Sweet Smells Jewish tradition and aromatherapy freshen the way for your family. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM AppleTree Editor. S oon after setting out into the desert, leading the Jewish people on their exo- dus from Egypt, Moses received a commandment that would no doubt appeal to modern-day advocates of aromatherapy. At hand: the power of fragrance. Moses, God said, was to create a holy oil, made of "pure myrrh ... and of sweet cinnamon ... and of sweet calamus ... and of olive oil." This was to be used only for consecrating Aaron and his sons, making them priests from that day forward. The fragrance was a rare and spe- cial blend whose true. ingredients can only be guessed at today; most schol- ars doubt that the myrrh of ancient days is the myrrh we know now What is clear: Scent can be holy. It can elevate us, it can revive us, it can refreshen and renew us. Perfume, Ecclesiastes 10:1 and Proverbs 27:9 say, "rejoices the heart" and is the "oil of gladness." Today, health-food stores are filled with natural oils and remedies that promise to help cure everything from backache to heartache. For a price, you can hire your own aro- matherapy "practitioner," who will prescribe a scent to help you relieve stress or find more self-confidence. It all seems so new-age, but ancient Jewish texts are actually filled with insight on the uses of fragrance — including for your family GETTING STARTED Note: Before trying these, or any other holistic/aromatherapy formu- las, consult your physician. The first step is to learn the proper way to use the oils them- selves: In The Bath: Add a few drops of essential oils as you're running water for a relaxing bath. Usually, up to 5 drops of essen- tial oil is appropriate for children aged 2-5, about 10 for children over 5. Essential oil baths are not recommended for babies. 11/ 7 2003 40 - Be sure to start with a small amount when first using the oils to make certain your children do not experience any skin irritation. Essential oils will not diffuse in water, so you will notice little droplets floating. Just mix them in the water to blend as much as possi- ble. As A Room Freshener. Combine essential oil with water and use in a spray bottle. In Massage. With sweet almond oil as your base, add a few drops of essential oil to make a pleasant mas- sage lotion. Start with a drop or two of essential oil to be certain your child has no averse reactions. Candles And Beyond: Look for can- dles in your favorite scent, or dif- fusers and scent rings (available at candle and health-food stores). Steaming. Place a bowl of steaming water (far from the bed, of course) in a child's or baby's room. Add a drop or two of essential oil to the water. On A Cloth: Years ago, women scented their handkerchiefs with their favorite perfume. They would carry this around with them all day, help- ing them smell sweet from morning to afternoon. After testing fabric (essential oils can stain), try keeping your favorite aroma with you all day by placing a few dots on a handkerchief. Go To The Store. If all else fails, see what's already out there. Johnson & Johnson makes a laven- der bath for baby you may want to try. Jewish texts, including the Torah itself, are filled with references to fra- grances, many of which are today rec- ommended for use with children. The following fragrances all have a Jewish connection and are generally recognized as safe for children. ROSE The Jewish Angle: Fragrant roses came to Israel from Persia (though two species of rose grows wild in Israel, neither of these has a pleasant scent). Its Persian name was varda, which accounts for its Hebrew name, vered. Though the Torah does not men- tion the rose, many Jewish texts do cite it, especially rabbinic literature where youth is said to be "like a crown of roses," and where one rabbi was said to be like a crown of red roses atop a silver cup of pomegran- ate seeds. Some Jewish literature recommends the use of rosewater for medicinal purposes, while ancient Jews were known to have dined on rose jam. When To Use: Aromatherapists advocate rose oil for a number of skin problems, including wrinkles, eczema and puffiness. Smelling rose is said to help overcome sadness and depression, help with low self-esteem and open a closed heart. Rose has been used in perfumes for thousands of years, and the most expensive rose oil is from the Bulgarian rose otto, grown only with- in 240 square miles. It takes 30 roses to make a mere one drop of Bulgarian rose otto. LAVENDER The Jewish .Angle: Rabbinic writings discuss the use of lavender both as a perfume and as a medicine. When To Use Lavender is believed. to sooth burns and other wounds. It may help with scarring and skin trou- bles in general, including acne and athlete's foot. Some have found lavender to be useful in combating sinus problems and other respiratory concerns, for colic, high-blood pressure and ring- worm. Among parents,•lavender is best known as a soothing scent. Children who have a difficult time sleeping may benefit from a compress or dif- fuser with a drop of lavender oil. Moms, note: lavender also may help with nervous exhaustion. MINT The Jewish Angle: For thousands of years, Jews have extracted the oil from mint leaves to use as a spice. In the Mishnah, this oil is called minta, and in the Jerusalem Talmud it is called na'ana. Today, four species of mint grow wild in Israel, and tea with na'ana (also the Arabic name for mint) is one of the most popular drinks in modern Israel. When To Use Mint is probably 4