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August 04, 2005 - Image 20

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2005-08-04

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NEED Worx! from page 19

Progressive Storewide Sale

1 Day Only

Saturday, August 6th

9:00 am — 10:00 am

70% Off

10:00 am — 11:00 am

60% Off

11:00 am — 12:00 pm

50% Off

12:00 pm — 1:00 pm

40% Off

1:00 pm — 3:00 pm

30% Of

Walt Yarrow's 10 Job-Himting Myths

Myth: Without an excellent resume and cover letter, you'll never beat the
Al competition and get the interview.
Truth: Most interviews come from initial contacts without a resume or
cover letter.

es Myth: The best way to find a job is by using the Internet.
Truth: The best way to find current leads is by using the Internet. The
best way to find a job is by developing other leads.


Myth: Resumes are screened to find the best-qualified candidates.
Truth: Resumes are screened to find keywords and potential problems.

Staff photo by Harry Kirsbaum

Ongoing Summer Store Sale in Progress

40% - 80% Off

If you are quali-
4 Myth:
fied and you apply, you

deserve an interview. If you
don't get the interview or
even any response, you are
not qualified for that job
Truth: Being qualified is
not enough. First you need
to get noticed.

3:00 pm — 5:30 pm
and Remainder of Sale Days


inside Orchard Mall I West Bloomfield

Previous sales and new fall excluded
% off on original price

Walt Tarrow of JVS in the
job resource room

Just Announced!

Leases expiring before
February 28, 2006

2006 CTS

24 Month Lease

MI radio, heated/memory seats,
sunroof, 3.6L V-6


Tools Of The Search

24 Month. Lease

Navigation, sunroof, chrome wheels


7100 Orchard Lake Road, W. Bloomfield
Mon & Thur, til 9, Tues.,Wed., Fri. til 6

8/ 4



works at Ford Motor Company in
Dearborn, suggested the corporate
program at JVS.
"We have a very small group that
brings different ideas in, and Walt
[Tarrow] keeps us focused," he said.
It's hard to keep track of Michael
Schwartz, a 57-year-old engineer who
works with a large defense industry
company based in San Diego.
He has been employed there for
more than two years, but he was an
engineer working on a contract basis
with other firms before then, and
unemployment was common, especial-
ly after 9-11.
"You can't take it personal,"
Schwartz said about being downsized.
"If you start taking it personal, you're
going to end up killing yourself. You
just got to look at it like it's a business
decision. You may not agree with it,
but it's a business decision."




S2999 due at signing on CTS and must qualify for GMS. S2000 due at signing on Escalade.
'• : 1
Ii •o..

While Schwartz's battle with unem-
ployment has been won, Cohen and
Herschelman are using similar power-
fill weapons, aside from newspaper ads
and job placement agencies, to search
for work: the computer and network-
Cohen re-trained as a graphic artist,
and bought $2,000 worth of comput-

ers and programs for that
profession. She spends hours
each day surfing job placement sites
on the Web, and e-mailing resumes to
prospective employers.
"You're expected to apply for most
jobs via e-mail, and most companies
now don't even bother to send an
automatic e-mail response saying they
got it," she said. "You know that a cer-
tain number of these will go into a
company's spam folder."
Many companies won't advertise in
a tight job market like this, so net-
working is key, she said.
"When you talk to people, you have
to be very clear how they can help
you," she said. "Let people know that
you're looking for something, so if
they hear of something, they'll think
of you. 'I want to let you know I'm in
the job market. I know you don't have
anything now, but if I send you my
resume, can you tuck it away some-
Herschelman said he has a two- to
three-hour routine every morning on
the computer scanning various talent
banks and organizations he is regis-
tered with. He not only posts resumes,
but also sends letters to former busi-
ness associates explaining his situation,
and always attaches his resume.
Tarrow said that networking is more
important than surfing the Web for a
job, yet www.Michiganworks.com ,

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