BOOK LOOK MInalo 1641,cheld Kate l.arton Lionel de 1200tschild by Arldrvi Photographs reen has always been a dominant color for the Rothschild family. While their banking skills enabled them to make a huge impact on Western social and politi- cal history, one of the world's pre- mier Jewish families at the same time invested a tremendous amount of time, energy and material resources cultivating the landscape. One member of the large family, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, referred to gardening as "a necessity as much as bread." Members of the Rothschild fami- ly have created magnificent park- lands and gardens throughout England, Europe, Israel and else- where. Always fond of showing bed- ding displays and elaborate topiary, they also enjoyed producing fruits and vegetables. In The Rothschild Gardens: A Family's Tribute to Nature (Abbeville, $29.95), authors Miriam Rothschild (a granddaughter of the first Lord Rothschild as well as a renowned naturalist, one of the world's fore- most authorities on fleas and an ardent conservationist and adviser on gardens to Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales), horticulturist Lionel de Rothschild (overseer of Exbury, the English estate created by his like-named grandfather) and Kate Garton (a gardener and writer who has worked with Miriam Rothschild for many years) explore the Rothschild family gardens from their beginnings in a Jewish ghetto in Germany to the lush parklands of today. Gioriops ardening G Left: This Japanese bridge, at Exbury, was inspired by Monet's garden at Giverny. Below: Wildflowers flourish on land adjacent to the Memorial Garden at Ramat Hanadiv. Providing the photographs that accompany the text is photographer Andrew Lawson, one of England's foremost gardening photographers. The book includes an abbreviat- ed family tree of the Rothschild gar- deners and a detailed history of the family's gardens, plantings and greenhouses. Archival pictures accompany contemporary photo- graphs in what is a tour not only of the gardens, but also the personali- ties whose competitive nature and drive for perfection resulted in the gardens' magnificence. A chapter is devoted to Ramat Hanadiv (the Heights of the Benefactor), a seven-acre memorial garden set around the tomb of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his wife, Adelheid. Situated at the foot of Israel's Mt. Carmel near Zichron Ya'acov, it welcomes 250,000 visitors a year. ❑ — Gail Zimmerman, creative editor JNPLATINUM • NI AY 2005 • 35