OTHER VIEWS Our Jerusalem just returned from my 19th trip to the city of prophets and kings, a city devoid of natural resources, except for its clear air and stones that appear golden when the sun shines against them in the late afternoon. Jerusalem is a city that has been conquered many times in its history, yet it holds out the hope for peace and justice, where all shall sit content- ly and none shall be made afraid. The city that features Ethiopians brought from certain destruction in 20th century medieval Addis Abba walkina b alongside black-hat rabbis on its streets. The city that sees high-tech buses taking Russian-born computer programmers to work across a biblical skyline to an incubator business park. The city whose native born sabras have not known peace their entire lives, yet inspire all who see them by their determination to live to see a better day. This is the Jerusalem whose streets I roamed and drove around for 10 glo- rious days until they were saddened with the death of two among many whom I never met, yet I will never forget. Emek Refaiim is a beautiful portion of Jerusalem, filled with shops and restaurants, much like Ann Arbor or Birmingham. I ate twice on this trip at a great place called Caffit. I was supposed to be at a restaurant called I Jonathan Brateman is a Southfield resident and a former city councilman. the Olive on Tuesday night, Sept. 9, but my plans were changed. Maybe I would have seen the monster that changed the face of the world; maybe he saw me in the days before the pi gua, the terrorist attack. Dr. David Applebaum and his daughter, Nava, were dining at the Cafe Hillel the night before her wed- ding. The day of her wedding became the day of a double funeral when a suicide bomber at 11:30 p.m. deto- nated himself and threw the Applebaums' world into bloody chaos. I cannot explain why the righteous suffer, or why a man who had so much to give would be no more. This was a man who not only used his skill as the head of an emergency room, but who inspired all who knew him by his personal behavior. What deeds of kindness will be lost? What might have been? I mourn them and the others who were killed that night and over the last three years and over the last 50 plus. Feeling The Texture Jerusalem is a wonderful place. The Talmud explains the measures of its beauty. I saw archaeology from the Temple period more than 2,000 years ago. Visited museums. Ate at great restaurants, from Moroccan to Middle Eastern. I saw impressive-looking ambassa- dors deliver their credentials at the King David Hotel, and purchased jewelry and religious objects from does one pursue peace in a long-time friends on Ben- world where the front of the Yehudah and in the Old war is the front of the City's Cardo. I kibbitzed restaurant? with taxi cab drivers and chatted with political lead- ers. Jerusalem's Call Life goes on for Jerusalem. Jerusalem, I will not forsake Wednesday, a few hours after the attack, I was back on the JONAT HAN you. I will encourage all to street, praying at the Kotel, B RATE MAN visit you and to see your won- ders. From the Israel Museum the Western Wall, and tour- Comm unity and the Knesset and the Dead ing the Migdal David, the Vie ws Sea Scrolls in your modern Tower of David. I also acropolis to the holy places at shopped on King David which Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David Street for some gifts for friends. and Solomon prayed and walked and When I ate at the Ticho House lived. that evening, I knew I would be The prophet Jeremiah had faith in packing and preparing for my jour- a brighter day for this city when he ney back to Michigan. I used my said at the time of its destruction, video camera and recorded the "There will once again be heard in images of a Jerusalem evening one the streets of Jerusalem the sound of more time. happiness and joy, the voice of the Is it the jet lag or is day and night bride and the groom." He purchased and time itself on its head since the a piece of land when all around him trip? Do my senses miss the spices were fleeing. His prophecy was real- of the meals, the pull of my friends ized when a portion of those exiled wishing me well and the aroma of were able to return. the "upside down" coffee? I will also continue to return. I am Absolutely. looking forward to my trip next year. The garden at the King David I have full confidence that, with was a place of respite from all the God's help, when I will say the words world around me. The chanting of "Next Year in Jerusalem" at the con- heartfelt prayers at the Great clusion of Yom Kippur, I will be able Synagogue and seeing those dear to to fulfill that statement. me engaged in song brought me I have faith that the best days of great comfort. Jerusalem are still ahead of it, with all Who is the man who loves life, the challenges and all the difficulties. asks the psalmist? What plan should I love our Jerusalem. ❑ a person follow? David gives us an answer: to pursue peace. But, how An Impossible Question Jerusalem few weeks ago, on the night of the horrific terrorist attack on Cafe Hillel in Jerusalem, my wife and I received a phone call from Detroit from our friend Norma. It was close to one in the morning. She and her husband, Michael, and their four young children were set to leave the next day for a 10-day visit to Israel. Norma was distraught. In addition to her sadness over this latest atrocity A Robert Sarner is a senior reporter/edi- tor on Israel's only English-language daily TV show. Before moving to Israel in 1990, he was a writer and magazine editor in Paris and Toronto. His e-mail address is rsarner@netvision.net.il 9/26 2003 44 terrorist war three years ago, and her concern for our well many countries issued travel being, she and Michael were advisories warning their citi- torn by what to do. After zens against visiting Israel. months of eagerly awaiting the Hundreds of thousands of trip, which was to include people have canceled trips to attending a friend's wedding in Israel, decimating its tourism Rishon Lezion near Tel Aviv, industry. they were now on the verge of "Robert, tell me honestly," ROBERT canceling it Norma beseeched me. "You Even before this latest sui- SARNER know how much we were cide bombing in Jerusalem and Special another earlier in the day near Commentary looking forward to this trip. But with the situation seem- Rishon Lezion, many people ingly getting even worse, do had discouraged them from you think we should come?" coining to Israel. Some told them out- This was not the first time friends right they were crazy, if not irresponsi- overseas have called or e-mailed me ble, to subject their children to such a with such a question. In recent years, perilous situation. most Israelis with friends and relatives Since the Palestinians launched their . abroad have been asked the same thing. "I can't really answer that," I told Norma. "If you want, we can talk sta- tistics and I could tell you it's far more dangerous to drive on Israel's highways than to go to a local cafe or restaurant. I could say it's riskier going downtown in Detroit than walking around the center of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. But the issue, of course, is not simply numbers." • This didn't really help Norma resolve her dilemma but I couldn't answer otherwise. "Of course, we would love to see you here," I told her. "But we will never tell you that you should come. It's a personal mat- IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION on page 46