, It's Lovely Up Here. A lovely place, indeed, this world, filled with moments of ineradicable joy. I can close my eyes and still see the field of flowers in the New Mexico meadow. But when I open them and see my grand- daughter's face, I find an even better moment to go through time with. ❑ George Canto's e-mail address is gcantor614@aol.com . 39