Spirituality Torah Portion BREITLING 1884 INSTRUMENTS FOR PROFESSIONALS' Was There A Silver Lining In The Exile From Eden? Shabbat Bereshit: Genesis 1:1-6:8; I Samuel 20:18-42. 5) The serpent directly contradicts God; and the first question asked by the rabbis and by us is, "Who is cor- rect and who is not?" The answer is that God's statement is wrong and the hapter three in the Book of serpent is right! When the man and Genesis is one of the best the woman eat of the fruit they do not known stories in our Bible "deadly die on that day" and their eyes and may be the most widely are opened to the difference between known in all of literature. good and evil. And interest- The setting is simple: a ingly, nowhere does beautiful garden, lush and Scripture call this a "sin"! peaceful. "The Lord God Our rabbis wrote that eat- planted a garden in Eden ... ing the fruit from the Tree of [with] every tree that was Knowledge provided human- pleasant to the sight and ity with moral discrimina- good for food, with the Tree tion. We were able to tell the of Life in the center of the difference between right and garden and also the Tree of wrong, good and bad. Knowledge of Good and RABB I JOSEPH Indeed, it was not until we Evil." (Genesis 2:8-9) ate of that fruit that sin even KLEIN 'And the Lord God com- became a possibility! Spe cial to the manded the man, saying, This raises an interesting Jew ish News `You may freely eat of every dilemma: If the man and tree of the Garden; but as for woman had not eaten of the the Tree of the Knowledge of Good fruit, we would be no different than and Evil you shall not eat from it, for any other animal — existing and func- on that day you will certainly die!'" tioning through instinct. There would (Genesis 2:16-17) And then comes the be no sin and no atonement, no right serpent! and no wrong. Unfortunately, our reading of this So, was it God's plan for us to live story is colored by the theological forever in the Garden, or to grow out interpretation of the early Church, of it? It all becomes quite confusing — which proclaimed that because the God tempts the man to be just like first man and woman disobeyed the God, as God tells him that he shoilld- express commandment of God, ate of n't be! the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and And then God rejects the man and were therefore banned forever from woman after they achieve what we the perfection of the Garden — so all think is an admirable acquisition — men and women born into this world the ability to differentiate between carry that original sin. good and bad. Perhaps what is But that's not how we read the assumed to punishment is really the story! What is it that God tells the reward — and that exile from the man about the Tree of Knowledge? Garden is not damnation but is heav- Byom ach - lecha mnzenu — "on the day en itself! that you eat of it", mote yamute — "you will deadly die." The force of the warning resides "on.the day," and the caution is very clear that eating of the fruit will cause the man's immediate death. Yet 12 verses later, the serpent says What would we be like if Adam to the woman, "If you eat of it you and Eve had. never "eaten the will not 'deadly die,' for God knows fruit"? Though they did disobey that in the day you eat of it your eyes God, isn't it true that not until will be opened and you will be as they'd eaten the fruit did they gods, knowing [the difference know that disobedience was a between] good and evil." (Genesis 3:4- "bad" thing? Without the knowl- edge of good and evil, how can Joseph Klein is rabbi of Temple humanity choose to do mitzvot? C CROSSWIND RACING KARAGOSIAN SONS Inc. 2266 Orchard Lake Road, Sylvan, MI (at the corner of Orchard Lake & Middjebelt) 248.682.8573 WWW.BREITLING.COM 770960 ❑ Conversations Call Alicia R. Nelson for appointment Jig 10/24 2003 64 248.557.0109 Emanu-EL His e-mail address is rabbi@rabbiklein.com