a l a Jewish Literary c _upplement There still was danger, of course. Great danger. But the thought of the danger didn't dampen Galina's ardor; on the contrary, it made her all the more enthusiastic. — FROM THERE ARE JEWS IN MY HOUSE ' BY LARA VAPNYAR things and come to my place. We have to make it knew her way around it. When Galina threw before morning," she said breathlessly to Raya as birthday parties, Raya, who always came early soon as she entered her dark hall. Raya, still fully to help, was rushing from the kitchen to the dressed, but without her coat, -rushed up to living room and back, helping Galina to set the Galina and burst out sobbing. She mumbled table and bring the dishes in. And when the something rapidly while clenching Galina's guests came, Raya met them in the hall and shoulders. The words coming from her mouth told them where to put their _coats and led seemed to be drenched with snot. They were them cheerfully into the living room; Now she hard to make out. They were about the great risk stood barefoot on the knitted doormat—she for Galina and Tanya, and that Raya couldn't had just taken off her boots— asking where to accept this, that she and Leeza had better try to put Leeza's and her coats. Galina gave them sneak out of the town, walk to the woods and hide slippers and led them to the back room. They there, and then again about the sacrifice, the great risk for Galina and that she couldn't accept "This is it. Galina felt Raya's sharp chin and sticky tears on her shoulder. She had the urge to dry herself, but she had to wait until Raya was through. She been prepared. She glanced around the room the end," still fully clothed, hunched in the corner of the Raya said. She felt her excitement fading. Galina looked at Leeza's sharp shoulders between her knees. These two lives were now completely dependent on her; their very exis- tence was in her hands. Galina desperately "We're sofa. Galina saw that her invitation had been expected for a long time and already accepted. adultlike. Nobody knew what to do next. under a checkered dress, Raya's hands folded and saw Raya's unpacked suitcase by the door, her coat, dropped on the chair, and Leeza, also who had been woken up and told everything, sat in her bed, trying hard to look serious and ]mew that Raya's tears were sincere, but at the same time she sensed that her little speech had went there timidly and sat on the bed. Tanya, wanted to back out, to say: "No, no, you can't stay here. It's not for me. I am the wrong type of person. I am not prepared." But it was too going to late to change anything. 'Later, Raya and Leeza stood silently in the Copyright Lara Vapnyar. Excerpted by permis- hall of Galina's apartment. Raya had been at sion -ofthe author from There are Jews in My Galina's place hundreds of times before and House (Pantheon,' 2003). NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR JEWISH CULTURE