Metro UNIQUE NEW ITEMS FOR CHILDREN Shema Yisrael Night Light Friends Indeed Fisher and Taubman eased Rosa Parks' later life. Bill Carroll Special to the Jewish News • $1 399 Visit for a wonderful selection of children's gifts. 1-866-3U DAICA JN lifestylemagazine LAT INL november third preview wo Jewish mega-philanthro- pists, A. Alfred Taubman and the late Max M. Fisher, corn- bined to allow civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks to live the twilight years of her life in comfort at the Riverfront Apartments in down- town Detroit. She died there Monday at age 92. Mrs. Parks, who launched the civil rights movement in America when she refused to give her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955, had been living alone on Detroit's west side in 1994 when she was assaulted by a man who broke into her home. "The assailant roughed her up, but she was OK; however, we did- n't want her to go back to that neighborhood:' recalled her long- T time friend, Federal Appeals Court Judge Damon Keith, who is hear- ing cases this week in Cincinnati, the seat of the U.S. Sixth Circuit. "So I called my friend Al Taubman and told him what happened. He said to get her over to the Riverfront Apartments, and she could live there the rest of her life." Mrs. Parks later publicly forgave her attacker. Judge Keith said Mrs. Parks paid rent there for a while, then Taubman, of Bloomfield Hills, and Fisher, of Franklin, helped estab- lish a foundation to allow her to stay rent free. "I remember that Max sent me a check, with a note that said: `Damon, if this isn't enough, just call me and I'll send more'," said Judge Keith. "Then, just five years ago, Al and Max combined to Mrs. Parks Remembered Detroiters pay tribute to the heroine of civil rights. Harry Kirsbaum Staff Writer R • fall footwear • comforting traditions • comfort food fall into comfort SUBSCRIBE TODAY JNONLINE.COM 40 osa Parks' grace and her act of civil disobedience rever- berated through the Detroit Jewish community upon news of her death. Rabbi Paul Yedwab of Temple Israel in West Bloomfield grew up in the civil rights move- ment. As a kid in the 1960s, he took part in civil rights protests with his parents in Lakewood, N.J. His father, Rabbi Stanley Yedwab, a Reform rabbi, was the founding president of Ocean Inc., Ocean County's poverty program. His mother, Myra, was a co-founder and teacher of Head Start. Rabbi Paul Yedwab said he never met Parks, "but she seemed like she was part of the family." "Jews of my generation define themselves in many ways Jewishly through their affiliation with the civil rights movement" he said. "It was in some ways one of the most important expressions of their belief in prophetic Judaism, and Rosa Parks was, if you will, the prophet. She was the one who stood up by sitting down. We all followed her." Rabbi David Nelson of Congregation Beth Shalom in Oak Park called Mrs. Parks a woman of great grace and pres- ence who didn't want to be in the limelight. "She was a powerful reminder of what one person could do," said Rabbi Nelson, who brought her name up during Yizkor serv- October 27 2005