Not your typical holistic medicine doctor? He laughs. "Yeah, people always ask me how a high techno priest of medical science got involved in something like this. But it's not incongruous at all." With the Halperin Kahn support, he will investigate which holistic techniques work. "There are some good things that science has already been able to prove, like the value of meditation — it controls blood pressure," he says. Other studies have shown that some herbal alternatives have no effect or are dan- gerous. The herb gugulipid, for instance, once thought to control cholesterol, turned out to have no effect. Laetril, made from the pits of apricots and peaches and once considered a cure for cancer, turned out to be deadly. The active ingredi- ent is cyanide. Currently, Dr. Bolling is studying the active ingredient in grape skins. "Why do the French, who eat such high-fat diets — with lard and fat and cream sauce — have low incidence of heart disease?" he asks. The answer may be found in grapes. "Americans are spending $30 billion a year on these techniques — herbals, mas- sage, acupuncture," Dr. Bolling says. "So whether you're a non-believer or a believ- er, these kinds of therapies are here to stay. The public wants to know what works and what doesn't. "The intent and effort of the medical school is to validate inte- grative medicine therapies for the public. We're grateful to Mr. Kahn because his gift will play an essential part in realizing that goal." Dr. Bolling doesn't like the term "alternative" — it sounds so black and white, Western medicine versus non-Western. "Comple- mentary" sounds like a condiment, he says. He prefers the term integrative medicine — a program that integrates the best in Western and non-Western medicine. "Dr. Bolling has put his reputation on the line," says Dr. Warber. "I believe Steve's emphasis on research is a critical piece needed to bring credibility to this field and to convince others about this pro- gram." Her dream is that it will provide a high level of service to patients and serve as a bridge between conventional physicians and alterna- tive providers. She also wants to create a team approach. Above: Dr. Steven "I hope to influence young health care providers to see the whole Bolling and Mark person and use whatever modality will be helpful," she said. .1 /41 Kahn at U-M "People in medicine do care, but we don't always have the tools Medical Center in and infrastructure to express it the best we can. We hope integrative Ann Arbor. medicine can help us find the way." See Left: Dr. Steven related For information, call the I M Well Center, '4 Bolling, Dr. Sara story (734) 998-6649. Warber and Mark page Kahn 58. 10/31 2003 57