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March 31, 2005 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2005-03-31

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.....ivat) and Rabbi
serving on the Steering

high school students, 100 middle

• Glass
• Lucite

Excitement Builds

Lois Huron, Allied Member ASID • 248-851-69891

24 Hour-a-Day Live-In Companions Now Available!



crate- I Assistance

1 - 8 66 1- 51E - 11 8 3 4 6

Gearing up for a family trip of a lifetime, the Mission Steering Committee
has an exciting itinerary planned, with something special for all ages.
On March 17, 61 "Moms on the Mission" gathered at the Fisher
Federation Building in Bloomfield Hills to help with some preliminary
preparations for the Kick-Off event in April. After swapping family stories as
well as phone numbers, many in the group have agreed to serve as the
Mission's core of volunteers, networking to build excitement — and ruach
(spirit) — in the months to come.
Are you a "Mom on the Mission?" Got a family story, an Israeli connec-
tion, a reason for traveling with the mission that you care to share? Contact
Deena Lockman, (248) 642-1644 or lockman@jfmd.org .


Il raltEMEI


• One-to-One Caregiver At All Times
• Help With Bathing, Meals & Dressing
• Light House Cleaning, Washing Clothes
• Transportation, Shopping & Companionship
• Rigorous Screening for Honesty

High School Seniors Sought

$500.00 Off

First month of
Live-In Service
(Not Hourly)

Bonded & Insured

• Cellular Phones
• Satellite TV
• Send Global




West Bloomfield • (248) 681-7200

Bloomfield Hills • (248) 335-3345

20 05

4276 Orchard Lake Rd. @ Lone Pine

43183 Woodward Ave @ Square Lake


I Committee.

946260 _

Submissions for the
Jewish News Cap &
Gown section, to be
published May 19, are
due by April 28.
Graduating Michigan
Jewish high school
seniors are invited to
submit information and
a photograph.
For entry requirements,
go to JNOnline.com.
To place a congratula-
tory ad in Cap & Gown,
call (248) 351-5100.

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