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October 06, 2005 - Image 39

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2005-10-06

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Don't let disasters black out your business

The Ari Nissim Levadi
Memorial Lecture

With today's reliance on technology,

even a brief power outage will cause

personal and business loss. Natural and

man-made disasters are even more

Sunday, October 9th 2005 — Tishrei 7th

devastating.This second annual conference

The Paradox of Viduy

is a full day of interactive sessions

An insight into the "confession prayer"
that is recited several times during Yom Kippur

focusing on how to cut inevitable losses.

Rabbi Rod Glogower

Prepare for what you can't predict.
Attend this conference and learn:

Rabbi of the Orthodox Minyan at the University of Michigan Hillel


Local and regional emergency response plans

Methods to maintain operations during

a large-scale emergency

Keter Torah Synagogue

5480 Orchard Lake Road
West Bloomfield

Strategies to safeguard your employees

and work sites

Procedures to communicate with clients

and vendors

Minha 7:00 p.m.
Lecture 7:15 p.m.
Followed by refreshments and Arvit

Second Annual
for Business

November 10, 2005
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Oakland University

$195 per person
before October 13

$235 per person
after October 13

To register or
view the detailed
agenda, visit
or call (248) 370-3128.

Options to secure computers and

online business operations

Presented by key leaders in

emergency preparedness and

response. Co-sponsored by

Leadership Oakland, Rochester

School of Business Administration


For more information call 248-681-3665





Center for Executive and Continuing Education

Rochester, MI 48309-4493
Phone: (248) 370-3128

Regional Chamber, Michigan Public

Radio and TV, Belfor Property

Restoration. Codespeac LLC and

Health Core Weekly Review.

Don't miss it!

Debbie Friedman & Ensemble
In concert at The Max

■ Complete Vehicle Service
■ Wheel & Tire Service & Sales
■ 4-Wheel Factory Laser Alignments
■ High Performance Tuning
■ Vehicle Sales & Consi nment
■ Auto Detailing

Sunday evening, May 7th
Visions of Hope 2006

Rochelle & Dr. Arthur

For more information, call
Women's American ORT

October 6 2005



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