A preview of the Jewish Coi,iinunity Center off etropolitan Detroit's 53rd Annual Jewish Book Fuji: cilfers n2d their Ou.,en; auto buffs eniove.,5, their 1Dr_:rn: Cruise. Those but sn-1,111 Book Fair :.:vent scheduled for Oct. II as \veil). looking for exciting anchors and :enon a Variety topics," sans crge:r. - Sornechincz for everyone is our 110 Mac:e to the t tell word that's aroun co.rner. love es, -,vords.Mths. untier-thecovr at midnight readers and -1.ibtariaill are prick- ly with anticipation for Detroit's upcoming fo:vish Book Fair. Literary Arts Director Elaine Schonberger, her staff and voluni;:ers been hard at \cork lane 3. organizing the author talks. luncheons • .and events chat will take place at the Oak Park and West Bloomfield buildings of the Jewish • Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit from November -4-14 (there is a pre- t - theme." This 1'e:11:s fair (Detroies 53rd and Schonberger's fifth) also will include the special events and innova- [ions that are Book .Fair's hallmark. "We are especially excited about the Irwin Shaw Memorial Let:titre: says Gail Fistiei% Book Fair vohmteer co-chair along viith .Amy Hammer. - Irwin Shaw was a `Yiddishist,' and in his honor we are bring- in Aaron Lansky, author of Owwitzing' thsto:y: The ,--1.4h./zif fielrenture.c (fa' Marl 17,0 RCSCUed ri 11.111/1:1071 YieldiSh BOOkS. .X"e thought Lansky's book would :be a fit- tin2-, tribute. The Judaica section at Book Fair has been renamed for Irwin Shaw as .Lansky. armed wit:1-1410%-e of •YiddiSh, a fleet of rental trucks and cohorts as .determined . as he was, saved thousands of Yiddish books Front ending up in dustbins'and durnpsters: The finds TIOW reside HOUSE OF Seca Snag 'fttam- o. F ATE" History Th, twmttng AnlAzi.ttit Ativtoturr. whO RewAtt.4 of A MAtt 16444, BOOKS on page 72