Editorials are posted and archived on JNOnline.com A Just And Jewish* State Dry Bones MIDDLE EAST DICTATORS AND TERRORIST CHIEFTAINS ARE SNAKING IN FEAR. THEY SEE WAR ON THE HORIZON? uppose that after America bought Louisiana from France, it had turned New Orleans over to the Baptist Church with a promise that the church would rent or sell land to Christian Americans only. It might have seemed sensible at the time, as a way to discourage Catholic immigration, but it would be considered immoral now But that is largely the situation that Israel finds itself in now with respect to the lands that were abandoned by their Arab owners in 1948 and sold by the new State of Israel to the Jewish National Fund. JNF's mis- sion, dating to its founding more than 100 years ago, has been to preserve and protect land for Jews, so it adopted a policy of refusing to sell or rent any of the land to a non-Jew. Last month, however, Israel's attorney gen- eral, Menachem Mazuz, ruled that practice discriminatory and said the government must end it. His action came in a case involving six Israeli Arab families who were the high bidders on an Israeli Land Authority auction of JNF-owned plots in the Galilee town of Carmiel. The authority froze the deal with the six families, citing JNF's Jewish-buyers- only rules. The issue is not trivial on either the practical or the- oretical levels. JNF owns 13 percent of the land of Israel, most of it concentrated in the northern and middle parts of the country and containing a whop- ping 70 percent of the population. And the problem comes amid the larger debate over how Israel can pro- vide equal right to all its citizens, a fifth of whom are Arab, and remain a Jewish state. The moral grounds are clear enough. Governmental discrimination against the Arab Israelis is just as wrong as official segregation of blacks was in America. But JNF argues that it is not governmental. "The state is obliged to treat all its citizens equally," JNF Chairman Yehiel Leket told the Forwarch "but we are not the state." Maybe not, but it is pretty close to being the state. Since 1961, a state agency, the Israel Lands Administration, has administered the JNF lands and the fund names half of the ILA'.s board. Now, the fund is negotiating a more formal separation from the government. One suggested way out of the dilemma would allow the JNF to swap its lands, most of them north of Beersheba, for state land in the Galilee and the Negev. Development of the Negev as a future home to hundreds of thousands of Jews is a very high priority of the fund, but it has not won consistent government support for its initiatives there. The attorney general's finding may give a welcome push to the plan, which has stalled in part on fob whether to make an acre-for-acre swap or to trade lands of equal value, a difficult proposition in view of JNF's valuable urban holdings. The JNF deserves full credit for the exceptional job it has done in the past, not just in planting trees, for which it is well known, but also for the development of water projects and environmental preservation that is so vital to the long-run health of Israel. The JNF can be counted on to push the Negev developments with energy and effi- ciency. But in the end, Israel must face up to the deeper Trusting The Messenger Democratic Party had fallen into the hands such tactics. It feels besieged by a national of zealots and crackpots. media that repeatedly has shown itself to be But Nixon and his advisers didn't trust the hostile toward the president and his advisers. American people to sort it out. Instead, they There is no point in going into the liberal resorted to the break-in at Watergate to get bias of the media. It is real. Take it from one the goods on the opposition. who's been there. I'm certainly not placing Bush's malfea- It is most pronounced in the hothouse of sance on that level. It's the mind-set that's Washington journalism, where many seem to important. feel that the political mainstream is repre- GEORGE The unfettered flow of information is the sented by Michael Moore. CANTOR lifeblood of a democracy. The Framers knew However, most American voters, with the Reality that. When John Adams tried to choke off a exception of tenured professors at elite univer- Check hostile press by use of the Sedition Act in sities, are perfectly capable of sorting out the 1798, he sealed his fate as a one-term presi- garbage and coming to their own conclusions. dent. They don't need the Fox News Network and Rush In that era, though, political bias was clearly iden- Limbaugh to help them do it. They are not the tified in newspapers. The news was slanted for numbskulls their political opponents sneer at. either Adams' Federalists or Thomas Jefferson's The Bush people should have known that. They Republicans. didn't need to pay journalists to support their initia- Most of today's media proclaim objectivity — tives, nor to plant a ringer from a phony news from "Fair and Balanced" to "All the news that's fit organization to lob the president softballs at press to print." But those brave proclamations have been conferences. honored more in the breach than the observance in It was simply unnecessary. Worse than that, it recent years. betrayed the same lack of trust that led to the Still, it remains for the people to sift out the downfall of the Nixon administration. truth. Government should keep hands off. It's a There wasn't any doubt that Nixon would be re- matter of trust. ❑ elected in 1972. The country understood that the S EDIT ORIAL 4 :111 ournalism ultimately comes down to a matter of trust. A reporter who has no credibility his no career. A newspaper that consistently runs big, blar- ing headlines with no substance to them will lose readers. If you want to call yourself a journalist in America — Poof, you're a journalist. The First Amendment bars the government from licensing us, as many other countries do. With the advent of Internet bloggers, the line between journalists and ideologues is muddied even more. So trust is more important than ever. But trust cuts both ways. The revelation of payoffs to columnists by the Bush administration and the planting of a Republican stooge amid the White House press corps is disheartening. What it reveals is a funda- mental lack of trust in the judgment of the American people. It is obvious why the administration resorted to George Cantor's e-mail address is gcantor@thejewishnews. corn. WORSE! IT'S DEMOCRACY THAT'LL 00 THEM IN. THEY THRIVE ON WAR AND THREATS OF WAR... In O 0 question of how much it, or even a semi-private agency like JNF, can condone discrimination against citizens who don't happen to be Jewish. Defenders of the JNF bylaws say the restrictions are important to assure the continuity of a Jewish state. But if that state cannot assure justice to all its citizens, it skirts the principle of equality that is integral to Jewish practice. ❑ JIT 3/17 2005 33