ith A Strong Hand' A collector's passion for the Passover Haggadah: medieval to Maxwell House. SHELL' LIEBMAN DORFMAN StaffWriter 11:11 n a designated wall in the library of Irwin Alterman's Bloomfield Hills home are eight built-in wooden shelves holding hundreds and hundreds of copies of the same book. Outwardly, they appear very different. Some are tiny, pocket-sized books, while others are large, coffee-table editions. They come shaped like everything from scrolls and chamsas (hand amulets) to half a matzah. Languages include Hebrew, English, Russian, Italian, French and Spanish. Yet all are Haggadot, and inside they tell the same story of the Jews' exodus from Egypt to freedom. "I have a great interest in books," Alterman said. "The Passover seder was a time when we always had a large group in our home and I was constantly looking to supplement the se-der experience. So collecting Haggadahs was a perfect fit." The 25-year-old collection is a site of interest and awe for guests to the Alterman home. Perhaps that's because there are so many of them — more than 700. Or maybe because most visitors have never seen a Haggadah in comic book form with the Beatles on surfboards atop the parted Red Sea, or a copy of the text of the Haggadah used by the Dalai Lama while attending an American seder, downloaded from a computer Web site. "I grew up using a Haggadah with no pictures in it," said Alterman, a Troy-based attorney. "Now there is so much more opportunity to get attractive books with extra readings and pictures that enhance the experi- ence." But most of what is displayed-on his shelves is not the kind you would take to the seder table. Seders Alterman participates in are conducted from the Conservative movement's Feast of Freedom Passover Haggadah, edited by Rachel Anne Rabinowitz. On one of his shelves sits the first edition of the book, the one- time-only version published before changes were made to bring it to its present state. Adding On Alterman's Haggadot come from a wide range of sources, including those received as gifts as well as those purchased on e-Bay. Yet every year between Purim and Passover, he goes power shopping. "I call this time of year, 'Haggadah Sunday season,"' he said. "Most Judaica and mainstream bookstores have some Haggadahs all year round, but this time of year, most get in new ones. So every Sunday between the two holidays, I make a swing, visiting all the stores." And it's often worth the trip because different stores get in different stock. "On one Sunday last month, I found a book I didn't have at each of three different stores," he said. 'And none of them had the orie the others had." Alterman is known to Chaskel Borenstein, manager of Borenstein's Book and Music Store in Oak Park "He is a serious collector, but there are very few others in town," Borenstein said. "Most people who shop for Haggadahs are looking for the kind they can use at the seder:" While Alterman typically doesn't venture out of Michigan for the sole purpose of shopping for Haggadot, he rarely misses the chance if he's traveling anyway, often visiting Judaica stores in the suburbs of Chicago, New York, Boston and Toronto. 'And I bought several last summer in Italy," he said. "A few years ago, I broke my suitcase coming home with the 15 I bought in France." When he's at home, Alterman may sit down at the computer and peruse a rare book Web site or one devoted solely to Haggadot. Sharing The View Alterman's collection includes everything from valu- able, out-of-print Haggadot with extensive commen- tary and beautiful art to those that are usual and inex- pensive. His rule for purchase: "I'll take anything I don't already have." Alterman acquires about 50 new Haggadot each year, and none receive a place on the shelves until he Examples of Alterman's unique Haggadot, from comic-book style to vintage Maxwell House give-aways, from El Al Airline . Haggadot to artistically bound and decorated volumes. 4/ 2 2004 30 has made the time to properly review them. He has them organized, some by size and publisher, others by country of origin or even stream of Judaism, as in his sub-collection of Orthodox Haggadot, including the writings and commentary of such scholar-sages as the 18th-century Lithuanian leader the Vilna Gaon. Alterman is interested not only in inviting guests to view his collection, but he occasionally meets with oth- ers who have acquired their own noteworthy Haggadot. "I hope to one day see the premier private collection I've heard about owned by a lawyer in Chicago who has in excess of 5,000 Haggadahs," he said. "That could very well be the fellow who came into our store many years ago," Borenstein said. "He said he had the day off and came to Detroit to shop for Haggadahs and ended up buying eight from us. He knew his collection so well, he knew these were books he didn't already have." Voluminous Variety Among the nearly 25 linear feet of Haggadot in Alterman's home are reprints of books from as far back as medieval times and as recent as those published just in time for Passover 2004. Alterman even has the one he used when he was a child. He has several Haggadot in both hard-cover and soft-cover — and even some purchased in their original version and in later their gender-neutral edition. The collection also includes many no longer in print, one in very large print created for the visually impaired and one with the center of each page cut out to reveal the burgundy-liquid-filled plastic wine cup glued inside the back cover. Alterman's shelves hold six Christian Haggadot used by non-Jews as a teaching tool and for those looking to adapt the holiday of Passover into Christianity. There are Haggadot with themes, such as freedom, including one whose red, white and blue illustrations depict American independence. "There are those that honor a particular strand of Judaism, such as customs in Yemen or Sephardic," he said. Many are geared toward women, the land of Israel and the Holocaust.