You Wear It A Young Israel class learns all about tzitzit-. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM AppleTree Editor p articipan.ts in a Young Israel of Southfield class have been learning both the haws and whys of Jewish tradition, starting with a course last September on blowing the shofar and, most recently, wearing tzitzit. Tzitizit, fringes on a tallit or on an undergarment worn beneath a shirt, are cited in Nui'nbers 15:37- 41. Their purpose is simple: To remind the Jewish people of God's laws. In the Toiah, God tells Moses, "Speak to the children of Israel and tell them to affix fringes to the cor- ners of their garments The learning project initiated with Young Israel of New York, which complemented a monthly mitzvah class already ongoing at Young Israel of Southfield. Other topics include tefillin, the mezuzah and baking challah. The tallit becomes a Rony Wolfe. 7, of Southfiel d finishes tying one corner. y project fin. Yosi Pieczerzik, 7, and dad, Stuart, of Southfield. Rachel Wolfe, 9, of Southfield examines knots in the tzitzit. Zen Newman, I 1, of Southfield straightens the wool tin -cads.