WILL EISNER _ . T wenty-five years ago, During the time I spent observing life in the Salomon household, I learned how Jews succeeded in rising in this world. Will Eisner revolution- ized the comic book '7;)) • s 4- 1. u.NroRTUNA-MLY, MR ,' ) - h 5/c+1.0mON,r`m UNABLE t. - 10 RE pANi youR LoAt.J. -•. - •70:,,, i'Cici M•/ LUcK AT IHE -TABL 5 . HA; BEEN BAD;('SEE!',; ``.- -. I 'th his 4 Contract with God, a - wELO/OuR 1 -' tory about Jews in the Bronx that turned comics into litera- Jure. That book, along with rrigRE MAY BE oTOES \4A' meE-r THE Na-1E -rHAT M4- r riNr ACCEPTABLE i. - earlier groundbreaking works fike The Spirit, influenced people like Art Spiegelman (Maus), Ben Katchor (The Jew of New York), and Harvey Pekar (American Splendor), who are considered among today's most influential American writers/artists. 71) \ Eisner is back •this fall with another comic revolution - Fagin \lotAR RELIGION MA'! BE A pRosLem - rHERE mmmm BUTT BELJeVE 1 CAN EXERT 0/\AE NFL. 1.1 gNCE-ALL RIGHT" R -*DU' AN A PPOiNTMEN -r/ the je-a, (Doubleday). Whereas the Fagin of Dickens' Oliver wig- was a simplistic and stereo- ical thief, Eisner's Fagin is plex, tortured character : ing to combat poverty and discrimination in the slums of Victorian England. Fagin is no ., ., . - :- _ PRO ViDg D • VOLT po .4 wiLL OF , • • AD VANCE to g1000 AGAINST • */ M)1 PUtuRE r•iE.- 51:5(43),,, t1. 1 , -„, ...,,,,; - Al l'ir15 TAB LF 5 I , . r-r iNA4 E.NTERpRi ELSE COLIL.P A . • N G5T5Licri AN .APPoN -risNENT - angel, but his story - told to a 1------ chastened Charles Dickens - is a bracing corrective to the portrayal of the most famous Jewish anti- - hero since Shylock. .1.0_••1113 .0”.•••17.* ..... ••• C....ea f7■;, if Copylight by Will Eisner. MI rights reserved. Reprinted by termisth • • of Doubles . The National Foundation for Jewish Culture would like to thank the following sponsors of the Jewish Literary Supplement: Phyllis Friedman • EDTFING. CON-FENT \ND .DESIGN ATI I V 1) \ yip Biii BERMAN Associsi±:i.x.. • JFAVISil CO:\IMCNiTY FEDERATION 01-13AL1INIORT EWISI1 (111U Milwaukee Houston POOR J a AL:GUST R. Too \ AVERN Cot N Los Angeles LAWRENCE JAC ;KIER jE\ViS11 ZEI:rzER TION . N • D - Ti Hor\ps vrkiNAL .(L:jiLki IX . • 1. 11: SAN DIR.(' :\l& \ 0N .F'OR,' - 1111.1 ALFA M. AND FouNDArioN NE San Diego FuLARvrioN FoR jrAvN I . ANE.;ELES A San Francisco .11:AVISI ITCH:ND i ION Ft I' • \\ iIi (:0\TAIL NI I \ \I; N) .1; N)