RACHEL JACOBSOHN Law fails to satisfy Ozick's rabbi, who Abraham's despair and Isaac's wound. As begins to read Romantic poetry and to the novel fills in these gaps in the original seek out the "free spirits" of the natural narrative, it augments our memory of the world, abandoning the sacred texts, his collective past. wife and daughters. He knows that faith- Two other recent novels carry the fulness to the Law obliges him to turn midrashic impulse toward more hopeful away from natural beauty and the storied visions of possibility. Allegra Goodman's wealth of western culture. He learns that Paradise Park (2001) embeds within a long, "freedom" means the loss of family love, picaresque tale of a girl's search for a spiri- spiritual comfort, and the multiple bound- tual "home" one dazzling, epiphanic aries that regulate the lives of individuals moment in which - as in the book of Job - within this group. His profound ambiva- the power and beauty of God's work lence shows us ourselves, always working become manifest. From deep within this on the limits of our own freedoms. In such dusty, littered fictional world a great whale, circumstances the undertow of our sources Leviathan, suddenly surfaces, "as if the becomes irresistible. If only to reassure us whole ocean was sliding open": "the sky that conflict has always been with us. Isaac swung back in liquid gold, the air mixed walks in the field, and Ozick's rabbi leaps with the water....all of a sudden I'd seen it - the fence of the Law to fall in love with the all the power under the world, all this pres- heartless spirit of a tree. Thus the ence and wisdom that wasn't human." midrashic impulse "instructs" collective There is no divine voice here, to ask this memory, as Susan Sontag pointed out, protagonist where she was when Leviathan reminding us of who we have been. was created. But the vision persists While evil and turmoil wreak havoc plation that may, just may, sustain us, and bring us peace. Whom do I look Todd Gitlin's The Sacrifice (1999) seems through her journey, reassuring her (and to rise from midrashic concern with famil- us?) that even exile may include living ial, rather than cultural, malaise. As Ozick's human life: "Life is glass. What shatters, visions from the collective past. Aryeh Lev Stollman's The illuminated Soul (1997) imagines also what it means to be exiled from a past in which such visions — and the accompanying voice of their Creator — were first experienced. But the novel brilliantly connects the experience of contemporary exile with its Biblical proto- type, suggesting that memory itself may become home. Stollman's protagonist will study all his life the brain and its power to remember. As he prepares for public read- ing the passage that describes the silver trumpets used for "the calling of assem- blies and for the journeying of the camps [of the Israelites] in the wilderness," a beautiful woman enters his house: she stands in "two broad bands" of sunlight Rachel jacobsohn is author of The Reading stays shattered...." Told from both the that seem to him like the "silvery trumpets" he Group Handbook and writes/publishes the father's and the son's point of view, the fic- has been studying. A European refugee, newsjournal Reverberations for the Association of tion attempts to understand both continued on page 23 "Pagan Rabbi" shows us — through the lens of Isaac's unexplained walking in the field - - our susceptibility to the seductions of the natural and cultural world, Gitlin's novel turns the lens. of Abraham's, Isaac's and Esau's biblical experience toward the knot of thwarted paternal love. Gitlin's patriarch gets two tries: one, obedient to convention, and another that follows impulse. Both cul- minate in the sacrifice of a child to a father's will. Scarred by his own father's failures of love, Gitlin's patriarch attributes his pater- nal failures to both the "endless begats of neurosis," and the inescapable irony of to among those blessed greatly with the power to create words? Cynthia Ozick, Grace Paley, David Grossman, Natalia Ginzburg, Nathan Englander, , Shulamith Hareven, I.B. Singer, and Rebecca Goldstein. These are the - writers who create peace — something .7 -• - • possible in words, if not in the world. Book Group Readers and Leaders. NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR JEWISH CULTURE 21