A study session was part of the all-night Alma Tikkun in New York City in 2004 The event drew 1,700 people. Shavuot Gets Hipper Younger generation gives holiday study sessions new meaning. SUE FISHKOFF Jewish Telegraphic Agency S havuot, which begins June 12, may be one of Judaism's three major festivals, but it's never caught on in America like its more popular cousins, Passover and Sukkot. Orthodox Jews have kept the tradi- tion of tikkun leil Shavuot, the all- night study session that marks the commemoration of God's giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Many Conservative congregations also have Shavuot study sessions. But for most unaffiliated and many non- Orthodox Jews, the tradition of study associated with the holiday has gone fairly unnoticed. That appears to be changing. During the past few years, there's been a resurgence of interest in tikkun leil Shavuot. Of all the holidays in the Jewish calendar it's this one, with its focus on intellectual exploration and spiritual self-examination, that is being seized upon by a new generation. Rabbi Daniel Freelander, vice presi- dent of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), says the upsurge of interest in tikkun leil Shavuot is a "six- to eight- year phenomenon" in the Reform move- ment, with 200 to 300 Reform congre- gations now holding such sessions. "Our goal is to reclaim Shavuot for adult study," he says. Locally, it is gradually becoming a part of Reform congregations, with a few of them holding tikkun leil Shavuot programming this year. At Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor, an adult study session held at the synagogue has ushered in the holi- day for the past several years. "In the past, we have conducted study in several different areas," said Devon Fitzig, director of congregation- al services and coordinator of adult education programs at Beth Emeth. "Last year, [Beth Emeth] Rabbi [Robert] Levy and I took a look at the Book of Ruth. A lot of times we use study resources supplied by the URJ." This year, Rabbi Levy will lead a study of Pirkei Avot (Ethics of Our Fathers). But beyond the synagogue walls, something even more interesting is taking place: Large-scale alternative Shavuot night happenings are being held in clubs and JCCs on both coasts, where participants prepare themselves for the morning's revelation with sun- set-to-dawn smorgasbords of text study, lectures, music, film, discussion groups, folk dancing, performance art and, of course, cheesecake. It seems, Shavuot's becoming hip. Last year, close to 300 people showed up at the 'Whispers Club in San Francisco for "Dawn," a Shavuot event billed as an "all-night multime- dia arts experience." In New York, more than 1,500 came to 'Alma Tikkun," an all-night study and cultural extravaganza held simultaneously at the Manhattan JCC and 92nd Street Y. These two Shavuot celebrations, both being held again this year, share an exuberant, culture-centered approach to what has traditionally been an intimate, text-centered ritual, while seeking to maintain the holiday's focus on exploring the connection between Jewish identity and Torah. The program schedules read like street festivals, with multiple events taking place simultaneously. “"My generation likes to stay up all night and watch the sun rise, and we want progressive ideas, we want to learn about the environment and what's going on politically," says David Katznelson of San Francisco, musician and record pro- ducer and a self-described agnostic. Dawn was his brainchild. Somewhere in between the syna- gogue classes and the hundreds-strong musical festivities is a first-time pro- gram at Temple Shir Shalom in West Bloomfield. While nighttime Shavuot study ses- sions have been held on the holiday for the past 3-4 years, this year the four- hour adult and children's program will be held in the home of one of the syn- agogue's rabbis. With a different topic each year, this year's focus will be on either Psalms or Pirkei Avot, something to be decided by the two program leaders, Shir Shalom Rabbis Dannel Schwartz and Michael Moskowitz. "It is part of our synagogue's mission that people should learn and they Rabbi Schwartz should do it in a traditional way," Rabbi Schwartz said. 'And there is nothing more tradi- tional than tikkun. leil Shavuot." So why all this interest in Shavuot? Ruth Calderon, the founder of Rabbi Levy Alma College in Tel Aviv and the spiritual force behind the Alma Tikkun in New York, which she brought over from Israel three years ago, says Shavuot is also compelling to her generation because "it wasn't `taken' yet." Most Israelis, she says, only know the holiday as Chag Habikurim, or festival of the first fruits. 'As young secular Israelis, it wasn't relevant for us in the agricultural sense anymore, but we saw it could be relevant to us as the People of the Book." El JN Staff Writer Shelli Liebman Do7finan contributed to this report. Many area congregations will hold tikkun leil Shavuot pro- gramming. Most will also con- duct Yizkor services during the holiday. Contact individual syna- gogues for days and times. QIN 6/ 9 2005 17