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March 17, 2005 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2005-03-17

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

`Boss Swap' Star

Kari Caden had her shot at reality TV
on March 7 when ABC aired a pilot of
Boss Swap in which she traded places
with Stuart Silver, owner of a "pre-
owned" luxury car dealship.
Caden and her sister, Lori, run Caden
Concepts, a Los Angeles-based all-female
promotional merchandise firm. The sis-
ters grew up in Farmington Hills and are
the daughters of Ron and Judy Caden
and the sister of Lori in Bloomfield
The swap lasted two weeks and the
object was to see which boss could
improve sales by bringing their manage-
ment style into the workplace. Silver was

Campaign Countdown

The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Detroit will launch its Campaign
Countdown with a community-wide
phone-a-thon Sunday, April 10, from 10
am to 1 p.m., and continuing Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, from
6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Max. M. Fisher
Federation Building, 6735 Telegraph
Road in Bloomfield Township.
Marta Rosenthal co-chairs the cam-
paign with Michael Horowitz.
Campaign Countdown co-chairs are
Sharon Lipton, Mark Milgrom, Baylee
Shulman and Regina Colton.
Federation's Campaign Countdown
will be held with the support of corpo-
rate partner Fifth Third Bank. All new
gifts or increases in pledges to the
Annual Campaign will be matched dol-
lar for dollar through the gift of the Jean

Who won? Silver did offi-
a hard-driving manager, given to
cially, but Caden says "truth
employee time clocks. He also
be told, before I left, we
monitors his staff's every move
checked sales at the dealer-
with 30 security cameras and
ship and they were the same
encourages competitiveness by
as the year before. And it
allowing high stakes card games
during business hours.
rained two days I was there
— who buys car in the rain?"
Caden, on the other hand, has
Her sister and staff enjoyed
a unique laid-back management
approach in which she treats her
the time with Silver. "At first,
they thought he was cheesy,"
co-workers as family and friends Kari Caden
Caden said, "but a week later,
in a nurturing, fun workplace.
they loved him. He's a very funny man.
Staffers come in as late as 10:30 a.m.
At the car dealership, where none of
and leave early on Fridays to go shop-
the sales staff were women, Caden had
ping. She also treats every staff member
to earn respect — and she did.
to a weekly massage.

and Samuel Frankel Challenge Fund.
For more information or to volunteer
for Campaign Countdown phone-a-
thon sessions, contact Carol Kaczander,
(248) 203-1466, or email

Miscarriage Support Group

Jewish Family Service, with offices in
West Bloomfield and Oak Park, is form-
ing a support group for people who
have experienced and/or been affected
by a miscarriage.
The facilitator will be Diane Paul St.
The group will meet on the fourth
Thursday of the month, 7-9 p.m.,
beginning March 24, at the new
Graham & Sally Orley and Joseph &
Suzanne Orley Building, 6555 W.
Maple Road, West Bloomfield on the

Quick Clean

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Zvi Gitelman, professor of political sci-
ence, Preston Tisch Professor of Judaic
Studies and former director of the
Frankel Center for Judaic Studies at the
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,
will lead a tour to Eastern Europe in
The tour will begin on May 26 in
Kiev — with an optional tour of Vilna
and Kovno in Lithuania beginning on
May 23 — and end on June 9 in
Warsaw. Traveling by plane and bus in
Ukraine, the group will visit Chasidic
sites and will meet with leaders of
revived Jewish communities, visit Jewish

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The Youth Federation of Temple Israel
will hold its annual Purim Carnival
from noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday, March
20. The afternoon will be filled with
games, raffles, moonwalks, food and
more. Admission is free for kids; charge
for adults is $5 each. Game tickets are
three for $1. All proceeds go towards
supporting prorgrams for the youth
group as well as providing youth schol-

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day schools and attend services in newly
reopened synagogues.
Poland will be explored in depth,
including the German death camp at
For further information, contact
Rosalyn Manowitz, (800) 431-1130,
ext. 105.

European Tour Slated




West Bloomfield • (248) 681-7200

—Keri Guten Cohen,
story development editor

south side of Maple, just west of Drake.
For information, call Diane Paul St.
Peter, (248) 592-2345, or e-mail dst-
peter@jfsdetroit.org .



And they learned from each other.
Caden kept the time clock and sales goal
board Silver installed. And he kept the
signs she put up and his redecorated
office. Not shown on camera, but still
significant: She gave all the salesmen
makeovers "so they wouldn't look like
used car salesmen."
If ABC revs up the show for its fall
lineup, the kick off of Boss Swap will fea-
ture episodes of Caden and Silver.



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