Ask about our early lease V- termination 11 7 program! • day or an American holiday, so we prepare for weeks and weeks for our don't observe it." costumes and do a great big mishloach Her three children, Avi, 5, Elana, manot (Purim package) project with 7, and Naomi, 11, all Yeshivat Akiva friends and the community. The students, do not trick-or-treat. But whole emphasis is different. The the reason they don't comes from emphasis of Halloween is how much explanations given in their home. you can get, while on Purim, the "I personally explained that we emphasis is on how much you can have Sukkah-hopping where we eat give." the treats in the presence of the And even on the "getting" holiday giver; no taking treats of Halloween, her children home in a bag because the take a portion of their mitzvah is to eat in the goodies to Yad Ezra, the sukkah," Greenbaum said. kosher food bank in "It would not occur to Berkley. them to go trick-or-treat- Jordana Weiss, director of ing. They know about the Adat Shalom Nursery costumes and the trick-or- School and Kindergarten, treating from TV and from said, "Our emphasis is on passing out candy to the the rich and wonderful Silberberg trick-or-treaters in our neigh- Jewish holidays that we have borhood," Greenbaum said. "Even if — and on holidays celebrating we were not observant, in this day United States history, such as Martin and age, I would not be comfortable Luther King Jr. Day. [We] do not for- with my children knocking on mally discuss or do projects that relate doors." to [Halloween]." In her home, she follows the same policy as in school. "We have chosen The Anti-Halloween not to let our children — Yoni, 5, "I think it's important for kids to Ari, 3, and Ilan, 5 months — trick- know the Jewish alternative to what or-treat," she said. "We made a con- is going on," Rabbi Silberberg said. scious decision that we would instead "Halloween is not our holiday, and focus, with our children, on celebrat- we have to tell our kids that. But we ing the wonderful array of Jewish hol- also need to tell them they can look idays." forward to dressing up and mas- Some of those who choose not to querading on Purim." celebrate Halloween still participate While the two holidays may share in distributing treats, which this year the similarity of costumes, that's could involve jumping up from the where it ends, said Rabbi Tzali Shabbat table. "I want to be a good Freedman of the National Conference neighbor and enjoy the kids dressed of Synagogue Youth (NCSY) in up, and my children enjoy passing Southfield. out the treats," Jill Greenbaum said. "I don't think too many kids take For Michael Hochheiser of Oak Halloween seriously as a meaningful Park, Halloween is a holiday his kids holiday," he said. "Purim, although know is not Jewish. "Our kids know it's a lot of fun, has great signifi- it's somebody else's holiday — like cance. " Christmas," he said. "So we don't cel- In fact, NCSY's Web site describes ebrate it, but we give out candy to Purim as "the anti-Halloween," citing those who do." that Halloweeners "dress up in cos- Others follow a different path. tumes and demand food on pain of "Our light is turned off on "tricks." [On Purim,] we dress up in Halloween," said Rabbi Silberberg. "If costumes and deliver gifts to our someone comes to our door anyway, friends and loved ones." we tell them: 'I hope you understand, "In our home, Halloween-plans are but we are Jewish and this is not our always last-minute and matter-of- holiday. Please come back on our fact," said Susan Chomsky of Jewish holiday of Purim' — and then Southfield. "In contrast, for Purim we I tell them the date." r.k.44.31 in Sates & Service 6 Years Run AV e, at Vi -P--)251 -3()3-5300 LINCOLN atti dt : S 8:3()-5:(g) s to Includes lcr lle4450theuti lease. David. Reaetustateo A mum New miuma P111111CHAVE11111 & Used Car Broker Sales • Leasine • Uuvino 248-851-2277 248-496-2277 get the Jewish News at school because it lets me know what's going on here and at home - Stephanie, Ann Arbor *v I get it, you should too. ITN subscribe and save! call 248.351.5174 or visit tTS 10/31 2003 17