This Week Walking The Line For Joe Lieberman, Jewishness is key but it doesn't tell the whole story. MATTHEW E. BERGER Jewish Telegraphic Agency Conco;x1, N.H. IV hen Joseph Lieberman was 10 years old, bounc- ing a basketball through the house, the family rabbi told his mother, "He will never amount to anything." "I laughed at him," Marcia Lieberman recalls. "What would you say to your rabbi who said that?" On the day Sen. Joseph Lieberman officially submitted his name for the Democratic primary ballot in New Hampshire, his 89-year-old mother was the center of attention, holding court across the street at a small pub and telling stories that would make any son blush. The presence of a stereotypical Jewish mother on the campaign trail is perhaps the most Jewish aspect of a campaign that is trying to downplay the candi- date's religion. Lieberman's Jewishness has made headlines since he was selected as Al Gore's vice presidential running mate on the Democratic ticket in 2000, and now that Lieberman is running for the top job himself, defining the role his her- itage plays has become a challenge for the candidate. "I'm running for president as an American who happens to be Jewish, not the other way around," Lieberman says. "I'm proud of my heritage, but I am absolutely confident that the American people are ready to choose whoever they think is the best candidate for president, regardless of religion, nationality, race, gender, etc." He grows visibly upset as he is pep- pered with questions about his religion and its impact on his campaign, and he jokingly threatens to strangle the inter- viewer if the topic doesn't change. The frustration is understandable. Lieberman's campaign is, after all, about a lot more than being Jewish. A car in his motorcade bears a Jesus fish just below a sticker saying "Joe Lieberman 2004." And non-kosher pepperoni pizza will be served that evening at the home Editor's note: This is the first in a JTA special series on the presidential candi- dates. 11/28 2003 16 of a Greek-Americari state repre- sentative who has endorsed Lieberman. But in many ways, it is Lieberman's Judaism — or, more specifically, his devout beliefs and actions — that has helped the senator emerge as more than just one of the 100 men and women in the Senate, positioning him for his current bid for the White House. Lieberman's refusal to drive on Shabbat led then-Senator Gore to offer a bedroom in his Capitol Hill home to Lieberman for Friday nights and weekends when the Senate was in session, spark- ing a friendship partly responsible for Lieberman's selection as Gore's running mate in 2000. And it was his faith, and the milestone of becoming the first Joseph Jew on a national party ticket, that helped give him celebrity sta- tus on the campaign trail in 2000, winning him a following that no unsuccessful vice presidential candidate has gotten since Geraldine Ferraro broke the gender barrier in 1984. Lieberman's faith has also gotten him into some trouble. Some Jewish groups, including the Anti-Defamation League, publicly rebuked Lieberman's discussion of his faith on the campaign trail. Lieberman's complaints about violence in the media, in which he joined with former Education Secretary William Bennett, cost him support and fund- raising dollars in Hollywood. Role Of Faith Lieberman makes no apologies for who he is, and he notes that the last two Democrats to win the presidency — Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton — were men who felt comfortable speaking of their faith in a broad, inclusive way. And when it is advantageous, Lieberman wears his religion on his sleeve. Appearing last month at a Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., synagogue located in a senior citizen's center, Lieberman spoke Yiddish and accepted a lulav for Sukkot. But he remains defiant that he is not the "Jewish candidate" — even if his Concord office is on top of a bagel shop — and that religion will not be a factor Lieberman: A politician who is a Jew. in the voting booth. Lieberman is disappointed that more Jews are not supporting his candidacy, the way other minority groups have ral- lied around their candidates in the past. But he says he knows that the American Jewish community is diverse. "If somebody in the Jewish communi- ty thinks that one of the other Democratic candidates will make a bet- ter president than I, or that George Bush will make a better president than I, then they should, notwithstanding the fact that I am Jewish, support those other candidates," he says. "But what I have said is: Don't not support me because I'm Jewish, because that is anti-Semitism." Lieberman says his sluggish showing in the New Hampshire polls — the lat- est American Research Group survey has him running a distant fourth with 5 percent of the vote — is irrelevant, because other polls show him having one of the best chances at beating President Bush in the general election. And he is expending a lot of time and energy in New Hampshire, bypassing the Iowa caucus, hoping to succeed in the first state primary on Jan. 27. Outside analysts say Lieberman's reli- gion probably isn't that big a factor in this race, and that his poor showing is based more significantly on his conser- vatism relative to the other candidates. "It's not that I don't think there are bigots anywhere in America; its just that I know we're in a country that is so per- vasively accepting and tolerant that they don't speak out publicly very much," Lieberman says. "I remain totally confi- dent that America is ready to vote for a Jewish candidate for president if they think he or she is best suited to be the president they need." Biography Joseph Isadore Lieberman was born on Feb. 24, 1942, in Stamford, Conn., and grew up in one of the most religiously observant Jewish families in the area. One of his mother's earliest memories of Joe is tying her 2-year-old to a banister outside of the house so he could play outside without supervision. "Now I would be called an abusive mother," she says. The fact that the Liebermans did things differently — keeping kosher and observing the Sabbath in a community with few observant Jews — taught Joe discipline, his mother says. "Now she tells me," Lieberman says. • "Well, she's probably right. There's no question that a part of what shaped me is that I grew up in a largely non-Jewish community in which I vas religiously