e wish our friends & family a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year Continue a 63-year tradition. Wish famili friends and the entin Jewish community a Happy New Year! To all our relatives and friends, our wish for a year filled with -- For private party advertis- ing only. Businesses not eligible. For further info, call 248.3515100. ha ppiness, health G at prosperi ty To Be Published: 9/10/04 Ad Deadline: 9/1/04 166_ kAti I May the coming year be filled with health and happiness for all our family & friends. Greetings arriving after the deadline will run in the following edition. _AN AH ONH. This ad size may indude personal photo instead of images shown her -name- $60 QUA 51---IANAI TOVALI May the New Year bring to all our friends and family health, joy, prosperity and everything good in life. -name- May the coming year be filled with health, happiness and prosperity for all our family and friends -name- $100 You can personalize this size ad with your family photo & personal greeting (in place of images shown here). Please enclose photo with order form $120 Please clip and send the coupon below with remittance or visit www.detroitjewishnews.com Name PLEASE CIRCLE AD DESIRED #1 - $40 #4 - $50 (PLEASE PRINT NAME TO APPEAR IN GREETING) 8/ 6 2004 14 Address City/State/Zip Phone Visa/MC/AMEX # Signature #2 - $60 #5 - $120 as shown #3 - $ 100 email exp. date amount / #5 - $120 w/personal photo Personal Check enclosed Send this form with your check or char card info, filled out completely to: The Jewish News Greetings 2004 29200 Northwestern Hwy. #110 Southfield, Ml 48034 Attn: Gina Horwitz If submitting photo, please include self- addressed, stamped envelope.