Birthright On TRUST from page 17 Birthright Israel trips get go-ahead, but funding sources still not secure. RACHEL POMERANCE Jewish Telegraphic Agency New York T he international Jewish partnership that has sent nearly 50,000 youngsters from around the world on free trips to Israel is slated to con- tinue past its five pilot years. Birthright Israel, the free trip for young Jewish adults who have never been to the Jewish state on a peer tour, enters its fifth year this winter amid struggles to secure funding from two of its three main backers. . Despite the commitment announced recently by Birthright's steering committee to continue the program, some say the resolve of funders who have faltered in the past remains in question. That's why Birthright backers lobbied for the program this week at the North American Jewish federation system's annual General Assembly, which was held in Jerusalem. Funds for the $210 million pro- - gram are evenly divided among 14 philanthropists, world Jewish com- munities — largely the federation system — and the Israeli govern- ment. But the United Jewish Communities, the umbrella organi- zation for North American federa- tions, has failed to get all of its members to allocate the amounts requested for the program. An internal UJC memo revealed that, as of Oct. 29, the federation - system =had fallen $7:5 million shoit. for r, program, vaiich on' has 1-e-ii 43,000 young.adults tii— - Israel from North America. Citing its economic crisis, Israel plans to withdraw all but a token amount of funding for the program this year. Funding levels will return to normal after this year, Israeli officials said. However, judging from past diffi- culties in raising money for the pro- gram, Lynn Schusterman — whose philanthropic foundation has pro- vided $5 million for the program — is skeptical that Birthright's future funding is assured. "We have two partners that aren't at the table," she said. "The philan- thropists are great," but we have 11/21 2003 18 Constantinople. But the Jewish community start- ed truly to develop only after the arrival of the Spanish Jews in 1492. They created important centers of Jewish life in Istanbul, Izmir and Salonika, which is now part of Greece. The Ottomans provided a sort of limited autonomy to the religious Schusterman communities under their rule, which allowed Jewish life in the empire to flourish. For example, many of the Ottoman court physi- cians were Jewish. At the beginning of the 20th century, just before the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the Jewish population in the area that is now Bibi's Opposition Turkey numbered over 100,000, Natan Sharansky, Israel's mostly Sephardim, with sizable minister of diaspora affairs Jewish communities ranging from and Birthright's steering the country's Anatolian heartland Sharansky committee chairman, to its Aegean coast and its border announced recently that "all with Syria. partners will continue their Turkey's Jewish population today Agency Support commitment for the next five years, is estimated at 25,000. Driven Meanwhile, the. Jewish Agency for and then renew for the next 500 away by political and economic Israel, a UJC beneficiary, plans to years. turbulence and lured by the possi- increase funding for Birthright. But insiders say Sharansky is not bility of living in nearby Israel, We have increasingly upped the the stumbling block to Israel's fund- ante, so to speak, in putting in more Turkish Jews left the country in ing; Benjamin Netanyahu is. As great waves starting in the late money this year geared to young- finance minister, Netanyahu — who 1940s. They left behind Jewish is said-to be lukewarm on Birthright sters wanting to go to Birthright communities that — with the from the former Soviet Union" and — wields more control over Israeli exception of Istanbul, and to a less- " countries where the communities government funding for the pro- er extent Izmir, which has a Jewish there don't have the assets to send gram. population of around 2,000 — are them," said Carole Solomon, chair- A spokesman said Netanyahu either struggling to survive or have woman of the Jewish Agency's board would not comment on the issue. ceased to exist. of governors. In the federation system, UJC In Istanbul, the community Solomon could not say how much CEO Stephen Hoffman is promot- maintains:,scveral institutions, the. agency would provide this year, ing the -program,_ which has been a hiih - since 4ts budget procesS4#ot yet of the-largest .providers of.: ed. Israalityrifig the tal;As in Ottoman times, the com- However, the Jewish Agency (uprising). hi an Palestinian intifada munity is headed by a chief rabbi would probably be close to dou- Oct. 31 memo to federations, known as the hahambashi. bliria our commitment," she said. "I Hoffman included a personal anec- Jews and Muslims traditionally think b there's been a tremendous dote, about visiting his daughter's have gotten along well in Turkey, " investment, and not just financial, university, to illustrate the need to which is officially secular and in Birthright, Solomon said. Data reach out to Jewish youth. which — as a non-Arab country proves that it is an extraordinary "I was struck hard by the realiza- — has pursued policies starkly dif- tion of how little I really understand life-changing experience for these ferent from Turkey's Arab neigh- youngsters." this younger generation," Hoffman bors. In light of the recent National said. As a system, we need to col- Military and economic ties with Jewish Population Survey 2000-01, lectively pause and ask whether we Israel are strong, and despite hav- which Solomon said showed a understand how the next generation ing earned Turkey harsh criticism shrinking Jewish population in the identifies themselves as Jews." in the Arab world, those ties have United States, "anything that works "Too many federations have not persevered under governments of that positively" is worth "whatever fulfilled their full requested shares," varying ideologies. support we can give it," she said. I i he continued. "Is it really about lirn- ited funds, or too many priorities? Or is it our failure to understand the different way we have to reach this generation?" Marlene Post, chair- woman of Birthright Israel USA, said she is "optimistic" that Hoffman can get federa- tions to pay. Until now, she said, Hoffman has been preoccupied with reshaping UJC, an organization formed four years ago from a merger of the Council of Jewish Federations, United Jewish Appeal and United Israel Appeal. "What you're seeing is that this is a new focus," Post said. two other partners that are n 0 t. A major supporter is Michael Steinhardt, chair- man of Jewish Renasissance Media, the parent company of the Detroit Jewish News. "The Israeli government, of course, has said that they'll be there, Schusterman said, but (( when they made their first commitment, they were going to be there and they're not — and the same for the federations." 3) 7! • C C CC