Watch The Sky And Duck I have an idea for a new reali- ty-based televi- sion show. It will be called Smite Mine Enemy, and each week, 16 lucky contestants will try to convince the GEORGE Almighty that the CANTOR person they hate Reality most should be Check struck down. In the series finale, the winner gets to watch as his enemy is wiped out by a bolt of lightning. Sounds like fun, huh? Well, it's no more ridiculous than the premises of some of these other shows. Just when you start to think that television could not get any sillier, you find that you're wrong again. People eat- ing worms, groveling before Donald Trump, picking a marriage part- ner, lying, cheating and in general making themselves look like idiots. Television loves these shows because they are inexpensive to pro- duce and draw a young viewing audience. They make me nostalgic for the early days of the medium when one of the most exciting things on the screen was a test pattern. I can understand some of the appeal, though. Unpredictability, for one. Every week the equation changes. Someone is eliminated from the cast. That is the opposite of what we have come to expect from a conven- tional TV series. Especially in a sit- corn, nothing ever changes. Every week the same characters return to the screen and do the same things. That is why the TV shows we remember so fondly from the past rarely translate into good movies. In the dramatic framework of a movie, there must be change. Someone's life must be altered in an unforgettable way. That is the core of dramatic' tension. But change violates all the rules of TV Land. The other positive for the reality- based shows is that they, at least, spare us those horrible made-for-TV movies that bear the slogan, "Based on a true story." When I see that I always want to ask: "Aren't all good stories true?" Don't all works of fiction, aside from comic books, contain charac- ters that remind us of real people and a plot that is, at least, somewhat plausible? What the "true story" tagline really means is that some lazy writer stole an idea from a newspaper and switched around a few names and dates so that he wouldn't be sued for libel or plagiarism. That's why I like my Smite Mine Enemies idea so much. Revenge is a great crowd-pleaser. Who hasn't wished to see their antagonists brought low by divine intervention? Everyone can identify. I am a fairly forgiving guy, but without thinking very hard, I could come up with one or two people I'd like to see on the receiving end of a lightning strike. In fact, I'd be delighted. The special effects would be terrif- ic and you would get some really great tales of injustice. All of them based on true stories, too. The tough part would be getting cooperation from God. He might be offended at using these powers just to get ratings. On the other hand, all the agents are probably in the Other Place. So we may be able to cut a deal. ❑ To be rooted is perha most important and least recognized need of the human soul. George Cantor's e-mail address is 5/28 2004