Israel Institute of Technology invites you to hear Dr. Ivlarcelle Ivlachluf Senior Lecturer, Technion Faculty of Food Engineering and Biotechnology 1 Medical Treatments Imagine using genes from one's own skin to... ...allow the diabetic to produce insulin... ...extend the life of a heart disease patient... a cancer patient's malignant tumor... ...create a new frontier of hope with Machluf's pioneering work in gene delivery & tissue engineering Join us to learn how Machluf's new methods offer unlimited therapeutic horizons and hope. 6:30 p. Tuesday, Febtua at the home of Fred & Pat Erlich 1207 Hidden Lake Drive, Bloomfield Hills (off Echo between Lone Pine and Long Lake Rds.) RS tc) the.-AT$ -,sersteseerresommersaasswonessagXmvsmarasaserstax.- erxxsznortr.s. ,A,,,zoismairmormarma, 804770 21