are "hyper-literate, highly net- worked, influential and affluent." The company's recent survey of more than 17,000 blog readers found that 61 percent are over age 30, 75 percent make more than $45,000 a year and most are "media mavens." Men outnumber women four to one in the Blogosphere; and when they're not reading blogs, such as Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo they're flip- ping through magazines such as the New Yorker, the Economist, Newsweek and the Atlantic Monthly. That doesn't mean all blog mavens are liberal. For example Jonah Goldberg has attracted quite a fol- lowing on the Web site; Drezner, a conservative, has done well, and the Outside the Beltway site also has a big conservative following. Eighty-two percent of blog readers believe that television is worthless or only marginally useful in providing news and information, according to the Blogads survey, and they head to blogs in search of the news and opinion they can't find elsewhere. Blog readers — whatever the polit- ical leaning — also tend to be ruth- lessly unforgiving. Blogging And Flogging MarkosZuniga, author of the Daily Kos blog learned that lesson the hard way after he made some controversial remarks about the deaths of several American contractors in Iraq. "I feel nothing over [their] deaths," wrote Zuniga. "They aren't in Iraq because of orders or because they are there trying to help the peo- ple make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them." The remark triggered such an uproar that Jewish Democratic Rep. Martin Frost of Texas pulled the paid ads he was running on Daily Kos — blogs are fertile ground for fund-raising, many politicians have discovered — and Democratic presi- dential contender John Kerry removed a permanent link from his own campaign blog to Daily Kos. All that was nothing compared to the avalanche of criticism that Zuniga says his fellow bloggers heaped on him. Alterman received a similar flog- ging when, in 2002, he announced he had no "moral problem" with Israel's attack on a Hamas leader. "Sheik Salah Shehada could have protected his family by keeping away from them. He didn't," wrote Alterman, "and owing to his clear legitimacy as a military target, they are dead, too. ... So tough luck, fella. War is hell." In a subsequent posting, Alterman clarified his remarks: "I think I better apologize for the words 'tough luck' at the end of yes- terday's entry. They are inappropri- ate in a situation where so many innocents, including children, were killed." Drezner says he prefers to avoid the topic of Israel and the Palestinians as much as possible. "I don't blog about the Israel- 'Palestine' issue all that much, in part, because it's just depressing. Fundamentally depressing. Second, I can't stand the comments I get. ... It's ultra-polarizing and I don't have my own mind made up on it." OxBlog's Adesnik has a different take. "A few years ago, I felt exactly the way Dan does about the Israel- Palestinian conflict. You can't get away from Israel when you go to yeshivah. But you can avoid it in col- lege and graduate school." All that changed after Sept. 11, he says. "I realized that my intentional ignorance left me totally unprepared for the day when the Middle East became a matter of life and death for Americans and not just for Arabs and Israelis," he says. "With Iraq domi- nating the headlines, I don't write about Israel as much as I want. But I am committed to learning more." Adesnik also notes that religious topics tend to inspire some of the most passionate responses on OxBlog. "When Mel Gibson's movie [The Passion of the Christ] came out a few months ago, I sug- gested in one post that the Gospels were inherently anti- Semitic, or at least anti- Judaic," Adesnik said. "In response, I received detailed theological argu- Drezner ments to the contrary from a half-dozen Christian perspec- tives. While I'm still not sure what I think about the issue, I know for a fact that Christians across the United States are putting a lot of thought and care into • Alterman answering this kind of very hard question." "[By] contrast, 13 years of yeshivah education left me with the impression that Christians were instinctive anti-Semites who aren't even open-minded enough to face up to their prejudices," Adesnik Adesnik said. Victims And Villains If the Blogosphere is tough on its own, it can be ruthless with others. Arguably, one of its most notable victims was Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., who was forced to step down as majority leader because of racially insensitive remarks he made at the 100th birthday party for the once- fierce segregationist Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., in 2002. "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, [Mississippi] voted for him," Lott said. "We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had fol- lowed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either." While the mainstream press initially ignored Lott's remarks, several bloom gets — including ABC's the Note on abcnews.corn, sections/politics/TheNote/TheNote .html, a must read inside the Beltway — skewered the Mississippi lawmaker into a losing act of contrition. Some in the blogging community also take credit for the resignation of New York Times Executive Editor • Howell Raines, arguing that it was the blogging community's obsession with disgraced journalist Jayson Blair's misdeeds and his editors' missteps that kept the story alive. For his part, Drezner believes that blogs also are playing an important role in the political process by framing debates. And Alterman points out that blogs also pass on informa- tion he believes "would not otherwise get out." Today, however, Alterman has a different fish to fry. It's been weeks since the Blankley firestorm ignited in Blogland, and the Soros com- ments are still bugging him; so Alterman heads to his blog to pick up where his Nation piece left off and deliver a few more blows to Blankley, talk show host Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the "Republican slime machine" for attacking Soros on the basis that he is a "com- mitted atheist." "That's one of the great things about blogs," Alterman confessed. "I only had 1,000 words in my column talking about [Blankley]; but there were a few things still bothering me, and I'd like to let them out." Adesnik also appreciates the candor with which a blogger can write. "One of the most attractive things about blogging is that when you read a blog, you feel like you are talking to a real human being," he said. "In con- trast, professional journalists tend to cultivate an air of authoritative objec- tivity, which I find to be both artificial and cold." Adesnik also enjoys the occasional opportunity to write about his person- al life. Last year, he amused OxBlog readers with tales of his "impressive run of first-round losses in some amateur karate tournaments," and he also wrote about his mother's ordination as a rabbi in May 2003. "I was extremely proud of her — as I've always been — and decided that I had the right to shep some nachas in the Blogosphere," Adesnik said. ❑ Cover package continues on page 30 9/ 3 2004 29