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September 29, 2005 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2005-09-29

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The genesis of the man who became Bob Dylan.

Hillel: Revisit Union

We are dumbfounded by the seeming
lack of respect the Hillel Day School of
Metropolitan Detroit board has shown its
teachers by disbanding their union with-
out board-union discussion ("School
Days," Sept. 1, page 36). One of the most
prestigious and highly admired private
Jewish schools in Michigan has made a
serious error that endangers the quality
of education at Hillel and risks further
declination of the Jewish identity.
Generations of families continue to
send their children to Hillel because of
the dedicated and hardworking teachers
who facilitate and enrich the full and
rigorous curriculum. These teachers
ensure that the Hillel students will be
more than highly prepared for further
education and life experiences.
Hillel teachers dedicate themselves to
Hillel and the ideals that it stands for.
They forego taking higher-paying posi-
tions in the public schools knowing that
they will need to instruct the students
through both the rigorous Hebrew and
traditional English curriculum.
We would like to see the Hillel board
give pause to their quick actions and
restore the security of an enforceable
contract Hillel teachers deserve. It is
clear that it is the teachers that make
Hillel the outstanding learning institu-
tion it is.
Sean and Dianne Cook

West Bloomfield

A Negative Effect

Having served on the Hillel Day School
board for 13 years, many as budget and
finance chair, I am aware of the costs of
teachers and ups and downs of the rela-
tionship between management and
labor. With two children as graduates, I
am aware of the quality and dedication
of the teaching staff.
In my opinion, the Hillel board made
a mistake in decertifying the union
("School Days:' Sept. 1, page 36). But
let's look at the long view.
Teachers have increased incentive to
bolt to unionized public schools. Judaic
teachers have no security since they are


Courting The Jewish vote
Though ifs not a presidential or
congressional election year, both
Democrats and Republicans are
redoubling efforts to attract
American Jewish voters — and
they appear to be reading from the
same script.
Read about it on Jewish.com.


School suggests, that
• Rabbi reaches out to soldiers.
the salaries of HDS
Walking to help senior services.
teachers are among
• Backpacks for kids of hurricane*,
the highest in the pri-
vate school sector.
However, this is due
solely to the collective
bargaining in which
the union and the
school have engaged
for 40 years.
The decision of the
board to withdraw
recognition of the
union will effectively
discourage, if not
eliminate, teachers
from entering the
West Bloomfield
field of Jewish as well
as well as secular
education at HDS.
Dylan's Ties
Goals Threatened
It's truly a sad day for Jewish education.
Bob Dylan ("Tangled Up In Zimmerman:'
After a productive 40-year relation-
Deborah Rosenman Sept 29, page 52) first performed in
ship that was based on respect the Hillel
Bloomfield Hills
Michigan in April 1960 at the University of
Day School board unilaterally decided to
Michigan Folk Festival in Ann Arbor with
disregard the clear wishes of a clear
headliner Ramblin' Jack Elliot (born Elliot
majority of their teachers to continue to
Let Rabbis Set Pace
Adnopoz, son of a Jewish doctor from
be represented by their union ("School
Brooklyn), an itinerant rodeo rider and
Traditionally, Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Days," Sept. 1, page 36).
folk musician.
Kippur sermons by our rabbis tell us
This action threatens what should be
Dylan, who was not listed in the pro-
about Jewish spirituality and tradition.
the primary go'al of all associated with
had recently come to New York and
Today, clouds are on the horizon from
the school: the continuance of a quality
to Elliot on a visit to the
every possible direction. There is grow-
educational experience.
and musician,
The Hillel School board seems to want ing anti-Semitism and, in particular, a
been hospital-
to try a new rule: If it ant broke, break it challenge alleging the Jewish faith has
incurable neu-
no historical connection to the Hebrews.
Barry Lepler This attitude is meant to de-legitimize
At their Ann Arbor appearance, Elliot
the special relationship that Jews have
Huntington Woods
in his customary black cowboy attire;
with Israel.
As a minority in this country, we need Dylan preferred a nondescript flannel
shirt, jeans and a Greek sailor's cap that
Israel so that it will "never again" hap-
Unions Do Matter
virtually obscured his eyes.
pen. Our support for Israel has to be a
As an elementary school teacher in an
Bob "Dillon" made a return perform-
lifelong commitment passed from gen-
Oakland County public school, I can
ance — now as a headliner — at the U-M
eration to generation as it was for more
state with certainty that my compensa-
festival again in the Michigan Union on
than 2,000 years. Yes, Jewish spirituality
tion (salary, health insurance, etc.) is
April 22, 1960. Produced by Detroit sib-
is the core of Judaism. But it is time to
worthy of my educational level and
lings Marc and Julie Silber, admission was
protect our children and grandchildren
90 cents.
from a Katrina or Rita in our lives.
Therefore, I have the utmost respect
Dylan has since appeared in Michigan
American Jewry has to be better
for those who choose to enter the field
on many occasions, including a solo
organized and act relentlessly through
of Jewish education for compensation
appearance a few years ago in Crisler
our synagogues and institutions — and
that is significantly less then those
Arena in Ann Arbor. His name then was
our rabbis should spearhead this effort.
teachers in the public schools. Their
Dr. Isaac Barr spelled correctly.
dedication to Jewish education is evi-
Harvey Gordenker
dent and praiseworthy.
Ann Arbor
It may be, as the board of Hillel Day

now all employees at will and subjected
to firing for "cause," whatever that is.
There is nothing to stop the school from
hiring uncertified teachers or firing an
"expensive" teacher in order to hire less
expensive ones.
In years past, there was a debate as to
school's reason for existing. For many of
us, it was to preserve the souls of Jewish
children one at a time. That may sound
loopy, but it provided the guidance that
kept us a Jewish day school.
I can already hear the reply, "Nothing's
changed." But it has. I believe this deci-
sion will have a negative impact on the
school's quality and Judaic reputation.
Leonard Wanetik

Letters continued on page 8


Will you go to synagogue on
Rosh Hashanah?

Two days?
One day?

To vote, click on
JNOnline.com .

Last Week's Results

Do you think John Roberts
should be confirmed as chief
justice of the U.S. Supreme

56% said yes
44% said no

How To Send Letters

We prefer letters relating to JN articles. We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters. Letters of 225 words or less are considered first. Longer
ones will be subject to trimming. Letter writers are limited in fre-
quency of publication. Letters must be received by 9 a.m. Monday for
consideration that week.
Letters must be original and contain the name, address and title of
the writer and a day phone number. Non-electronic copies must be
hand signed. Send letters to the JN: 29200 Northwestern Highway,
Suite 110, Southfield, MI 48034; fax (248) 304-8885; e-mail,
letters@thejewishnews.com . We prefer e-mail.

September 29 2005


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