Looking For A New Rabbi Author Stephen Fried's visit comes at a perfect time for Congregation Beth Shalom. SHELLI LIEBMAN DORFMAN StaffWriter F or a synagogue in search of a new rabbi, a visit by an investigative reporter with years spent studying the process was a golden opportunity. Armed with insight gained from reading The New Rabbi: A Congregation Searches For Its Leader, Congregation Beth Shalom mem- ber Bobbie Lewis of Oak Park jumped at the chance to invite its author Stephen Fried to speak at the synagogue. His talk, a program of Beth Shalom's 50th Jubilee Year cele- bration, will take place at 7 p.m., Sunday, March 21. "My Beth Shalom Sisterhood Fried book club read The New Rabbi last year and loved it," said Lewis, who, along with Mandy Garver of Bloomfield Hills, co-chairs the synagogue's Cultural Commission, the lecture spon- ' . sor. With the announcement of the 2005 retirement of Rabbi David Nelson, Beth Shalom joined at least six area synagogues — including Conservative, Qrthodox and Reform — actively searching for new clergy. So, Fried's topic, "The Challenges and Pitfalls of Choosing New Leaders," will interest those far beyond the search committee at Beth Shalom. Fried said his theme will not be limited to rab binic search insight, but also will discuss American Judaism in general as well as political, personal and congregational insights he gained doing research for the book. Outside of the rabbinic search process, Fried's book focuses on his own personal return to the syn- agogue while saying Kaddish for his father. "If people come to the talk because they are on a search committee, that's great," he said. "But if they just lost a parent and want to follow somebody's journey of mourning and return to land of living or want to learn about an exploration into contempo- rary Judaism, I'm here to share that, too." In his book, Fried chronicled three years in the life of the Conservative Har Zion Temple in Philadelphia during their nationwide search to replace departing longtime pulpit Rabbi Gerald Wolpe. Fried was allowed access into the private life of the rabbi and his family as well as into the poli- tics of the congregational leaders and members. Fried had a first-hand view of the process and obstacles encountered in Har Zion's search for a new rabbi. He was witness to many unexpected tribula- 3/12 2004 60 tions. He watched as a rabbi was finally chosen, only to decline the offer at the last minute. He was also privy to the friction and dissension between members of the congregation and among members of the clergy. Outside The Synagogue During his exploration, Fried realized his findings were representative of experiences beyond the syna- • gogue walls. 'All the things I found can happen any- where," he said. "Not only in synagogues and in non-Jewish houses- of worship, but also in business and in life. "This is only Jewish because it takes place in Judaism." To the issue of Detroit's half-a-dozen or more ongoing rabbinic searches, he said, "The recruit- ment of clergy in all American religions is down. But the problem is not in the amount of rabbis being ordained, but rather that so many rabbis are not looking for pulpits," he said." Referring to one of the rabbis named in the book, he said, "[Rabbi] Lee Buckman [head of school at the Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit] is a perfect example of a quintessential "FaR.-inaum; . Beneath the story about synagope polities is a novel-like stot ylove and loss. "tbriz futze , 'look 'Brave • rernark:Thie about leadmnir that y(yc, don't Dave to be Je,,\ i h appreux.e —"Mc Phi I o d r,:ti in q i - rabbi who is choosing to run a day school rather than run a pulpit." The book also includes other familiar names with local ties, like Rabbi Daniel Nevins who is men- tioned in a section on Adat Shalom Synagogue's rab- binic search. Prior to his talk at Beth Shalom, Fried will speak with the synagogue's executive board. "What we hope to get is some advice based on his experience at Har Zion and his knowledge of other shuls' experience, especially on the pitfalls to avoid in our search," Lewis said. "We're really pleased to be able to speak with Stephen Fried and get one more perspective — that of someone intimately involved with a rabbinic search, but outside the 'official' process," said Garver, who is also chair of Beth Shalom's rabbinic search committee. Congregants Of Divorce Before searching for a new rabbi, Fried reminds that congregants need time to either mourn — or cele- brate — the departure of the old rabbi. "Congregants can feel like children of divorce when a rabbi leaves," he said. "Even if he or she leaves for a good reason." Fried feels strongly that a way to ease the situa- tion is through the use of a position that is little- used in Detroit — the interim rabbi. "This is a rabbi, who is hired by the congregation for one year to work through the rebuilding time after the rabbi leaves, before a new rabbi is hired," Fried said. "The interim rabbi is skilled in helping the congregation to get to the place where it can make decisions on what it wants and needs and shepherd them through the process of the search." One thing Fried confirmed through his investiga- tion is that, in general, people dislike change. "Even those who think they were unhappy with their rabbi are even more unhappy about change," he said. "Even if they don't like the rabbi, they get used to how they don't like the rabbi." Overall, he found that even congregants with dif- fering opinions ultimately have the synagogue in their best interest — even though the process of hir- ing a new rabbi can take its toll on the membership. "The rabbi search can be either totally frighten- ing or frightening and exciting," he said. "But it can be as amazing as starting a new congregation." Stephen Fried will speak and sign copies of The New Rabbi at 7 p.m., Sunday, March 21, at Congregation Beth Shalom. Cost of the program is $12. For information, call (248) 547-7970.