POINT/C011111IRPOINT e 4 ' 1 - Pt.; *A 4* S • • :41tVt Unholy Matrimony Las Vegas Iiirl ith the recent Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, our country has begun a major debate about marriage, its importance and its bound- aries. The Jewish community has a lot to contribute to this discussion since our religion introduced to civilization the idea that some love relationships can be holy and some, such as those between members of the same sex, cannot. Proponents of same- sex marriage argue that homosexuality is a natural, unchangeable sexual orientation, and DAVID it's thus unfair to BENKOF expect gays and les- Point bians to enter oppo- site-sex marriages. They insist, rather, that same-sex rela- tionships come naturally for gays and lesbians, and such unions can be just as beautiful, loving and holy as opposite-sex relationships. They may be right about beautiful and loving, but not holy, as far as Judaism is concerned. For our people, holy doesn't just mean "elevated" or "spiritual." Rather, kedushah (holiness) is a sort of religious specialness, with the specifics of what is or is not holy coming exclusively from God and not open to human redefini- tion. Now I personally know lots of ter- rific, nurturing same-sex couples (I was even part of one, once). Certainly, hospi- tal-visitation and inheritance laws should afford dignity and respect to people who chose to live their lives with a member of the same sex. But when gays and lesbians demand kiddushin, the Jewish term for marriage, the answer has to be no. Advocacy of same-sex marriage because such unions are "natural" for gays and lesbians is particularly ironic, given something interesting, but rarely discussed, about the Jewish texts and terms relating to kedushah. Jewish holi- ness generally refers not to doing what comes naturally, but to doing what is unnatural, precisely because God has shown us, through His Torah and His commandments, a better way of living. David Benkof is a freelance writer, for- mer Jewish history teacher in Los Angeles and the author (as David Bianco) of `Modern Jewish History for Everyone" and "Gay Essentials: Facts for Your Queer Brain." His e-mail address is DavidBenkof@aol.com 2/13 2004 26 The prime example is Shabbat. Every aspect of our calendar is based on nature — the month from the moon, the year from the sun, the day from the Earth — except the week. We have a seven-day week for no reason other than God's cre- ation of the Earth in six days and His rest on the seventh. In a state of nature, we would work nonstop — and indeed most people do. But the Torah teaches us that resting one out of seven days makes our lives better. Hence the Friday- night Kiddush quotes Genesis 2.3, telling us God blessed the seventh day vayikadesh oto, and He made it holy. Another good example of holiness in Judaism is Jewish mourning rituals, from saying Kaddish to joining a burial socie- ty: a chevra kadishah. Jewish customs . when someone dies are not "natural." Many world societies worship their dead or treat the dead like garbage. Jewish law rejects such practices and provides a rich- ly detailed and com- prehensive set of instructions so that mourners don't have to wonder how to cope with all the prac- tical, social and theo- logical issues they face. Just as we have Kiddush and Kaddish, we also have kiddushin. Jewish marriages are set up for a man and a woman not because it's natural, but because it's part of God's plan for helping our lives and our society. Societies in history have cele- brated varieties of sexual congress that would seem to us to range from the con- ventional to the bizarre. But God has shown us through His Torah that only a tiny percentage of all possible relation- ships can be holy. Some of the relationships the Torah forbids are self-evidently off-limits, such as brother-sister unions. Other taboos are harder for moderns to follow, such as the marriage of a kohen (descendent of the priestly caste) to a divorced woman. It may be that, 30-plus years into the gay liberation movement, Judaism's rejection of same-sex couplings has become harder to understand. But Judaism can no more grant kiddushin to two women or two men than it can observe Shabbat every sixth or fifth day. Whether it's to preserve an ideal envi- ronment for raising children, to promote healthy balance between the sexes or simply because we ought to accept God's norms about the fundamentals of society whether we understand them or not, the Jewish community should speak out firmly against any rewriting of marriage laws. ❑ - The Case For Gay Marriage West Bloomfield n recent days, our national atten- tion has focused on the state of Massachusetts via its leading Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. John Kerry. Some of us, however, have been mindful of Massachusetts since its Supreme Court reopened national debate about gay marriage last November. The ballot is still out to determine if this decision was that hoped-for "Great Step" for the gay com- munity or the motivation for opponents to redefine marriage in America. For Jews, however, this decision changes very little. According to our tra- dition diva Analchuta diva (the law of the land presides over Jewish law), but no traditional Jewish community will be swayed to redefine their position by the high court of Massachusetts. No Orthodox rabbis will suddenly decide to officiate at a gay marriage under any cir- cumstances. At the same time, the liberal end of the Jewish spectrum contin- ues to support the civil rights of their gay mem- bers while its rabbis often agree to offici- ate at union or commitment ceremonies — sometimes calling these life cycle events "marriages." Despite the Massachusetts high court decision, there are still those who argue that Judaism leaves no option when it comes to this issue. For the traditional Jew, the book of Leviticus is clear when it states that homosexuality is unacceptable. "Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination." (Leviticus 18:22) or "If a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, the two of them have done an abhorrent thing; they shall be put to death — their blood guilt is - upon them" (Leviticus 20:13). And even though there are no record- ed instances of the death penalty being carried out in any "gay" case, the strength of this textual prohibition is clear. These arguments are reinforced by generations of rabbinic literature. Similarly, a wealth of Jewish interpreta- tion exists on the other side of the argu- ment. Some have argued that Jonathon and David shared an intimate romantic relationship. Others have used semantics to debunk the Levitical texts (it is actual- I Joshua L. Bennett has been a rabbi at Temple Israel since 1994. The temple offers a support group for parents and families with gay children. ly impossible for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman; anatomy prevents this). These arguments are reinforced by a growing social con- cern for expanding the liberal definition of a Jew. For me to argue in favor of gay mar- riage, however, very little of this Jewish historical background matters. As a Reform rabbi working in a large congregation, my decision to support gay marriage is as much a civil rights issue as it is a Jewish one. I am swayed by the roots of my Reform tradition, roots that invite me to boldly interpret Jewish law to allow for the ongoing development RABBI of the Jewish people. My religion has always JOSHUA L. understood the need BENNETT to adapt and change Counterpoint with a changing Jewish world. Thus, to support gay marriage is a "no- brainer" as I respond to the needs of a growing gay Jewish population. Indeed, I have comfortably officiated at several gay Jewish marriages as valid religious events. Yet, I also support homosexual mar- riage as a civil right as well. Clearly, the Jewish call to see all people as Created b'tzelem Elohim — in the image of God — forces me to make the jump to human rights in this case. Judaism teach- es me (also in Leviticus) to ensure a fair justice system and the civil rights that are determined therein. To suggest that those who have joined their lives in a loving adult relationship — gay or straight — do not deserve equal rights is as abhorrent as the original biblical prohibition. We must under- stand that these unions are between lov- ing and committed partners even if they do not qualify as legal. The most compelling rationale behind my support for governmental action to support and facilitate homosexual mar- riage is best spoken by Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel. "... I would surely support any attempt, any plan, any project, imag- ined or envisioned by any group, to say that human rights and civil rights apply to me, to my wife, to my son, to my family, to my people, to gays, to lesbians. We have no right to limit freedom. We have no right to limit respect. Because anyone who begins will not stop." (Excerpted from Elie Wiesel's remarks at the Eighth Annual Human Rights Campaign Fund Dinner in 1989.) ❑