Kristallnacht Remembered jihad (holy war), and with suicide actions to liberate their country from the occupiers. Arafat has made promises. The question to ask now is, which prom- ises is he trying to fulfill? The prom- ises he makes to the West are empty; the ones he makes in Arabic to his people are the ones that he really pays attention to. It has been eight years this week since Rabin was assassinated. Ten years have passed since Rabin and Arafat shook hands and promised to work toward peace. Learning From Egypt It is coming up on 26 years (on Nov. 19) since Anwar Sadat's "Egyptian One" plane landed in Israel. Sadat's promise to his country, made passionately to his people in Arabic, was unambiguous. "Israel would be astonished when they hear me say this. But I say it. I am ready to go even to their home ... to the Knesset and dis- cuss peace with them if need be." It should be noted that Sadat's part- ner was Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin who, at the time, was considered the least likely candi- date to engage in peacemaking with Egypt. These brave leaders promised to work for peace. Sadat promised and kept his promise to establish rela- tions with the State of Israel. Begin promised to return the Sinai, even if it meant removing established Jewish settlements, as long as Egypt kept its promises. The two countries continue to enjoy peace. Even if it is a colder peace than in years past, it endures. What has endured with Arafat is not peace. What endures with the Palestinian leadership are broken promises. If Israel is to act like a Begin, like a Rabin, it needs a part- _ ner to act like a Sadat. Israel needs a partner to act on the promises made. It needs a Palestinian leader who, like Sadat, is willing to say, in Arabic, that the ter- ror will end, that the children of Palestine will be taught co-existence instead of hatred, and that two states will live in peace side by side. Israel doesn't need to be friends with Palestine. It needs security for its citizens. It needs its neighbors, like Egypt, and Jordan, to respect its sov- ereignty. Yasser Arafat promises his people that they will get the whole land of Israel. Well, he can't have it. ❑ Council, the umbrella group for the sultations," and he extended New York City four largest Jewish defense organiza- the vis- ixty-five years ago tions, met in New York City to itors' visas of the approxi- this week, Nazi decide their response to the Nazi mately 12,000 German storm troopers car- violence. Jewish refugees who were ried out the infa- Worried about stirring up domes- then in the United States. mous Kristallnacht pogrom But at the same time, FDR tic anti-Semitism, they resolved against the Jews of Germany. announced that liberalization "that there should be no parades, On Nov. 9 and 10, 1938, public demonstrations or protests by about 100 Jews were mur- DR. RAFAEL of America's tight immigra- Jews" and that although "on human- tion quotas was "not in con- dered and 30,000 more were MEDOFF itarian grounds, mass immigration Christian templation." The sent to concentration camps. Special of German Jews could not be echoed Science Monitor Nearly 200 synagogues were Commentary opposed ... at least for the time Roosevelt's position, telling burned down. More than being, nothing should be done with its readers that prayer, not 7,000 Jewish-owned busi- regard to this matter." more immigration, was the best nesses were destroyed. When FDR asked his closest The vast amount of shattered glass response to the persecution of Jewish adviser, Samuel Rosenman — German Jewry. from the windows of Jewish homes a prominent member of the In the wake of Kristallnacht, and shops gave the rampage its American Jewish Committee — if humanitarian-minded members of name, Crystal Night, or Night of more Jewish refugees should be Congress introduced legislation to the Broken Glass. allowed to enter the U.S. in the aid German Jewry. A bill sponsored During the previous five years, wake of Kristallnacht, Rosenman Germany's Jews had been stripped of by Sen. Robert F. Wagner, D-N.Y., opposed such a move because "it and Rep. Edith Rogers, R-Mass., their legal rights and subjected to would create a Jewish problem in proposed the admission of 20,000 occasional outbursts of violence, but German refugee children outside the the U.S." nothing comparable to the systemat- Four months before Kristallnacht, quotas. ic, nationwide devastation of the Roosevelt administration had Nativist and isolationist groups Kristallnacht. organized a conference in Evian, vociferously opposed the Wagner- Hitler's persecution of the Jews France, which brought together del- Rogers bill. Typical of their perspec- assumed a new and terrifying char- egates from 32 countries to discuss tive was a remark by FDR's cousin, acter in the autumn of 1938. Now, the Jewish refugee problem. But the Laura Delano Houghteling, who was the fuhrer awaited the world's delegates reaffirmed their unwilling- response, to see whether there would the wife of the U.S. commissioner ness to liberalize their immigration of immigration. She warned that be any serious international opposi- quotas, and the British refused to "20,000 charming children would tion to his anti-Jewish policies. even discuss Palestine as a possible all too soon grow into 20,000 ugly The American public was fully haven. adults." informed regarding the events in Some critics later pointed out that An appeal to FDR by First Lady Germany. Detailed reports about "Evian" was "Naive" spelled back- Eleanor Roosevelt for his support of Kristallnacht appeared repeatedly on wards. The real problem was not the bill fell on deaf ears. And an the front pages of the nation's news- naivete, but calculated indifference; papers during the days following the inquiry by a congresswoman as to the U.S. administration had con- the president's position was returned pogrom. sciously convened the gathering to to FDR's secretary marked, "File No However, some newspapers had give the impression that the free action FDR." difficulty acknowledging that the world was taking action, when it Mindful of polls showing most Nazis were motivated by hatred of was doing nothing of the sort. Americans opposed to more immi- Jews. A New York Times editorial One German newspaper's com- gration, Roosevelt preferred to fol- argued that the Hitler regime's real ment on Evian stands out: "We can low public opinion rather than lead motive was financial — that the see that one likes to pity the Jews ... it. Without his support, the purpose of the violence was to but no state is prepared to ... accept Wagner-Rogers bill was buried in "make a profit for itself out of legal- a few thousand Jews. Thus the con- committee. ized loot." Likewise, the Baltimore ference serves to justify Germany's the Ironically, when Pets Magazine Sun characterized the pogrom as a policy against Jewry." following year launched a campaign "money collecting enterprise. Kristallnacht did not fundamen- to have Americans take in pure-bred tally alter the international commu- British puppies so they would not FDR Weighs In nity's response to Hitler. There were be harmed by German bombing President Franklin D. Roosevelt raids, the magazine was flooded with many verbal condemnations, but no responded to Kristallnacht with a economic sanctions against Nazi several thousand offers of haven for sharp verbal condemnation and two Germany, no severing of diplomatic the dogs. gestures. He recalled the U.S. relations, no easing of immigration ambassador from Germany for "con- quotas, not even a complete opening Jewish Response of the gates to the Jews' own ancient homeland. American Jewish organizations were Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of the The free world's muted reaction to David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust reluctant to challenge either the the Kristallnacht pogrom foreshad- Studies, which focuses on issues related to administration's policy or the pre- owed the terrible silence with which vailing public mood. America's response to the Holocaust. His it would greet the Nazis' Final Three days after Kristallnacht, e-mail address is Solution. ❑ representatives of the General Jewish rafaelmeodoPaoLcorn " 11! 7 2003 39