RS Increase Jewish elderly may pay more for drugs under new Medicare law. MATTHEW E. BERGER Peivate Sector Some Jewish policy analysts fear that Jewish Telegraphic Agency the prescription drug provisions in private insurance programs will be Washington he law that was supposed to dropped or downgraded for retirees ease the burden of prescrip- because of the availability of the tion drug costs for the eld- optional Medicare program. erly may force some Jewish While the new law contains subsi- seniors to pay more than they do now. dies to encourage employers to keep prescription drug benefits for retirees, The Medicare reform legislation, it's unclear how good drug benefits signed by President Bush last week, grants some relief in prescription drug must be for businesses to receive the subsidy — and analysts say some costs for seniors. But other provisions employers may downgrade their pro- of the law may affect adversely more affluent seniors, including Jews. grams to the minimum required. Another possibility is that Jewish Jewish groups still are learning what the law will mean for Jewish seniors seniors who currently have low drug costs will pay more to opt into the and already are looking at ways to program when it begins in 2006 or amend it. Several Jewish groups when they turn 65, to avoid penalties opposed the legislation, claiming it did not go far enough to aid seniors. for joining later. They are looking to join coalitions of B'nai B'rith International opposed other advocacy groups to seek a new the legislation, along with several Medicare reform bill, or amendments other Jewish groups. Rachel Goldberg, B'nai B'rith's assistant to the current one, before most of the provisions go into effect in 2006. director for senior services and advo- Other organizations, including rep- cacy, said the main concern was a gap in prescription drug coverage for sen- resentatives of Jewish nursing homes, say the law will grant Jewish seniors iors. While the law offers discounts for some relief and is a step in the right those who spend less than $2,250 a direction. The Medicare issue is an important year on drugs, the next discounts do not start until after one pays $5,100 a one for Jews, since they are older on year. "People are going to be really average than the general American population. According to the National surprised when they look at it," Jewish Population Survey 2000-01, 19 Goldberg said. The demographics of the Jewish percent of the U.S. Jewish population community mean Jews may be among is over age 65, compared to 12 per- the first to see how the new provisions cent of the U.S. population as a affect spending on senior services. whole. Because Jewish seniors tend to be Not only is the Jewish community older, but Jewish families also have more affluent than seniors in the gen- eral population, they may be adversely fewer children than the U.S. average, affected by the new Medicare laws. meaning that there are fewer sources For example, Jewish seniors currently of income to offset growing costs in a are more likely to be using private family. insurance, known as Medigap, to sup- "What's going to happen nation- plement what Medicare covers, wide, we're a microcosm of that," including prescription drugs. But the Goldberg said. "It's going to happen new law prohibits Medigap policies to us first." That includes assisting from covering prescription drug costs, poorer Jews. so seniors who rely on that service While Jewish elderly generally have more money than elderly in the gen- may soon have to pay more out of eral population, 9 percent of Jews pocket. The same is true for seniors who are over age 65 live at or below the pover- ty level, and 18 percent live in house- on prescription drug programs holds that earn $15,000 or less a year, through their employers or pensions. according to the population survey. Rx on page 26 • Novi 21211 Haggerty Rd. North of 8 Mile (888) 437-8243 Troy 1917 East Big Beaver At John R Rd. (248) 619-0264 Farmington Hills 28300 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 101 (800) 914-3524 12/12 2003 25