OTHER VIEWS All Will Be Well West Orange, N.J. ver since my first child was born, Purim, which begins this year on March 24, has fascinat- ed me. While the holidays and chagim provide for family interaction, I cannot think of another holiday that causes us to interact more with our children than Purim. After all, who among us has not dressed our daughters as Esther and our sons as Mordechai? Sure, as they get older their tastes supersede ours and Esther's gown and scepter give way to Wonder Woman and Mordechai's hat and beard morph into Superman's cape. On what other holiday do we allow, and join in, the noise accompanying the reading of Haman's name in the megillah? Who has not beamed with pride as their oldest child, not quite 4 E Stephen Flatow is the father of Alisa Flatow, who was murdered in a Gaza bus bombing in April 1995. He heads the Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship Fund that provides scholarships for dias- pora students wishing to study in Israel: www.alisaAnd.org months old, is oohed and aahed at in her first costume while held in her beaming father's arms? Yet for all the fun and gaiety, there is something surreal about the chag. Its story of looming tragedy and redemp- tion of the Jewish people more than 2,500 years ago is retold each year as if it is being heard for the first time. And a troubling story it is. "And it came to pass in the days of Achashveirosh" the megillah begins. It took one of my daughters to explain that our sages teach that whenever a story begins with "and it came to pass," it means that trouble was ahead but that all would turn out well in the end. Indeed, the stubbornness of one Jew, Mordechai, to not bow before a Jew- hater, Haman, leads to a decree that all the Jews would be killed in several months' time. Instead of that destruc- tion, however, Esther is able to turn the tables on Haman, and it is his family, and his followers, who are destroyed. So, if we follow our sages and we know from the beginning that all would turn out well, why the annual sense of excitement as we unroll the megillah? The Answer from home, that act paralyzed President Carter and his con- To me, the answer lies in the fused response led to his elec- fact that the Purim story is tion defeat by Ronald Reagan. timeless. It described the lives of The apparent weakness of the Jewish diaspora more than America led to bold moves by 2,500 years ago and continues the Iranians. After all, if the to define the problems that STEPHEN great Satan" cannot free its plague the world today. To me, M. FLATOW own citizens, the rest of the the villains of the story are still Special world would be viewed as easy the same in a figurative and lit- Commentary pickings. eral sense. Thus began Iran's role as an Today, Haman has been exporter of terror, first by arranging for replaced by a threat to the Jewish people the execution of expatriates, then by in a rise in anti-Semitism (I prefer the waging a surrogate war against Israel less fancy term: Jew-hatred) and to the through Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic world in the threat of nuclear weapons Jihad. America and France were Iranian being introduced into the Middle East targets through surrogates acting in by the Iranians, the descendants of Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Achashveirosh. While sanctioned to the gills by the For the past 25 years, Tehran, an U.S., Iran was able to buy its way into Islamic fundamentalist government Europe, and European governments and intent on spreading Islam throughout businesses have thumbed their noses at the world, has ruled old Shushan. American sanctions as they lined up at Its first target was the United States the trough of Iranian business. embassy in Tehran that was overrun by Although the election of Mohammad "students" in November 1979 and Khatami to the Iranian presidency which resulted in the taking of more than 50 Americans as hostage. While far brought hope to the U.S. for a change in Iran-U.S. relations because of his rep- " The Tragedy Of 'Million Dollar Baby' Philadelphia he Oscar-winning film Million Dollar Baby forces us to assess the value of life amidst a shat- tered dream. It strikes deep at the issues of self-worth and the value of life. Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) is a tough-luck waitress who persuades a grizzled old trainer named Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) to help turn her into a world-class boxer. On the strength of believing in herself, Maggie reaches the pinnacle of success and is about to become world champion. Suddenly, an injury renders Maggie permanently paralyzed from the neck down, unable to move and dependent on a respirator to keep her alive. She is mentally alert, but feels no reason to go on living. T tTif 3/17 2005 34 Dr. Daniel Eisenberg is with the Department of Radiology at the Albert Einstein Medical Center and an assistant professor of diagnostic imaging at Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine. He teaches Jewish medical ethics. Contact him at www.claneisenbergcom. This is an abridged version of Dr. Eisenberg's com- mentary distributed by Aish Hatorah Resources; log on to JNONline for the complete version. We can all identify with Maggie's suf- fering: the glory that could have been and the horrible turn of events that has left her helpless. Without hope of recov- ery, she attempts suicide, before finally persuading Frankie to help her die. Why would someone ask to die, and should we be willing to oblige? We take for granted a world where patient autonomy is the overriding ethical prin- ciple to which all other considerations must bend. Common wisdom declares that the wishes of a patient — whether they be for more treatment, less treat- ment or physician-assisted suicide — must be respected and carried out. Yet let us consider: If a physically healthy person, with a stable family, wealth and a successful career, would state that he wants to die, we would naturally find it hard to support such a decision. The stated reason, whether devastating or trite, would lead us to conclude that this person is depressed and needs emotional support and possi- bly psychiatric treatment. So we need to ask Is Maggie's deci- sion to die reasonable? She describes her previous fame, the crowds chanting her name, and feels that having achieved that exulted status, there's no point in living as a quadriplegic. "I had it all," Maggie tells Frankie, "so don't take it away from me." tarian approach, we may still question her autonomous deci- sion. The Jewish Take DANIEL Deeper Responsibility From a Jewish perspective, euthanasia is never permitted. EISENBERG, Our society is so enamored M. D. Judaism recognizes that a person with autonomy that we some- Special has the autonomy to make times fail to consider other Commentary issues. In Million Dollar Baby healthcare decisions, but insists that they must do so in a pru- what is presented as a question dent manner. Jewish law does not of the right to die is perhaps a distrac- require the preservation of life in all tion from the deeper question of instances, and in fact, when someone is responsibility to help our fellow human terminally ill and suffering, we do not being. When crisis hits, we must help necessarily require treatments to prolong our neighbor to dig deeper and solve life. the root of the problem, even when they Yet Judaism categorically states that wish to die. one may never actively shorten the life As the Torah teaches, "Do not stand of even a terminally ill patient. Jewish idly by as your neighbor's blood is shed" law approaches the preservation of life (Leviticus. 19:16). No one would consid- as a moral obligation, but recognizes er it moral to yell "jump" to a person that there are times, particularly when a standing on a high ledge. The bystander patient is terminally ill, when interven- on the street would presume that the tion should not be performed. potential jumper is distraught and needs We are certainly never permitted to emotional support and help. shorten the life of someone like Maggie So perhaps the real ethical question is who is in a very compromised state, but not "why does Maggie want to die?" but not dying. But it does not require an why there is not a greater offering of edict from the Code of Jewish Law to emotional support? As a society, we recognize that Maggie is making the would rather take a person's cry for help wrong choice. From a purely humani- as a cry for death, rather than adequate-