Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: www.detroitjewishnews.com Special Kaye e would never say it, but Jeff Kaye is a basic needs like towels, insulin and food. hero. At great personal risk, he went to a They also lacked Jewish ritual objects country that he had never been to and like siddurim and tefillin. helped people he had never met. Into that hellhole, Kaye brought com- The secret sojourns were to post-Saddam Iraq. And passion and purpose. He also brought the people that he assisted were all who remained from toughness, which was central to comfort- a once-thriving cultural and mercantile center for Jews. ing and befriending people who were That he went to a lawless land as a messenger of relief emotionally and physically spent. and hope underscores what kind of person Jeff Kaye is. Helping them relocate or make aliyah Detroit Jewry is lucky to have a link to Kaye. He was was his intent, but his first order of busi- our Israel emissary from 1993-1997. He's now resource ness was extending succor and refuge — development director for the Jewish Agency for Israel and restoring their dignity. Kaye is often called the best Israel — and a man truly on a mission. Iraq was home to 130,000 Jews in the 1940s, but emissary the Detroit Jewish community ever had. Growing up in the most fled to Israel in the shadows of Israel's diaspora gave him a different war for independence in 1948. O► view of and connection to the In the wake of Saddam's fall, the humani- tarian agency shifted into overdrive to get a Jewish state. He understands relief team to Iraq to check on the welfare of about what it means to be a Jew outside of three-dozen Jews thought to still be in Baghdad despite Israel. The Jewish Agency helps imperiled 34 years of religious persecution. The number of Jews could be higher, but it's hard to know; many assimilated Jews anywhere in the world. Kaye has or hid their religion after Saddam took power in 1969. been one of its top ambassadors. He's Kaye was a member of that first relief team as well as committed to the core of what Judaism is all about, namely, helping to ease suf- later rescues. Thanks to the Jewish Agency and its partner, the fering. The years that Jeff Kaye served as New York-based Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, at least 25 Jews have left Iraq. The trips have been special shaliach in Detroit helped shape the for Kaye. His wife's parents are Iraqi exiles who went to heroic path he walks today. And two titans of the Detroit Federation, Robert Israel in 1951. Kaye was raised in Scotland and made Aronson and Jane Sherman, have been aliyah after college. Kaye found that Baghdad's Jews were persecuted important mentors in his embrace of peasants. Their property wasn't safe, and they lacked tikkun olam, of repair of the world. ❑ r Dry Bones A A CE TO FACE --41111/ NC-GOTt ATI OtQc 1311.UEEt.) - ISRAELIS ANJI) PAL6S1 31AN)S EDIT IAL RE NOU3 AUWAtTt NG m 1 R E SU LTS OF 71-IG „ 444 - r — n–iE QticktOS A t...)D 1H€ PA L6-STI t A MS Tell It Like It Is kay, who's trying to kid whom about European anti-Semitism? Could it be any plainer that most of the physical attacks on Jews and Jewish institu- tions is being carried out by Muslim youths? Or that most of the speechmaking against Jews is coming from the extreme left wing and extreme right wing? And that broadcast and print media occasionally throw fuel on the embers of anti-Semitism? So what could possibly have possessed the European Union's European Monitoring Center for Racism and Xenophobia to try so hard to squelch its own report saying exactly that? Could it be that if it accepted the plain facts about who hates the Jews, it might have to start doing something about remedy- ing the problem at its major sources instead of trying to appease the extremists who are at the heart of this evil. Alarmed by a wave of incidents that included the beating of Jewish youths and arson at synagogues in the summer of 2002, the center com- missioned the Center for Research on Anti-Semitism at the Technical University in Berlin to look at the causes and offer suggestions for future action. The report that came back was too clear about who and what was to blame. Heck, it might even have offend- ed someone. For example, "the threatening nature of the situa- tion, in particular for the Jewish communities, arose because in most of the countries monitored the increasing number of anti-Semitic attacks, committed frequently by young Arabs-Muslims and by far-right extremists, was accompanied by a sharp criticism of Israeli politics across the entire political spectrum, a criticism that in some cases employed anti-Semitic stereotypes." Oh, no, said Monitoring Center offi- cials; way too simplistic. Similarly, the center faulted the report because it "could be seen as suggesting that individual acts of anti-Semitism are indicative of anti-Semitism being endemic among Arab-North African Muslim immigrants,' 'the Muslim popula- EDIT ORIAL tion,' 'young Muslims,' 'young Arab- Muslims.' Using such broad and general categories seems to be based on the assumption that homogeneous communities exist that share certain traits by virtue of their ethnic or religious background. It is highly questionable to hold certain population groups collectively account- able for the acts of individuals or fringe elements within those groups." Of course, not all Muslims are anti-Semitic. But the center's weasel-worded ducking is what you would expect from the majority of the Arab and Muslim world, not from a supposedly neutral multi- national agency financed by the countries of Western Europe. No wonder the center was embarrassed when Jewish groups and others managed to get a copy of the suppressed report and post it on their Web sites. As the report correctly noted, Europe needs to agree on the definitions of anti-Semitic crimes and anti-Semitic speech and then treat those incidents with real urgency. Countries like France, Belgium, the Netherlands and even England need to recognize that tolerating Jew-bashing will not solve the prob- lems of their immigrant communities. Other coun- tries must recognize how their national policies siding with the Palestinians allows the trouble-makers to heap indiscriminate blame on Israel and perpetuate The Protocols of the Elders ofZion beliefs about Jews controlling the world. The Berlin researchers did a fair report for the European Monitoring Center for Racism and Xenophobia. The center and the whole European Union should just get on with the business of dealing with the problem in sensible and effective ways instead of bending over backwards to appease the anti-Semitic culprits.. . 2003 37