LETTERS We prefer letters that relate to articles in the Jewish News. We reserve the right to edit or reject letters. Brevity is encouraged. Letter writers generally are limited to one letter per 4-6 week period, space permitting. Letters must contain the name, address and tide of the writer, and a daytime telephone number. Original copies must be hand signed. Mail to the Jewish News at 29200 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 110, Southfield, MI 48034; fax to (248) 304-8885; or e-mail to: rsklar@thejewishnews.com We prefer letters to be e-mailed. More original letters are posted at www.detroitjevvishnews.com Security And Justice The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, an agency of the United Nations, ruled that the security fence built by Israel in the West Bank is ille- gal and should be torn down. First, the ICJ is nothing but a debat- ing society, like the U.N. It has no le authority, and it is in no position to "rule" on any matter that is in dispute between two parties. Second, the ICJ has shown itself to be extremely biased and discriminatory in all issues pertaining to Israel. Third, it has proven to the Free World that its judgment is myopic and prejudiced in many matters. For example, Israel is not the first • nation in the world to build a security fence: • Saudi Arabia is building an $8 bil- lion security fence around its border with -Yemen to block the entry of smug- glers and Al Qaida operatives. • India plans a security fence to keep terrorists from crossing its border from Pakistan, near Kashmir. • Botswana has erected an electrified security fence along its border with three other African nations to keep out infiltration of refugees and hungry live- stock. In its deliberations, the ICJ made no mention of these security fences or of close to a thousand Israelis and foreign- ers who have been murdered by Palestinian homicide bombers in the last 3 1/2 years. When Palestinian refugees left their homes in Israel, between 1947 and 1949, they did so voluntarily. Now the •Palestinian terrorists are complaining that Israel is standing in the way of their freedom of movement and their human rights. Israel wants only'to pro- tect the lives of its citizens. What does the International Court of Justice want? It certainly isn't justice! Rabbi Jack Goldman West Bloomfield Another Look At HMC I found letter writer David Arm's recent critique of the existing needs within the Detroit Jewish community to be inter- esting and meritorious ("A Different Perspective," July 16, page 6). However, his critical analysis of these needs in reference to the new Holocaust Memorial Center was misplaced. Although the community may want a fleishig (meat) kosher restaurant and may need a Jewish library as well as additional support for Jewish education, 7/23 2004 6 , f? .1* 42,6a • • 4..w it is not as a result of the new museum that these priorities have not been met. If Mr. Arm ever chooses to visit the museum, he will discover the multi- dimensional experience of the museum is designed to provide an education beyond events surrounding the Shoah. The entire first section of the museum presents and educates the viewer about the history of pre-war Jewish culture and life, while the third section focuses on current and post-war Jewish themes. The middle section, or approximately one third of the museum, is dedicated to giving a meaningful historical account of the 6 million Jews lost. In light of the recent International Court of Justice ruling, it seems that anti-Semitism is very much alive and flourishing in Europe and that the les- sons of the Holocaust have yet to be learned by many Europeans. If Mr. Arm feels that educating the Jewish and more importantly the non- Jewish community about the history of the Shoah is a low priority, he is enti- tled to his opinion. The museum is remarkable and a source of pride and another example of the national leader- ship and vitality of the Detroit Jewish community. We should honor the museum while continuing to work on the other priori- ties set out by Mr. Arm. Jeffrey Appel Huntington Woods Memorial Has Value The letter disparaging the Holocaust Memorial Center was sickening to read ("A Different Perspective," July 16, page 6). The writer fails to understand that the memorial has taught many thou- sands of visiting students what hate and prejudice can do as they learn how the world allowed the slaughter. The writer does not understand that this building has, in fact, brought knowledge to chil- dren who were unaware of anti- Semitism — its causes and its devasta- tions. i As for "another Holocaust," there will not be one, period; a building would not be a reason or necessity for the cer- tainty of that statement. As for his desires for a "living, breath- ing Jewish library ... a viable fleishig (meat) kosher restaurant" and an inex- pensive Jewish day school instead of the HMC, possibly we could have all if the writer could encourage others to join in a call for exchanging extravagant homes, luxury cars and kingly living for modest styles to finance his wishes with the difference. His use of "no business like Shoah business" can only indicate a man in need of humanity and Yiddishkeit. Albert and Vivian Best Farmington Hills Remember Buenos Aires Ten years ago this month, a bomb exploded at the Jewish community cen- ter in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people and wounding hundreds. It was the deadliest anti-Semitic attack outside of Israel since World War II. Unlike Sept. 11, July 18 is not a date burned in the minds of people around the world. But for the victims and their families, the local - and international Jewish communities, as well as those concerned with the welfare of the Americas, it remains a day of mourn- ing. July 18 is also a symbol of frustra- tion in the pursuit of justice. A decade after a van loaded with explosives destroyed the center which housed the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA), no one has been brought to justice, despite strong indi- cations that Hezbollah, supported and abetted by Syria and Iran, was instru- mental in the attack. Recent developments have provided a glimmer of hope. During a speech in May before the American Jewish Committee, Argentine President Kirchner pledged his commitment to solving the case, which has been mired in investigative gridlock and 'corruption. The U.S. has also launched several initiatives, including the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act, which is meant, in part, to halt Syrian support of terrorism. This month, both houses of Congress are expected to introduce a resolution condemning the attacks and calling for international cooperation in the investigation. These are crucial steps in the right direction. The global terror threat affects everyone, not just the latest vic- tim. In that vein, the search for truth and justice in the AMIA attack deserves the world's full attention. Terror anywhere invites terror every- where. Andrew S. Doctoroff chapter president, American Jewish Committee Bloomfield Township LETTERS on page 8