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March 17, 2005 - Image 10

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2005-03-17

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Max M. Fisher, 1908-2005


Israeli Tributes

Dear Fisher Family,
Through our friendship
and his leadership in
Jewish affairs in the
United States and around
the globe, Max Fisher has
made an outstanding con-
tribution in three major aspects: as a true
leader of the Jewish people, a committed
friend and a dedicated Zionist.
For over 50 years, Max was a driving
force in raisingAnds and mobilizing sup-
port for large-scale aliyah projects, from the
mass aliyah in the early 1950s to the waves
ofaliyah from the firmer Soviet Union.
Max was a leader by nature and per-
sonal example, a Zionist Jew through his
moral conviction and deeds, but above
all, a true friend.
— Ariel Sharon
Prime Minister

Dear Fisher Family,
Max Fisher was a fiiend
to the Jewish people; to
America, to the Republican
Party and to the city of
Detroit. In a world that
claims to no longer recog-
n i ze such definite moral
judgments, he was, without a trace of
doubt, the good guy.
Max did not only give. He trans-
formed, he acted; he changed things. The
organized. Jewish world was forever
changed once Max Fisher spearheaded
the United Jewish Appeal efforts.
If the Jewish people and Israel are
enjoying the commitment of an excellent
group of lay leaders, it is thanks to the
example of a life of commitment that
had been the life of Max Fisher:
— Shimon Peres
Vice Prime Minister




Dear Fisher Family,
For me, Max Fisher was
a role model with his loving
family deep ties to Judaism,
his amazing acumen in
business and his outstand-
ing leadership and philan-
thropy I admired his keen
ability in business and his yre- 01mert
cial wisdom that I had the privilege to be
party to on many occasions.
His energy and dedication in support
of Israel was matched by devotion and
personal commitment to the Jewish com-
munity in the States.
— Ehud Olmert,
Vice Prime Minister


From presidents to prime ministers,
Max Fisher had rare access as an
unofficial adviser.

Max with President Gerald R. Ford and Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger in the Oval Office, 1975.

Shimon Peres and Max's daughter Jane Sherman with, seated, Max and
then Detroit Federation President Penny Blumenstein — Franklin 2000.

President George H.W. Bush and Max at Ohio State University to unveil
the Fisher Council on Global Trade and Technology during the 1998 ded-
ication of Fisher Hall, OSU's faculty and administration building.

Presidential Tributes

Dear Marjorie,
Laura and I are sad-
dened to learn of the loss
of Max. We know what
a difficult time this is
for you, and we send
out heartfelt sympathy
Please know that you
are in our prayers. May you be comfort-
ed by your faith and the love and sup-
port of your family and friends.
— President George W Bush

Dear Marjorie,
Betty and I and countless others
worldwide are deeply saddened by the
death of our very dear-
friend Max.
He was a dynamic_
leader in this country in
the business and indus-
trial communities. Max
Fisher was one of the
most generous individu- Ford
als I have ever known and
was always in the forefront in helping
people and causes.
I first met Max in 1948, in my ini-
tial campaign for the House of
Representatives. He called me from
Detroit and said he wanted to make a
contribution. He drove from Detroit to
Grand Rapids, walked into my law
offce and gave my campaign $100.
Max and I were dear friends every
day, except for once a year when
Michigan played Ohio State. We were
both loyal to our alma maters.
Betty and I will badly miss our very
dear friend. God bless Max and his fa nzily.
— President Gerald R. Ford

Dear Marjorie,
I just learned that Max has gone to
heaven. You have lost
your beloved husband,
and we have lost a dear
and loyalfriend.
Max was a great and
warm human being
who cared about others Bush
and gave of himself in so
many ways. I guess the best way to sum
this up is that I loved Max Fisher from
the bottom of my heart.
Barbara and I send you and yours our
heartfelt condolences and our family's
— President George H W Bush

Franklin's Max .M. Fisher
died at age 96 on March 3. He and
Marjorie were married 51 years.

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