OTHER VIEWS Israel's Campus Image D wring the 2002-2003 school year on Michigan campuses, events and situations detrimental to Israel's cause led the Jewish Community Council to increase its consultation and programming assistance to Jewish stu- dent groups. A national pro-Palestinian conference at the University of Michigan, anti-Israel campus newspaper columnists and letter writers, anti-Israel speakers on tour and other activities revealed that opponents of Israel here in Michigan decided to focus on students of higher learning. Their goal: To win the minds of college students, staff and faculty to their way of thinking on the Arab/Israeli conflict. We needed to respond. The JCCouncil set up an initial series of meetings with the staffs of Hillel cam- pus organizations and with student lead- ership to assess needs. The passion and inspiration of pro- Israel students was impressive. The needs they cited include more education on Israeli history and current events, more techniques for effective advocacy, and more skills for coalition building with other student organizations and relation- ship building with the government, administration and press on campus. The Council now gathers and reviews materials and Web resources produced Allan Gale is associate director of the Bloomfield Township-based Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit. by several organizations to confront these needs, which are national in scope. We work with a small, but knowledgeable lay advisory group to determine a response tailored to Michigan. We initiated and maintain this response through funds granted to us from the Max M. Fisher Foundation and the Irwin and Bethea Green College Life Fund. During the past couple of semesters, we have held several successful campus consultations based on advocacy and community relations principles. When anti-Israel professor (and child of Holocaust survivors!) Norman Finkelstein visited Western Michigan University, we advised both the Jews on campus and the Kalamazoo Jewish corn- munity to: 1) urge the news media to provide a pro-Israel perspective in their coverage; 2) distribute pro-Israel materials out- side the lecture hall; 3) attend the lecture, take notes on what was said (to be composed later into a report to be shared with national Hillel) and pose pro-Israel questions. When a peace group at Michigan State University, an African-American group at Wayne State University and a graduate student group at the University of Michigan planned pro-Palestinian pro- gramming, we encouraged the Jewish student organizations to reach out to those groups, explain the pro-Israel view and seek a common understanding of the Israeli position. counselors at Michigan's Jewish When a student newspaper overnight camps. consistently gave too much A statewide Israel weight to the pro-Palestinian education/advocacy weekend perspective, we communicated retreat for college students, an to the administration, asking for, Israel-themed trip to and later receiving, more views Washington for high school stu- to be presented on the opinion Uti dents, and statewide campus pages. ALLAN tours for an Israeli diplomat, an With regard to programming, GALE Israeli journalist and others are and knowing not all students Community on the drawing board. have tolerance for another lec- Perspective It's a "Ell class load" for us, ture, we have tried to be creative. but one that should reap bene- We sought out cultural, arts and fits both in the near term (an improved interactive programs that we could image of Israel on campus) and the long enhance with some component of teach- term, namely enhancing the Israel educa- ing about Israel or advocacy. tion and advocacy effectiveness of future We subsidized student attendance at Jewish community leaders. an Israel-themed theatrical performance and to an out-of-state student advocacy workshop. We brought Israeli college students "Israel On Campus: What the here for one-on-one meetings with their College Handbooks Don't Tell peers. We brought two Israel advocacy You" is a Seminars for Adult Jewish trainers here to train students. And we Enrichment (SAJE) course distributed a large qUantity of materials designed for high school seniors, especially designed for the college student college students, and their parents who wants to be an effective advocate for or grandparents. The course, to be Israel. co-taught by David Gad-Harf and In the coming semesters, we plan to Allan Gale of the JCCouncil and inspire: Miriam Starkman of Hillel of 1) Jewish faculty members on campus Metro Detroit, will be offered on toward pro-Israel activity; Tuesday evenings for four weeks in 2) Israel education and advocacy pro- January and February at the Jewish gramming for Jewish high school stu- Community Center in West dents; Bloomfield. For information, call 3) similar programming for college the SAJE office at the JCC, (248) students who spend their summers as 661-1000. ❑ , ROTH from page 25 would not be so discriminatory (in the connotative sense) — so what about chairing such committees? Which, of course, leads to the next rung — board positions and then, of course, officer and then, of course, president. After all, there is no logical, defensible rationale to be discriminatory (in the denotative sense, this time). Such is the classic slip- pery slope concept exemplified. Or does the JN contemplate having the non Jew connected and welcome, but inform them, politely and sensitive- ly, "We welcome you, but since you are a gentile, you cannot really do anything but sit in our services." (At least there will be one quiet congregant out there.) The entire premise is non-workable and will simply create tzuris. As for its proven ineffectiveness, I refer you to a 1997 study by Bruce Phillips for the American Jewish Committee (not known for its conser- vative leanings). It is cited extensively in Professor Jack Wertheimier's article in the March 2001 issue of Commentary tided, "Surrendering to 1/ 9 2004 26 Intermarriage," a most persuasive argu- ment against this type of keruv by the provost of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Weigh Outreach Keruv has been around for a couple of decades. The study demonstrates the fallacious assumptions of the approach. The bottom line is that the overwhelm- ing majority of intermarried families do not want themselves or their children to identify unambiguously as Jews. We are better served by directing our limited resources to those efforts which have proven to be effective. Intermarriage cannot be "confronted" by continued unproven attempts to accommodate it. The response must be made in a preventive mode on two lev- els. Firstly, our children must be inculcat- ed with our considerable tradition and the fostering of a relationship with God. This must be provided through role modeling in our homes and/or through Jewish day school education (K-12), participation in Jewish camps, Jewish youth groups and trips to Israel. Studies confirm that by the time such children become of marrying age, endogamy is a natural choice in high percentages. Secondly, we must resurrect the social unacceptability of the practice. This means reviving a notion among Jewish parents that prohibits the practice of interdating! There has been no inter- marriage that was not preceded by interdating. We have no difficulty imposing strict prohibitions on person- al self-destructive behavior (drinking, drugs, driving limitations) — why not on behavior which is collectively self- destructive? Does our existence as a people mean so little? Once it becomes "okay" in high school to date a non-Jew, how or why does it become suddenly treifthree or four years later when the likelihood of falling in love and choosing a mate for life becomes a real possibility? When the 23-year-old comes home with a non Jew and states, "I am in love and getting married," it is clearly too late. But according to the Jewish News, I guess it is time to welcome them into the fold, make them comfortable and connected, and give them opportunities for a synagogue leadership position. That will encourage the younger sib- lings and other congregational children to stand up and take notice that inter- marriage is unacceptable! If it were not so tragic, it would be laughable. The concepts of tolerance and inclu- sion should not, in a misplaced context, supersede our core values. As Jews, Conservative or otherwise, in America we are free to choose. The openness of our society does not com- pel us to commit collective suicide by intermarrying or acquiescing to it as a norm. It does allow us to choose or, at our peril, ignore, to live by our obliga- tions to God and to that unbroken chain from Sinai. We must have the collective will to make the right choice. ❑