Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: w-vv-vv.detroitjewishnews.com Thinking About Plan B I srael needs to start thinking hard about what it will do if the United States ultimately leaves Iraq without achieving the announced goal of building a rock-solid foundation for a secular demo- cratic nation. The goal seems to be even more distant than a year ago when it was offered as an alternative ration- ale for deposing Saddam Hussein and destroying his putative stashes of weapons of mass destruction. While the U.S. military may be able to suppress the current insurrection by Moqtada al-Sadr and his Medhi army in the short run, it is unlikely to be able to restrain Shiite clerical forces, who are aching to use their 60 percent majority to dominate the political process in the longer run. One of their immediate goals would be to build strong ties with their counterparts in the Islamic republic of neighboring Iran. Such an alliance could mean significant new terrorist dangers for Israel because the Shiite clerical leadership in both countries is apparently commit- ted to Hamas and its hopes of eradicating the Jewish state. Increasingly worrisome reports in the Arab press describe an active Iranian role in training Medhi fighters, in financing local-level Shiite clerics and in brokering unity between al-Sadr and Ayatollah Ali Sistani, another symbol of Iraqi resistance to the American presence. President George W. Bush has said the political changes he wants for Iraq can become a catalyst for Greenberg's View democratic • reform in other states. But even the most mod- est progress toward those sorts of changes was shelved with the collapse of the scheduled Arab League meeting in Tunisia three weeks ago. While Israel would be better off if its Arab neigh- bors man- aged to modern- , ize their economic, social and political sys- tems, the Jewish state faces a signifi- cant risk in that the shift away from historic monarchy — as in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, for example — or the more common secular despotism (think Syria and Libya as well as Iraq) could lead to theocratic rule, Iran- style, rather than secular democracy. Israel has been largely silent about America's poli- cy goals and its occupation of Iraq. Israel has not, for example, spoken openly about the consequences HUMAN L1FESPANS EVENTUALLY END. THE WORLD'S MEMORY MUST NEVER, EDIT ORIAL for it from the American rush toward a June 30 deadline for handing power back to an Iraqi govern- ment. With the prospective need for a strong interna- tional force to maintain restrictions on an allied Iraq and Iran, Israel and its supporters in America need to start speaking up about the consequences of fail- ure. ❑ Synagogues And Homeland Security Washington hould synagogues and Jewish day schools get federal tax dollars to help them beef up security to meet the rising terror threat? That debate is playing out in congressional offices in Washington and communal boardrooms in New York as lawmakers begin work on a measure that would provide up to $100 million to help "vulnera- ble" non-profit organizations cope with the expensive quest for security. The issue raises thorny church-state and practical concerns. And it represents a huge public relations challenge for the Jewish organizations that played a major role in the bill's introduction. The threat is real and the money is needed, but it will take more than need to convince Congress, beset by budget woes that may leave many priori- ties under funded, to sign on the dotted line. For Jewish institutions, the threat is obvi- ous. They are among the "soft targets" that U.S. intelligence officials say are on AI Qaeda's hit list. In case anybody needed reminding, the apparent arson at a Montreal Jewish day school last week punc- . mated the point. As the war in Iraq gets messier and Islamic rage S cation, another to bar the money needed to protect houses of worship against suicide bombings. An unfavorable decision by the high court could transform the church-state debate in America, the separationists worried. The separation issue was mostly solved when Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., worked out a compromise that would require the JAMES D. Department of Homeland Security to deal BESSER directly with contractors so no funds would Special go directly to religious groups. But the Senate Commentary bill was disrupted when a lead GOP sponsor, Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kans., balked at the Church Versus State church-state compromise. Harder to deal with are some of the political and But that effort quickly produced the inevitable public relations issues. For all the increase in home- church-state debate. Some Jewish groups worried that land security funding, there are growing concerns that providing government payments to overtly basic services, including "first responders" like police, religious groups like churches and syna- fire and rescue departments, are still woefully under gogues would set a precedent that advocates funded. of religious school funding would drive Congress is facing mushrooming deficits exacerbated through with a truck. by the tremendous costs of wars in Iraq and Strict church-state separationists also worried that Afghanistan; overall, the level of funding for homeland funding for security upgrades would be challenged in security has not come near the level of pious rhetoric court, providing a particularly unfavorable test case coming from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. that could make it easier for a divided Supreme Court There is growing conflict over how that money is to rule in favor of direct funding for religious groups. It's one thing to bar funds for parochial-school edu- BESSER on page 26 grows, there are indications other terror groups could get in on the act, directing their dement- ed armies of martyrs to U.S. cities. At the top of the list: Hezbollah, which has already demonstrated a willingness to go beyond the Middle East in seeking Jewish targets. Jewish leaders face a staggering financial burden as anxious communities across the country struggle to meet the security chal- lenge. And with federal homeland security funding soaring, Washington was the obvious place to look. EDIT ORIAL James D. Besser is a Washington-based writer. His e-mail address is jbesser@attnet 4/16 2004 25