NELLY REIFLER n Friday evenings during the school year, Julia. uncle Maurice- Julian walked out of the kitchen and went to fIerzl's brother—came over with his kneel next to Peter, who was inspecting a Frank son Peter. This visit would be their first since Zappa record he'd taken out of a faded card- May. The doorbell rang at eight o'clock. Herzl board jacket. Julian remembered Peter prying was resting upstairs in the bedroom. Julian ran open a clamshell once -on a trip to the beach, down the front hall in his socks, sliding the last forcing it open to see the live clam. Julian had few feet. He opened the door and let in his uncle been content to look at the pretty outsides of anclconSin: Uncle Maurice was divorced, and he _ . the shell. Peter liked to open things up and was :religious . 'He - .Peter: wore crocheted touch them. Peter handed the record to Julian and said, es,- w "ch were held in place with bobby - - - . ice bent dirt-on-'''-16-*"hug Julian, while "Remember when we went with your dad to the Peter leaned back into the shadows near the door. radio station?" Julian nodded. Herzl's friend Al Nelly Reifler's stories He was twelve, and he had recently experienced a was a DJ at WROC. They went the night Al did growth spurt. He was covered in a new padding a phone interview with Frank Zappa, and Peter have appeared in of flesh, and his black hair hung down to his chin. had gotten to ask a question on the air. As he took He • wore his shirt untucked, had fancy suede the black vinyl disk from Peter, Julian saw his sneakers, and carried a leather backpack. He said, own slender, bony hand, with its thin skin and "What's_ up?". to Julian. His voice was husky. just a few silky blond hairs—and he saw his Photo by Rossa Cole The Florida Review, Exquisite Corpse, Bomb, Post Road, Black Book and the anthology 1 10 Stories: Julian took Uncle Maurice's hand and pulled him into the hot, humid kitchen. The window to forehead on her sleeve, then - turned to receive His voice came out high and flutey, like a far- Uncle Maurice's hug. Rebecca's hands were coat- away child's. ed in lentil loaf batter,. and Julian watched them caked in 'a' drying brown dust. There was a big rectangle cut out of the wall After September 1 1. "Julian" appears in her "Where's your dad tonight?" asked Peter. -- "Taking a nap," Julian said. "He'll wake up for dinner." "Let's go up to your room." between the kitchen and the living room. Julian could see Peter kneeling on the rug, flipping • The walls- of. Jillion's. room were covered in through' Herzl's 'record collection-. posters from Nationalograpkie World, mostly first collection of stories, See Through. nails, and two skinned knuckles. "Do you want to play?" Julian asked his cousin. . New York Writes cousin's hand, his thick fingers, tough, chewed the garden was-steamed over. Rebecca wiped her the air .behind his uncle. :They were 16 Rebecca began. "How is he?" Maurice was asking Rebecca. fish and frogs. There was also a souvenir picture "I don't know, something happened this .after- from the Nutcracker Suite that noon. He was in the backyard with Julian—" NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR JEWISH CULTURE had- rnegpvto take down before his cousin came over. He knew